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Sinai Museum of Contemporary Art
The Sinai Museum of Contemporary Art, or SMOCA, is a museum of fine art sponsored by the PKURFL4X guild.
SMOCA is located at 3360, 4747 in South Sinai, just east of the Taba chariot stop and the Sinai beetle gardens.
SMOCA's dense concentration of Art exhibits and Thought puzzles makes it ideal for those seeking to pass the Test of Reason or Test of the Critic. Our collection of over a dozen bijou tables is currently the largest in Egypt. The neighboring puzzle garden is home to celebrated veneries, pathmakers, tombs of the immortal, empty hand towers, hexaglyph tablets, alchemist runes, and more, while the grounds are dotted with sculptures and prismatic opticons for your enjoyment.
Public Exhibition Space
Public exhibition space is available for free, on a space-limited basis; please /chat Spatulus in game to reserve gallery space for your fine art exhibits.
SMOCA is a nonprofit organization, and donation of building supplies (bricks, boards, straw, or flax) to support the expansion and maintenance of the museum are welcomed.

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