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From A Wiki in the Desert
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Latest revision as of 23:58, 25 May 2021

  • Pharaoh: 'afternoon all...
  • InambaGuum: howdy
  • Pharaoh: So first off...
  • Pharaoh: Four Monuments, given our population, is fantastic.
  • Pharaoh: (And I understand that leadership is close.)
  • Pharaoh: Anyone know how many supporters/ranks are still remaining?
  • Pharaoh: (Seems there's a problem with the microphone, one sec.)
  • Pharaoh: Test
  • InambaGuum: as of earlier today, we needed 1 sage, 1 master, 9 prentices, and 2 students.
  • Asheara: and a few confirmations
  • Pharaoh: Ok, so still a chance.
  • Pharaoh: The last "full win" was Tale 3...
  • Pharaoh: So 1 and 3 were full wins, tale 2 build 4 monuments IIRC...
  • InambaGuum: pretty good if we got the same number of monuments as T2. they had a lot more folks than we do.
  • Pharaoh: Tale 4 built one I believe, though it was a "false monument" due to the special rules for that Tale.
  • Pharaoh: Yes, Tale 2 peaked at 2401 subscribers. Not sure what our peak was butnot much more than 1000 if that.
  • Pharaoh: So certainly a tighter community.
  • Pharaoh: Asheara thinks 1300 peak this Tale.
  • Rabble: T5 Ulead census peaked in the upper 900's
  • Pharaoh: Ok
  • Pharaoh: 532 right now, so that's consistant - end Tale is about half the peak.
  • Pharaoh: (Not counting GMs, etc.)
  • Sheeba: we have been in the 500's for a long time not just since the end was close
  • Pharaoh: So tell me about which seed secrets are known/rumored/reporoduced but no clue how.
  • InambaGuum: onions are known. watermelons are known. i think that might be it, right? honestly, attrition + DPA produced more seeds than seed repro methods did.
  • Pharaoh: Compare achievements with me...
  • Sheeba: I am missing one of the 104
  • Waerloga: Btw is there a place we can gather for this event? I'm feeling quite lonely here.
  • Pharaoh: So cabbage cucumbers, leeks, onions, peppers, watermelon have all had seeds duplicated, at least inadvertantly.
  • InambaGuum: a few of us are on the body monument plateau. i think maze was talking about having something at paradise plains as well.
  • Pharaoh: And cabbage.
  • InambaGuum: i think some of those seeds are showing up as being duplicated because they were by a dev. we had this debate a long time ago...most of those achievements were extant very early in the telling (like in the first few weeks).
  • Pharaoh: Ah, that's possible.
  • Asheara: if you check nvaigation, there's now an event waypoint named amnesty, you can travel to what used to be the body monument
  • Pharaoh: Monument should go here?
  • Asheara: yes where montu is
  • InambaGuum: wiki only shows onions and watermelons as being known, and that's consistent with my experience. it's certainly possible that folks have found out methods for other seeds and just not shared it with the community, but if so, they're well-kept secrets.
  • Pharaoh: (I'll recover the real one from backups for the T6 monument uncover event.)
  • InambaGuum: yeah, monument was where montu i.sPharaoh: 532 right now, so that's consistant - end Tale is about half the peak.
  • Beckrastan: too bad we can not type in Montu and go there !
  • Pharaoh: Freaky monument, this one :)
  • InambaGuum: agreed. :)
  • Pharaoh: (I'll recover Supporters & inscriptions from backup)
  • Pharaoh: But the Test is Isis's Treasure, right?
  • InambaGuum: Isis' Bounty, correct
  • Pharaoh: So I'm thinking maybe that will replace Tattoo.
  • Pharaoh: Or Oyster Catcher, though OC is a lower-level Test.
  • Taemon: Nooo, not tattoo!
  • Pharaoh: No?
  • Taemon: Replace Banquet instead.
  • Ruby: tattoo is a very popular test
  • InambaGuum: no chance it could replace acro, eh? ;) /me is pretty tired of acro, although i'm guessing that may not be a majority opinion.
  • Arahgon: tattoo is a pain ^^
  • troglin: I agree
  • Pharaoh: What about Darkest Night? Last time I proposed removing that it wasn't pretty :)
  • Taemon: NO!
  • InambaGuum: i guess part of the problem is that all of the body tests are popular with some contingents
  • Taemon: Replace acro!
  • Arahgon: better remove tattoo ^^
  • Ruby: no, not DN, lol
  • Rabble: That was before day-shrooms. Get rid of DN -- please :)
  • Ruby: yeah, remove acro, it's a pain
  • DisShovel: Very few would miss acro
  • Rabble: I would miss acro. It's one of the few tests which get us together in large groups
  • Pharaoh: The difficulty is that Acro is a low-level Test, helps bootstrap for levels.
  • DisShovel: how about fix dayshrooms instead and keep the test?
  • InambaGuum: why not make it a harmony test then?
  • Taemon: It's been around forever, and it's a pain.
  • Rabble: But acro needs to be tweaked for our smaller population
  • Waerloga: To me, Feast doesn't seem very body-like
  • InambaGuum: yeah, ,but if feast is removed, a lot of the reason for fumeology and winemaking is removed.
  • Ruby: lots of people can't do banquet on their own, needing help with beer and/or cooking
  • Waerloga: Use fumeo and winemaking in worship stuff then
  • Pharaoh: I can't make that big a change in 2 days.
  • InambaGuum: i'd vote acro personally, but probably the next best choice would be to remove oysters if swimming can still be left in (which seems like it could easily be independent of oysters
  • anyway)
  • Fuzz: look at which monuments didnt get build - that is a clue to the unpopular tests
  • Pharaoh: Ok, Architecture...
  • Pharaoh: Interesting Test
  • Taemon: Drop Funerary. That one is just mean.
  • TheMazeEcho: it's not unpopular tests or discipline, it's just a smaller population of players attempting them, because the principles are too complex
  • dedenav: it's easy :)
  • Arahgon: it sucks since the temples wont grow and change colors like they used to
  • Pharaoh: Mega perhaps? That one's been around for ages unchanged.
  • dedenav: long but easy :)
  • InambaGuum also misses the old FTs, ugly as they were.
  • Fuzz: no - Mega is fun
  • Waerloga: I love mega cause of the teamwork needed
  • Pharaoh: I agree on FT.
  • dedenav: yep
  • Ruby: mega is good
  • TheMazeEcho: Mega do have a nice feature: being able to post egypt-wide messages
  • InambaGuum: the new arch test seems most similar to library. that's what i'd vote to drop.
  • Taemon: I agree on Mega teamwork. I like it.
  • Rabble: Mega is fun and good team event. Can't stand library. Everyone who builds one passes and it's kinda silly
  • DisShovel: yeah, arch should be group stuff .. mega fits
  • Sheeba: yes I enjoyed mega
  • Taemon: I'd at least change the principle on Library.
  • Asheara: there's a wine table noth of the monument now
  • dedenav: you need to look a pyro !
  • dedenav: it's a very good test , but no one do it !!!
  • dedenav: clandard is nor good
  • DisShovel: cost issues with pyro.. I can actually build quicker in RL
  • dedenav: thx ash :)
  • Fuzz: pyro is good but make it easier to schedule pyro shows
  • InambaGuum: pyro problems mostly have to do with getting people together for shows
  • TheMazeEcho: and getting people to watch star labs, to get new stars
  • Fuzz: also more points for runners uo
  • dedenav: on T2 we dont have that :)
  • dedenav: and more people do it
  • dedenav: we 'll can't choose :)
  • Pharaoh: SLWilson is going to do a new Funerary Temple that shows off colors, but isn't but-ugly like the old one.
  • Pharaoh: Dump Library?
  • Ruby: yes
  • Taemon: Yeah.
  • troglin: yes
  • InambaGuum: yes
  • Sheeba: yes
  • TheMazeEcho: yeah
  • Fuzz: no - library is good
  • dedenav: he he
  • Waerloga: Library doesn't seem in the spirit or arch to me, it's more social having to convince people to place books
  • Rabble: please dump library :)
  • dedenav: yes library is near lead test
  • Fuzz seems to be outvoted - sigh
  • InambaGuum: sorry man. fwiw, i think libraries look cool. i'll miss seeing them.
  • Asheara: there's a wine table noth of the monument now
  • dedenav: you need to look a pyro !
  • dedenav: it's a very good test , but no one do it !!!
  • dedenav: clandard is nor good
  • DisShovel: cost issues with pyro.. I can actually build quicker in RL
  • dedenav: thx ash :)
  • Fuzz: pyro is good but make it easier to schedule pyro shows
  • InambaGuum: pyro problems mostly have to do with getting people together for shows
  • TheMazeEcho: and getting people to watch star labs, to get new stars
  • Fuzz: also more points for runners uo
  • dedenav: on T2 we dont have that :)
  • dedenav: and more people do it
  • dedenav: we 'll can't choose :)
  • Pharaoh: SLWilson is going to do a new Funerary Temple that shows off colors, but isn't but-ugly like the old one.
  • Pharaoh: Dump Library?
  • Ruby: yes
  • Taemon: Yeah.
  • troglin: yes
  • InambaGuum: yes
  • Sheeba: yes
  • TheMazeEcho: yeah
  • Fuzz: no - library is good
  • dedenav: he he
  • Waerloga: Library doesn't seem in the spirit or arch to me, it's more social having to convince people to place books
  • Rabble: please dump library :)
  • dedenav: yes library is near lead test
  • Fuzz seems to be outvoted - sigh
  • InambaGuum: sorry man. fwiw, i think libraries look cool. i'll miss seeing them.
  • TheMazeEcho: the initial library test was about enhancing the library itself, not having people write books for it, that would have been a true arch test
  • Rabble: Why not have 8 tests per discipline and keep the old ones too? More to do = good for game and more subscribers
  • Taemon: What a good idea!
  • InambaGuum: the universe would explode if we had 8 of anything.
  • Waerloga: don't mess with the "magic number" :)
  • Pharaoh: Architecture, as originally conceived at least, isn't about grinding - it's abou capitalism...
  • InambaGuum: how so?
  • Pharaoh: Getting others to work for you.
  • Pharaoh: So Phoenix formalizes that, Towers sort of does.
  • InambaGuum: yeah i don't think it's generally done that way.
  • Taemon: Hm. Didn't really work out, did it? :-)
  • TheMazeEcho: most Arch tests did work out that way, I had my guildies working to make the mats for me :Þ
  • Waerloga: Alot of people enjoy grinding, arch is probably the most popular discipline
  • Fuzz: towers isa good test but we need a better way of finding out who else is building
  • Pharaoh: So in that sense, Mega is more like a Worship Test.
  • DisShovel: towers gets easier of coarse, with smaller pop
  • DisShovel: same for obi
  • Taemon: Obi has to, with the long time before passing.
  • Pharaoh: Right. With a small population, Towers isn't actually that great a Test.
  • InambaGuum: yeah, i think if the pop were higher or the tests were scaled for significantly lower pops, we would probably be forced to do more allocation and less grinding to be competitive. as is, you really only had to build one phoenix to pass the test a lot of the time.
  • Pharaoh: We could swap out Phoenix.
  • Waerloga: some of the best teamwork me and my friends have had was during pheonix
  • TheMazeEcho: yeah
  • Fuzz: no - library is good
  • dedenav: he he
  • Waerloga: Library doesn't seem in the spirit or arch to me, it's more social having to convince people to place books
  • Rabble: please dump library :)
  • dedenav: yes library is near lead test
  • Fuzz seems to be outvoted - sigh
  • Pharaoh: So Phoenix is a stronger Test than Library overall?
  • Ruby: yeah, our guild did well on phoenix too, was great teamwork
  • Justin: nah get rid of library! it's gotta be the most pointless boring test that doesn't really feel like an Arch test
  • InambaGuum: oh, a suggestion i made to tel ages ago about arch: swap the level requirements for towers and obelisk. towers is really more newbie friendly than obelisk, and a *lot* of players have gotten burned out and quit after just a month or two of playing when they tried to grind out an obelisk early on.
  • Pharaoh: Ok
  • Rabble: I like how libraries look but the test is just boring.
  • InambaGuum: i think phoenix would be a great test with a higher pop. library seems kinda meh anyway.
  • Pharaoh: Ah, that makes sense Inamba
  • DisShovel: yeah towers<>obi makes sense
  • Pharaoh: Ok, I'm going to do that.
  • Pharaoh: And finally, Worship.
  • merek: That will make it harder to get to level 2.
  • Arahgon: and giving back the old teple look would be great
  • Emy: yeah, principles of obi easier than towers
  • Arahgon: temple
  • Justin: ouch!!!! towers principles will need to be simplified if it gets swapped with obi! building two different types is gonna be hard for noobs
  • Orrin: Agreed on that, Obe is a nice easy one you can lend the new people stuff for
  • merek: And the time between tower hours will make that much harder, too
  • Pharaoh: Can just make it "build 1 tower"
  • InambaGuum: make towers just require one type. fixed. one tower isn't any more expensive than a 7 cubit obelisk.
  • Pharaoh: Getting others to work for you.
  • Pharaoh: So Phoenix formalizes that, Towers sort of does.
  • InambaGuum: yeah i don't think it's generally done that way.
  • Taemon: Hm. Didn't really work out, did it? :-)
  • TheMazeEcho: most Arch tests did work out that way, I had my guildies working to make the mats for me :Þ
  • Waerloga: Alot of people enjoy grinding, arch is probably the most popular discipline
  • Fuzz: towers isa good test but we need a better way of finding out who else is building
  • Pharaoh: So in that sense, Mega is more like a Worship Test.
  • DisShovel: towers gets easier of coarse, with smaller pop
  • DisShovel: same for obi
  • Taemon: Obi has to, with the long time before passing.
  • Pharaoh: Right. With a small population, Towers isn't actually that great a Test.
  • InambaGuum: yeah, i think if the pop were higher or the tests were scaled for significantly lower pops, we would probably be forced to do more allocation and less grinding to be competitive. as is, you really only had to build one phoenix to pass the test a lot of the time.
  • Pharaoh: We could swap out Phoenix.
  • Waerloga: some of the best teamwork me and my friends have had was during pheonix
  • Pharaoh: So Phoenix is a stronger Test than Library overall?
  • Ruby: yeah, our guild did well on phoenix too, was great teamwork
  • Justin: nah get rid of library! it's gotta be the most pointless boring test that doesn't really feel like an Arch test
  • InambaGuum: oh, a suggestion i made to tel ages ago about arch: swap the level requirements for towers and obelisk. towers is really more newbie friendly than obelisk, and a *lot* of players have gotten burned out and quit after just a month or two of playing when they tried to grind out an obelisk early on.
  • Pharaoh: Ok
  • Rabble: I like how libraries look but the test is just boring.
  • InambaGuum: i think phoenix would be a great test with a higher pop. library seems kinda meh anyway.
  • Pharaoh: Ah, that makes sense Inamba
  • DisShovel: yeah towers<>obi makes sense
  • Pharaoh: Ok, I'm going to do that.
  • Pharaoh: And finally, Worship.
  • merek: That will make it harder to get to level 2.
  • Arahgon: and giving back the old teple look would be great
  • Emy: yeah, principles of obi easier than towers
  • Arahgon: temple
  • Justin: ouch!!!! towers principles will need to be simplified if it gets swapped with obi! building two different types is gonna be hard for noobs
  • Orrin: Agreed on that, Obe is a nice easy one you can lend the new people stuff for
  • merek: And the time between tower hours will make that much harder, too
  • Pharaoh: Can just make it "build 1 tower"
  • InambaGuum: make towers just require one type. fixed. one tower isn't any more expensive than a 7 cubit obelisk.
  • Justin: and no % of egypt owned requirement either!
  • merek: And a small construction site rather than medium?
  • Orrin: Still have the timing issue?
  • Justin: else we'll have noobs building towere till the end of tale trying to pass principles
  • Fuzz: I enjoyed building monumental towers - but could there be some reward for them
  • Orrin: It's rather a fiddle to swap those two test, what exactly would be gained?
  • InambaGuum: gah.
  • DisShovel: nooblers often get overwhelmed by obi.
  • Pharaoh: I'll take a look at the code before deciding whether to swap them.
  • Taemon: Nooblers must realise they don't have to pass rightaway.
  • Pharaoh: If it's too much surgery (principles) then I'll just leave it.
  • DisShovel: they often don't, the just quit
  • Pharaoh: Ok, Worship.
  • Taemon: I once adjusted the wiki page to that end. They can build a size 7, get all the stuff back.
  • TheMazeEcho: we had an obe kit in our guild for newbies, they just had to build the site, load mats, get level, and disassemble
  • Waerloga: Alot of people enjoy grinding, arch is probably the most popular discipline
  • Fuzz: towers isa good test but we need a better way of finding out who else is building
  • Pharaoh: So in that sense, Mega is more like a Worship Test.
  • DisShovel: towers gets easier of coarse, with smaller pop
  • DisShovel: same for obi
  • Taemon: Obi has to, with the long time before passing.
  • Pharaoh: Right. With a small population, Towers isn't actually that great a Test.
  • InambaGuum: yeah, i think if the pop were higher or the tests were scaled for significantly lower pops, we would probably be forced to do more allocation and less grinding to be competitive. as is, you really only had to build one phoenix to pass the test a lot of the time.
  • Pharaoh: We could swap out Phoenix.
  • Waerloga: some of the best teamwork me and my friends have had was during pheonix
  • Pharaoh: So Phoenix is a stronger Test than Library overall?
  • Ruby: yeah, our guild did well on phoenix too, was great teamwork
  • Justin: nah get rid of library! it's gotta be the most pointless boring test that doesn't really feel like an Arch test
  • InambaGuum: oh, a suggestion i made to tel ages ago about arch: swap the level requirements for towers and obelisk. towers is really more newbie friendly than obelisk, and a *lot* of players have gotten burned out and quit after just a month or two of playing when they tried to grind out an obelisk early on.
  • Pharaoh: Ok
  • Rabble: I like how libraries look but the test is just boring.
  • InambaGuum: i think phoenix would be a great test with a higher pop. library seems kinda meh anyway.
  • Pharaoh: Ah, that makes sense Inamba
  • DisShovel: yeah towers<>obi makes sense
  • Pharaoh: Ok, I'm going to do that.
  • Pharaoh: And finally, Worship.
  • merek: That will make it harder to get to level 2.
  • Arahgon: and giving back the old teple look would be great
  • Emy: yeah, principles of obi easier than towers
  • Arahgon: temple
  • Justin: ouch!!!! towers principles will need to be simplified if it gets swapped with obi! building two different types is gonna be hard for noobs
  • Orrin: Agreed on that, Obe is a nice easy one you can lend the new people stuff for
  • merek: And the time between tower hours will make that much harder, too
  • Pharaoh: Can just make it "build 1 tower"
  • InambaGuum: make towers just require one type. fixed. one tower isn't any more expensive than a 7 cubit obelisk.
  • Justin: and no % of egypt owned requirement either!
  • merek: And a small construction site rather than medium?
  • Orrin: Still have the timing issue?
  • Justin: else we'll have noobs building towere till the end of tale trying to pass principles
  • Fuzz: I enjoyed building monumental towers - but could there be some reward for them
  • Orrin: It's rather a fiddle to swap those two test, what exactly would be gained?
  • InambaGuum: gah.
  • DisShovel: nooblers often get overwhelmed by obi.
  • Pharaoh: I'll take a look at the code before deciding whether to swap them.
  • Taemon: Nooblers must realise they don't have to pass rightaway.
  • Pharaoh: If it's too much surgery (principles) then I'll just leave it.
  • DisShovel: they often don't, the just quit
  • Pharaoh: Ok, Worship.
  • Taemon: I once adjusted the wiki page to that end. They can build a size 7, get all the stuff back.
  • TheMazeEcho: we had an obe kit in our guild for newbies, they just had to build the site, load mats, get level, and disassemble
  • Orrin: Well, you'd have to change Porject Management 2 to < lvl 7 req?
  • InambaGuum: right. obelisk *looks* straightforward, so new players often beeline straight to it. in fact, it involves substantial grinding to be competitive, and is often drama-laced as well (queues and all). so they grind out 100 linen on student looms, hate it, decide the game sucks, and quit.
  • Orrin: Drama = good!
  • Taemon: But sheep are better.
  • InambaGuum: levels really aren't that hard to get. i think you're all way too worried about the one level you'd "lose" from having obelisk principles later on.
  • Rabble: Aye, levels were easy in T5 due to the changes from T4
  • merek: at the start, Arch is the _only_ way to get to level 2.
  • Orrin: Agreed
  • Orrin: Though, since the level of obe is 3 and towers is 5, why are we really bothering?
  • Taemon: I didn't build my obelisk until a few months ago.
  • Ruby: worship - astrological alignement was not very popular and too difficult because of low population
  • InambaGuum: is that all they are now, orrin? they used to be like levels 4 and 12.
  • Orrin: Both are well within the reach of a new player, so much so that if one of them looks easier they'll go for it anyway?
  • Blueshift: i agree ruby
  • Rabble: What happened to our talk about seeds, moss and fishing?
  • Pharaoh: Worship - tell me first what you thought of Astro this Tale?
  • Blueshift: it's just boring compared to the other worship tests
  • DisShovel: the change is proposed for retention benefit, not us
  • TheMazeEcho: Astro was a pita
  • Taemon: I once adjusted the wiki page to that end. They can build a size 7, get all the stuff back.
  • TheMazeEcho: we had an obe kit in our guild for newbies, they just had to build the site, load mats, get level, and disassemble
  • Orrin: Well, you'd have to change Porject Management 2 to < lvl 7 req?
  • InambaGuum: right. obelisk *looks* straightforward, so new players often beeline straight to it. in fact, it involves substantial grinding to be competitive, and is often drama-laced as well (queues and all). so they grind out 100 linen on student looms, hate it, decide the game sucks, and quit.
  • Orrin: Drama = good!
  • Taemon: But sheep are better.
  • InambaGuum: levels really aren't that hard to get. i think you're all way too worried about the one level you'd "lose" from having obelisk principles later on.
  • TheMazeEcho: how many people passed it?
  • Pharaoh: Let me look
  • Asheara: it was easy if you were online when it first opened but after that it was impossible especially since those that passed could not join new groups
  • InambaGuum: i thought it was ok. it seemed pretty retro though. reminded me of doing alignment for alchemy.
  • Fuzz: astro was the only one I passed
  • Ruby: we tried to get people together to test for astro, got some together at start but them people seemed to give it up
  • InambaGuum: that's the case with a lot of worship tests though, ash.
  • Pharaoh: 21 passed.
  • Orrin: What was the new worship last tale... that was a PITA too...
  • Ruby: most of those passed early on
  • TheMazeEcho: remembrance ceremonies
  • InambaGuum: remembrance ceremonies, orrin
  • Pharaoh: Other candidates - Humble Priests...
  • Orrin: Was real easy when it first came out cos everyone needed it, then as the game progressed it got harder and harder
  • Blueshift: humble priests is okay
  • Asheara: i like humble priests
  • Orrin: Cos it was just a resource sink, and once you'd done it you didn't want to go through it all again
  • Fuzz: it would be nice if you could publish the pass rates for all tests somewhere
  • Blueshift: it's no vigil but it is a bit of fun I think
  • Orrin: Bread could be fixed easier than astro?
  • Blueshift: astro could be a great test if released very early
  • Asheara: leavened bread is a good test and not hard once you get past the wheat growing
  • Rabble: lower the cost of loaves and keep bread. Junk astro
  • dedenav: we need astro at the star of the tale
  • Fuzz: the rates tell a story - now you know which tests are popular and which nedd to be made easier
  • TheMazeEcho: astro is too similar to humble priest, just find a group and voila
  • Pharaoh: What if astro was levcel 3 or so...
  • Ruby: yeah, I don't think leavened bread is hard
  • TheMazeEcho: bread is more complex, involves doing more stuff
  • Pharaoh: That will help early bootstrapping.
  • Orrin: bread is nice because it gets people talking though...
  • TheMazeEcho: if people don't like gathering for acro, they won't like gathering for astro either
  • Orrin: Acro - clickfest of hell
  • Asheara: astro could be fixed if you allowed those that passed to join groups again
  • InambaGuum: replace astro with acro and you only have to change 2 letters.
  • Orrin: Nice fix there asheara, I like that
  • DisShovel: acro hate isnt about gathering, its mind numbing repetition for hours a time
  • Orrin: spam this button, wait, spam this button, wait, spam this button.....
  • Taemon: It has nothing to do with skill, just luck.
  • Fuzz: too true DisShovel
  • Thaz: acro's fixable, raise the pass rates so that it's completable
  • Pharaoh: That fix will nerf the hell out of it: Find a group of 4, and then go around passing other people.
  • Waerloga: if Acro is removed, will there be a new way of getting dex?
  • Rabble: Yeah, if you really tweak acro (like you said you would 20 minutes ago), then it'll be fun again!
  • Orrin: Well it's that or have it purely at the mercy of a low population?
  • Taemon: Who needs dex? 500 deben ought to be enough for everyone.
  • Asheara: maybe you can rejoin if it's for a different god once you pass
  • Orrin: Maybe up the group size or add a couple more alignments?
  • TheMazeEcho: if astro were about finding 4 people aligned with you, but not with each other, that'd work
  • InambaGuum: i'd remove astro. i don't personally care one way or the other sinc eit's not my discipline, but astro is hard to pass later on and seems like a prototype test rather than something fully realized. leavened bread has issues and it's not easy, but it seems like a real test.
  • TheMazeEcho: I agree
  • Blueshift: Yep that's well said
  • dedenav: yep
  • Pharaoh: Astro was one of the first Tests I ever did.
  • Ruby: I know people gave up worship because of astro
  • dedenav: m
  • dedenav: ùaybe at the star , it's good, whith lot of people
  • Pharaoh: BTW, I've actually thought about (Dis's?) more-than-7-Tests-per-Discipline idea.
  • DisShovel: dont blame me, that was Rabble
  • Justin: as long as you only have to pass 7 to reach oracle...
  • Sheeba: yes that would be good
  • Justin: else you're gonna need a new "level" in the middle somewhere
  • Rabble: Old games sometimes add players because they also add content. We just keep replacing content
  • Pharaoh: And it won't happen this Tale, but that could be a major change for a future Tale. Makes the whole game much easier, but maybe in a good way.
  • Taemon: More freedom to play as we want.
  • Pharaoh: Right - any 7 to reach Oracle.
  • Rabble: And every test that goes away loses us some players cause someone out there loves it
  • Ruby: nice
  • Pharaoh: Lots of Oracles then, and very possibly competing monuments, which has always been something I've wanted.
  • Orrin: bread is nice because it gets people talking though...
  • TheMazeEcho: if people don't like gathering for acro, they won't like gathering for astro either
  • Orrin: Acro - clickfest of hell
  • Asheara: astro could be fixed if you allowed those that passed to join groups again
  • InambaGuum: replace astro with acro and you only have to change 2 letters.
  • Orrin: Nice fix there asheara, I like that
  • DisShovel: acro hate isnt about gathering, its mind numbing repetition for hours a time
  • Orrin: spam this button, wait, spam this button, wait, spam this button.....
  • Taemon: It has nothing to do with skill, just luck.
  • Fuzz: too true DisShovel
  • Thaz: acro's fixable, raise the pass rates so that it's completable
  • Pharaoh: That fix will nerf the hell out of it: Find a group of 4, and then go around passing other people.
  • Waerloga: if Acro is removed, will there be a new way of getting dex?
  • Rabble: Yeah, if you really tweak acro (like you said you would 20 minutes ago), then it'll be fun again!
  • Orrin: Well it's that or have it purely at the mercy of a low population?
  • Taemon: Who needs dex? 500 deben ought to be enough for everyone.
  • Asheara: maybe you can rejoin if it's for a different god once you pass
  • Orrin: Maybe up the group size or add a couple more alignments?
  • TheMazeEcho: if astro were about finding 4 people aligned with you, but not with each other, that'd work
  • InambaGuum: i'd remove astro. i don't personally care one way or the other sinc eit's not my discipline, but astro is hard to pass later on and seems like a prototype test rather than something fully realized. leavened bread has issues and it's not easy, but it seems like a real test.
  • TheMazeEcho: I agree
  • Blueshift: Yep that's well said
  • dedenav: yep
  • Pharaoh: Astro was one of the first Tests I ever did.
  • Ruby: I know people gave up worship because of astro
  • dedenav: m
  • dedenav: ùaybe at the star , it's good, whith lot of people
  • Pharaoh: BTW, I've actually thought about (Dis's?) more-than-7-Tests-per-Discipline idea.
  • DisShovel: dont blame me, that was Rabble
  • Justin: as long as you only have to pass 7 to reach oracle...
  • Sheeba: yes that would be good
  • Justin: else you're gonna need a new "level" in the middle somewhere
  • Rabble: Old games sometimes add players because they also add content. We just keep replacing content
  • Pharaoh: And it won't happen this Tale, but that could be a major change for a future Tale. Makes the whole game much easier, but maybe in a good way.
  • Taemon: More freedom to play as we want.
  • Pharaoh: Right - any 7 to reach Oracle.
  • Rabble: And every test that goes away loses us some players cause someone out there loves it
  • Ruby: nice
  • Pharaoh: Lots of Oracles then, and very possibly competing monuments, which has always been something I've wanted.
  • InambaGuum: it would be interesting for sure. although personally i like the challenge of the current system...although there's often one or two tests in each discipline i really dislike.
  • dedenav: maze demande lui si il peut remettre les petits jeux( reflexion ...) pres des CS
  • Taemon: If you want that, you'd have to make monuments cheaper (which I don't necesarily want myself)
  • Pharaoh: I've got to head out for a bit, but I should be around later in the afternoon - I want to give away one seed secret.
  • Ruby: I don't think it's a cost issue for monuments, but lack of people that can support
  • Rabble: Moss or fishing. That should be the amnesty thingie imo
  • Pharaoh: So, pick a secret :)
  • Taemon: Fishing.
  • TheMazeEcho: dedenav asks if you could put the conflict games back to near the CS, as in T2, instead of having to go to the spirit arena only during special events
  • Pharaoh: What would you like to know about moss?
  • Waerloga: Fishing
  • TheMazeEcho: I agree
  • Blueshift: Yep that's well said
  • dedenav: yep
  • Pharaoh: Astro was one of the first Tests I ever did.
  • Ruby: I know people gave up worship because of astro
  • dedenav: m
  • dedenav: ùaybe at the star , it's good, whith lot of people
  • Pharaoh: BTW, I've actually thought about (Dis's?) more-than-7-Tests-per-Discipline idea.
  • DisShovel: dont blame me, that was Rabble
  • Justin: as long as you only have to pass 7 to reach oracle...
  • Sheeba: yes that would be good
  • Justin: else you're gonna need a new "level" in the middle somewhere
  • Rabble: Old games sometimes add players because they also add content. We just keep replacing content
  • Pharaoh: And it won't happen this Tale, but that could be a major change for a future Tale. Makes the whole game much easier, but maybe in a good way.
  • Taemon: More freedom to play as we want.
  • Pharaoh: Right - any 7 to reach Oracle.
  • Rabble: And every test that goes away loses us some players cause someone out there loves it
  • Ruby: nice
  • Pharaoh: Lots of Oracles then, and very possibly competing monuments, which has always been something I've wanted.
  • InambaGuum: it would be interesting for sure. although personally i like the challenge of the current system...although there's often one or two tests in each discipline i really dislike.
  • dedenav: maze demande lui si il peut remettre les petits jeux( reflexion ...) pres des CS
  • Taemon: If you want that, you'd have to make monuments cheaper (which I don't necesarily want myself)
  • Pharaoh: I've got to head out for a bit, but I should be around later in the afternoon - I want to give away one seed secret.
  • Ruby: I don't think it's a cost issue for monuments, but lack of people that can support
  • Rabble: Moss or fishing. That should be the amnesty thingie imo
  • Pharaoh: So, pick a secret :)
  • Taemon: Fishing.
  • TheMazeEcho: dedenav asks if you could put the conflict games back to near the CS, as in T2, instead of having to go to the spirit arena only during special events
  • Pharaoh: What would you like to know about moss?
  • Waerloga: Fishing
  • InambaGuum: fishing
  • Ruby: fishing
  • dedenav: thx
  • dedenav: Moss
  • Pharaoh: Fishing ... ? What about it?
  • TheMazeEcho: yeah, get rid of the fishing system, it really sucks ;)
  • DisShovel: be interesting to see how many vigils died on a fish
  • Rabble: How exactly do we change moss attributes? In T4, I could both add and subtract some of them (with the same toon). No one knows it in detail
  • Taemon: The leveling system seems to be bugged. Way bugged.
  • InambaGuum: a bunch of things, but most prominently: what was up with fishing skill gain? it took like 5k+ casts to go from fishing skill 1 to fishing skill 2, then fishing skill 2 to fishing skill 7 happened in like 10 casts.
  • Sheeba: and give us better fishing rods to catch bigger levels of fish
  • Pharaoh: Ok, I'll explain moss later.
  • Pharaoh: Back in a bit.
  • Beckrastan: I have 1 quick question, will the placement of bonefire piles and woodplanes be allowed in cp's in tale 6 , it is a consistant griefer problem that needs to be addressed!
  • dedenav: fishing rot are buged
  • DisShovel: old fish were rare.. too rare since they were research reqs
  • Ruby: some too rare for banquet as well
  • DisShovel: vines took forever as a result
  • dedenav: dedenav have 26 in fishing
  • InambaGuum has fly fishing 9, but was stuck at FF1 for a very, very, very, very long time.
  • Pharaoh: Right - any 7 to reach Oracle.
  • Rabble: And every test that goes away loses us some players cause someone out there loves it
  • Ruby: nice
  • Pharaoh: Lots of Oracles then, and very possibly competing monuments, which has always been something I've wanted.
  • InambaGuum: it would be interesting for sure. although personally i like the challenge of the current system...although there's often one or two tests in each discipline i really dislike.
  • dedenav: maze demande lui si il peut remettre les petits jeux( reflexion ...) pres des CS
  • Taemon: If you want that, you'd have to make monuments cheaper (which I don't necesarily want myself)
  • Pharaoh: I've got to head out for a bit, but I should be around later in the afternoon - I want to give away one seed secret.
  • Ruby: I don't think it's a cost issue for monuments, but lack of people that can support
  • Rabble: Moss or fishing. That should be the amnesty thingie imo
  • Pharaoh: So, pick a secret :)
  • Taemon: Fishing.
  • TheMazeEcho: dedenav asks if you could put the conflict games back to near the CS, as in T2, instead of having to go to the spirit arena only during special events
  • Pharaoh: What would you like to know about moss?
  • Waerloga: Fishing
  • InambaGuum: fishing
  • Ruby: fishing
  • dedenav: thx
  • dedenav: Moss
  • Pharaoh: Fishing ... ? What about it?
  • TheMazeEcho: yeah, get rid of the fishing system, it really sucks ;)
  • DisShovel: be interesting to see how many vigils died on a fish
  • Rabble: How exactly do we change moss attributes? In T4, I could both add and subtract some of them (with the same toon). No one knows it in detail
  • Taemon: The leveling system seems to be bugged. Way bugged.
  • InambaGuum: a bunch of things, but most prominently: what was up with fishing skill gain? it took like 5k+ casts to go from fishing skill 1 to fishing skill 2, then fishing skill 2 to fishing skill 7 happened in like 10 casts.
  • Sheeba: and give us better fishing rods to catch bigger levels of fish
  • Pharaoh: Ok, I'll explain moss later.
  • Pharaoh: Back in a bit.
  • Beckrastan: I have 1 quick question, will the placement of bonefire piles and woodplanes be allowed in cp's in tale 6 , it is a consistant griefer problem that needs to be addressed!
  • dedenav: fishing rot are buged
  • DisShovel: old fish were rare.. too rare since they were research reqs
  • Ruby: some too rare for banquet as well
  • DisShovel: vines took forever as a result
  • dedenav: dedenav have 26 in fishing
  • InambaGuum has fly fishing 9, but was stuck at FF1 for a very, very, very, very long time.
  • dedenav: :)
  • Gumby: fishing skills are awarded every X number of days, if you haven't fishing in a long time you'll get a point for every fish you catch until you get caught up (if you were in the top whatever needed to get a point several times in a row)
  • Sheeba: if we could learn how to make better rods maybe tha t would give us rarer fish
  • Rabble: Lures are wacky too. The early ones break too easy. The later levels are too hard to get. Did anyone even get fly tying 7? And the lure types needed for a certain fish change too quickly -- as do the fish types 'in season'
  • InambaGuum: oh yeah, some of those rare insects were, like, astronomically rare.
  • Blueshift: I'm curious about the last insect class with 14 bugs.
  • Blueshift: no one found the final bug
  • Blueshift: and perhaps only one or two people found the 2nd and 3rd rarest
  • Gumby: most of the rares i've heard of were found by new accounts, i know all the rares i found were very early on
  • DisShovel: the idea of the system weren't bad, but I think most believe it was buggy as hell
  • TheMazeEcho: all bugs were found, but certainly not by the same player
  • TheMazeEcho: maybe they weren't all added to wiki, but I did check them out once
  • Rabble: Well Teppy is gone so guess we are walking to ourselves -- SNAFU :)
  • Rabble: *talking
  • Blueshift: well, i guess i'm curious if there was a specific method to getting them to work
  • DisShovel: Silver and 3 others right?
  • Blueshift: indeed, it works. just got a cabbage seed
  • Ariella: seems like there was a decent amount of newbies coming in the last month
  • Ariella: any mention of newbie island coming back?
  • Blueshift: newbie island
  • DisShovel: asks but kinda brushed off as too hard
  • Ariella: newbie island is too hard to bring back?
  • Zildjan: hi all
  • Ariella: hey zildjan
  • InambaGuum: i don't think welcoming island will be back. which is a shame, because i like it.
  • Blueshift: it would spare us endless wood planes adn small distaffs
  • Zildjan: is htere anyone here that still has to come apply to Leadership monument?
  • Zildjan: hehe
  • Zildjan: hi Ariella dear
  • Ariella: hate newbie junk :P
  • Hexi: tzes.. you never was a newbie? *gg*
  • Ariella: anyone gonna run the goods?
  • Drakkett plans on passing an "abandoned wood plane and distaff" law next tale
  • Drakkett: so anyone can tear them down after X days
  • Drakkett: maybe it will pass
  • DisShovel: sounds good, I'm sure we'll get a ballot by August
  • Hexi: hopefully
  • Drakkett: oh, and flimsy brick racks
  • Drakkett: those simple things that ppl build and forget
  • Wampak: back
  • Ariella: learned never to live near an SArt and SArch :P
  • Wampak: oops sorry w/c
  • Hexi: hehe
  • Ariella: wish he would make a permanent Egypt channel
  • Drakkett: yeah, I know living near Sart and Sarch near a CS is like a magnet for them
  • Ariella: and trade channel
  • Drakkett: yeah, it is going to be lonely on Saturday w/o all the chat tabs
  • Ariella: yah
  • Sharae: first guild any one builds should be a chat guild for all egyptians
  • Hexi: oh well... I'm from germany.. so I'm often lonely, but a world chat would be a good solution
  • Ariella: sounds like some old players are coming back...some fed up and won't be back
  • Zildjan: Hexi u just need ot touch base with other german speaking players
  • Zildjan: there is quite a contingent represented in the game
  • Hexi: I know Zildjan, im in Radio Germany ;) but there isn't any german support anymore, so no billing system and therefore not many german players, but: I like to play in english
  • Ariella: anyone know of any italian players in egypt?
  • Drakkett: wine tasting and bonfire in Taygete near the CS. 729, 6065
  • DisShovel: a big chat guild with no metal ain't much fun either unfortunately ..
  • Eugie: any one hear the clouds go by?
  • InambaGuum: as requested, here's the stuff i captured from the buffer before:
  • InambaGuum: one trip to VoK: coming up.
  • InambaGuum: sadly i don't have any PB wings. that was nile delta, right?
  • Phoenixwcu: thanks for the flight Asheara: pb was between nd and vok
  • InambaGuum: no prob. oh also, be sure to set a waypoint before you go. i forgot that the event WP only works once.
  • DisShovel: ok so FP was easy, how about Desert of Shades?
  • InambaGuum: there you go
  • InambaGuum: remember how i was trading for wings of horus all telling? i've built up quite a destination library.
  • Pharaoh: 'afternoon.
  • kuupid: so today is the last day of T5?
  • Pharaoh: Well, we're in the last 24 hours of T5 anyway. kuupid: oh my :(
  • Waerloga: wb teppy
  • Pharaoh: T6 Saturday at Noon!
  • kuupid: well, I'll have to play face book until Saturday lol
  • Pharaoh: I already won that game.
  • kuupid: you cheated :)
  • InambaGuum is pretty sure you have the object and the subject reversed there, kuupid
  • kuupid: but we love you anyways
  • Waerloga: teppy, could we get mentoring early in T6 so we can work on retaining more trial players?
  • DisShovel: so it was revealed that you are in fact immortal, the the Head is the result of your last battle
  • InambaGuum: lol
  • Pharaoh: Hey, so someone had a question about fishing.
  • kuupid: can we roast our sheep and chickens on the bonfires?
  • Taemon: Yeah, fishing. The leveling system seems to be bugged.
  • Pharaoh: How so? Blueshift: Yes the leveling system. it's a mystery! how do you gain levels?
  • DisShovel: and people believe bugs are bugged as well
  • Pharaoh: First off, has anyone gained a level?
  • Wampak: am at 26 fishing atm
  • InambaGuum: here's how leveling fishing skill progressed for me: to go from fly fishing 1 to fly fishing 2 took probably about 5k casts (an extremely large number). going from fly fishing 2 to fly fishing 7, however, took about 10 casts. so the question is: what's up with that?
  • Pharaoh: Here's how it works (and seeing that, looks like some serious adjustment is needed!)...
  • Pharaoh: It's based solely on the number of fish that you have caught...
  • Pharaoh: Every 14 days th
  • InambaGuum: the system says "Time to release a new level of fishing"
  • DisShovel: for each individual or globally
  • Pharaoh: Globally.
  • Pharaoh: It looks at the top 21 fishermen ranked by # of fish caught...
  • Pharaoh: And assumin the #21 person's fish count is higher than the threshold for the last released level, that's the new level requirement.
  • Pharaoh: If it isn't, then it re-checks 24 hours later.
  • InambaGuum: so it keeps getting more and more expensive globally?
  • Pharaoh: Yes
  • InambaGuum: yikes
  • Drakkett: so if only 20 ppl are fishing, it never goes up eitehr
  • Taemon: Like Funerary Temple.
  • Pharaoh:
  • Drakkett: Correct
  • InambaGuum: there were a lot of arguments and frustration over that this telling
  • Drakkett: and a lot of ppl gave up on fishing
  • InambaGuum: all kinds of wild theories were proposed
  • Drakkett: which prob made it worse
  • InambaGuum: although most of us thought it was just bugged ;)
  • kuupid: oh my :(
  • Waerloga: wb teppy
  • Pharaoh: T6 Saturday at Noon!
  • kuupid: well, I'll have to play face book until Saturday lol
  • Pharaoh: I already won that game.
  • kuupid: you cheated :)
  • InambaGuum is pretty sure you have the object and the subject reversed there, kuupid
  • kuupid: but we love you anyways
  • Waerloga: teppy, could we get mentoring early in T6 so we can work on retaining more trial players?
  • DisShovel: so it was revealed that you are in fact immortal, the the Head is the result of your last battle
  • InambaGuum: lol
  • Pharaoh: Hey, so someone had a question about fishing. kuupid: can we roast our sheep and chickens on the bonfires?
  • Taemon: Yeah, fishing. The leveling system seems to be bugged.
  • Pharaoh: How so?
  • Blueshift: Yes the leveling system. it's a mystery! how do you gain levels?
  • DisShovel: and people believe bugs are bugged as well
  • Pharaoh: First off, has anyone gained a level?
  • Wampak: am at 26 fishing atm
  • InambaGuum: here's how leveling fishing skill progressed for me: to go from fly fishing 1 to fly fishing 2 took probably about 5k casts (an extremely large number). going from fly fishing 2 to fly fishing 7, however, took about 10 casts. so the question is: what's up with that?
  • Pharaoh: Here's how it works (and seeing that, looks like some serious adjustment is needed!)...
  • Pharaoh: It's based solely on the number of fish that you have caught...
  • Pharaoh: Every 14 days the system says "Time to release a new level of fishing"
  • DisShovel: for each individual or globally
  • Pharaoh: Globally.
  • Pharaoh: It looks at the top 21 fishermen ranked by # of fish caught...
  • Pharaoh: And assumin the #21 person's fish count is higher than the threshold for the last released level, that's the new level requirement.
  • Pharaoh: If it isn't, then it re- checks 24 hours later.
  • InambaGuum: so it keeps getting more and more expensive globally?
  • Pharaoh: Yes
  • InambaGuum: yikes
  • Drakkett: so if only 20 ppl are fishing, it never goes up eitehr
  • Taemon: Like Funerary Temple.
  • Pharaoh:
  • Drakkett: Correct
  • InambaGuum: there were a lot of arguments and frustration over that this telling
  • Drakkett: and a lot of ppl gave up on fishing
  • InambaGuum: all kinds of wild theories were proposed
  • Drakkett: which prob made it worse
  • InambaGuum: although most of us thought it was just bugged ;)
  • Drakkett: but it did seem that first level was the worst, I got lvl 2-7 on consect catches
  • Drakkett: but 1 took 20-30 hours
  • DisShovel: and the reward for leveling is?
  • Pharaoh: Though I now have lots of data on # of fish caught, # of kinds of fish caught, etc :D
  • Drakkett: and I didn't fish until later in tale
  • Pharaoh: Hehehe
  • InambaGuum: some fish are uncatchable without higher level FF skill, dis
  • Pharaoh: Right
  • Gumby: levels built up so that you got a level on every fish caught to catch up on your level, and the level system was bugged for a