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From A Wiki in the Desert
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Avatar Rumi Istanboly Shankish Halloumi Mish Domiati Areesh Baramily Notes
Str, Dex Con. Foc, Per Dex, Spd Spd, Per End, Con
15 cow 10 Cow, 4 Oil, 2 Pep 3 But, 3 Sour, 3 Pep, 1 Salt 10 Cow, 3 But, 1 Salt 5 Water, 15 Cow, 2 Salt, 5 Wood
Maata X X X
Telanoc X X
Alphabob X X X
Sabuli X X X
Robare X X X
Orchid X X X
TheMazeEcho X X X
Kamilana X
AlphaJr X X X
Devyn X X X
sparkle X X X