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From A Wiki in the Desert
< PKURFL4X(Redirected from Guilds/PKURFL4X/Vigil)
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PKURFL4X had a vigil from 6/22/2018 to 6/24/2018. Several of us guild members got little sleep during that time. Below are some pictures of the festivities

PKURFL4X-Vigil-StarLab-06222018.jpg We had a star lab party one night

VigilStoneSmashing.jpg We smashed some stones

VigilDeco.jpg Vixsin put up some awesome decorations


TikiBarAndNewCompound.jpg PaintableCompound.jpg

Malard brought by some new stuff he was getting ready to roll out

All in all, a fun time was had by most, and many people passed Test of the Vigil in the weeks that followed.