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The Venery

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The Venery
The Venery
(Test - Thought)
Level Required
Level 7
Demonstrated by kirie on July 24, 2018

Create a Venery - a mind bending hunt across the land, to challenge and entertain those developing their Focus.


Test Description

Design a Venery, a treasure hunt around your home, throughout your neighborhood, or across Egypt. A good Venery can teach runners about local sites, and is neither too easy nor too difficult. After completing your design, if you wish to turn off the Venery menu on objects, turn off the option in 'Interface Options' under 'Show menu items for venery configuration'. This option was added when you started the Test of the Venery.


Principles of the Venery requires you to build a simple Venery and have seven judges rate it, averaging at least Good.

Additional Information

This is the second test in the discipline of Thought.

This test allows the builder to create a small story and bring the participant through a series of locations while participating. It can be timed and can be as small as within eyesight to Egypt as a whole.

Passing Principles

Complete and collect 3 Venery Certificates. Show them to any School of Thought. (Note From T7- last step does not seem to be necessary. I leveled up at Venery Gathering Point after getting third Venery Certificate - Estaar)

Creating a Venery

  1. Make at least 7 Simple Lockboxes
  2. Determine where you'd like to start your Venery
  3. Build a Venery Gathering Point
  4. Name your keys
  5. Install your Simple Lockboxes
  6. Create your clues - Consider using the Venery Planner to plan and write your content.
  7. Open your Venery.

Notes on Lockboxes and Clues

  • You need to select 'Configure This Venery' at the Venery gathering point before you start installing lockboxes. Then you can install keys and lockboxes anywhere you like.
  • Make sure that Options > Interface> Tests > "show menu items for venery configuration" is checked, or you will not get the option to install the Locboxes! - Minerva
  • A venery should be fun to do. Many Egyptians get frustrated with the very hard ones and will tend to quit the venery.
  • Make sure your clues are precise and not too hard to decipher.
  • Always keep in mind that people will be voting on this so if you want to pass it needs to be finely balanced between easy and hard.
  • Some people in previous tales built chests and placed rewards in them for others to collect. However you do it is up to you.
  • Some people will also have an answer sheet attached to their wiki page.
  • Remember Just Have Fun.

Venery Locations

Region Coordinates Designer Name Passed Remarks RL Date Opened
South Sinai 3360 4775 Spatulus Undisciplined Yes First Venery in T8 7/24/2018
Red Sea 2021 1981 Sabuli Schoolbusters Yes 7/25/2018
Meshwesh Delta 1021 7014 Samruc Samruc's Puzzle Venery Yes 8/15/2018
Meroe Desert -230 -7020 Atom Pistachio the Squirrel's Sea Lily Patch Yes 8/10/2018
South Sinai 3360 4751 Vixsin Sheep Scurry Yes 8/15/2018
Asyut 1818 2020 Tunnen A trip around Avaris Yes Near Avaris CS 8/??/2018
Meshwesh Delta 1013 7024 Totla Hasani's adventure Yes North of Tanis CS 9/1/2018
South Sinai 3358 4775 KayGee Full STEAM Ahead Yes East of Taba CS 9/4/2018
Swenett 1355 -1015 Heterika Asylum Yes no need to move :) 9/5/2018
South Sinai 3360 4753 EvilSnowman Secret Glory Hole Yes East of Taba CS 9/10/2018
South Sinai 3360 4775 Muhel Fishin' Impossible Yes East of Taba CS 9/11/2018
Asyut 1801 2032 Peabody Pharoah's Journey to Paradise No Near Avaris CS 10/10/2018
South Sinai 3357 4770 Myna Welcome to Sinai, my home away from home! No East of Taba CS 18/11/2018
Naqada 2320, 2763 TheMazeEcho Where is Maze? No North-East of Avaris CS 16/02/2019

Veneries Map

  • Green for recognized (passed) veneries (use "Gr" prefix on pin)
  • Red for unrecognized (unpassed) veneries (use "Rd" prefix on pin)
Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages


See Test Pass History
