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Duncan Korrin truanna


Hyksos Research


Cegaiel's ATITD Tools

Mushroom Tracker

Herb Database

Local Map

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages

Resources Legend: markerGrL.png Limestone markerYeS.png Sulphurous Water markerRdR.png Red Sand markerWhW.png White Sand markerPuT.png Tar

Wood Treatment Recipes

"*" = confirmed on our treatment plant

Type Recipe Use For
Rotproof, Nontoxic 20s CC, 10s Bonemeal, 10s Oil, 10s Petroleum * Needed for Thistle Gardens
Rigid, Hard, Black, Nontoxic, Termite Resistant 150 lead, 100 saltpeter, 20 lead * For upgraded Water Troughs, Thistle Gardens, Silkworm Farms
Black Fireproof Hard Rigid Phoenix on the Hunt
(and Phoenix in His Prime)
Black Glossy Gazebo (req. 1 of 4)
Black Hard Volatile Phoenix Parting Ways
Blonde Fireproof Hard Rigid Rotproof Steam Silt Collector,
Steam Shovel,
Steam Kiln,
Steam Rock Saw,
Steam Distaff,
Improved Hackling Rake,
Gazebo (req 3 of 4),
Phoenix in His Prime,
Chemical Bath
Blonde Fireproof Nontoxic Pliable Airship
Phoenix Taking Shelter
Blonde Fireproof Nontoxic Soft Phoenix Twisting Fate
Blonde Glossy Mosaic
Fireproof Rotproof Soft Phoenix Being Born
Fireproof Glossy White Megalopolis
Fireproof Soft White Phoenix Growing Old
Glossy Hard Cartouche: Twist of Study
Glossy White Mosaic
Gazebo (req. 2 of 4)
Hard Nontoxic Rigid Termite-prone White Modern Sheep Farm (Both requirements in one)
Hard, Termite-Resistant, Nontoxic, Black Ranch Water Trough upgrade
Pliable White Raeli Gliderport
Nontoxic Rigid Rotproof Termite-prone Aqueduct Pump
Nontoxic Rotproof Termite-Resistant 20s CC, 27s Sulfur, 20s Oil, 60s Petrol * Gazebo (req. 4 of 4)
Thistle Garden
Ant Colony
Rigid Termite-Resistant Cartouche: Twist of Study
Soft Termite-Resistant Hardwood Obelisk