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Buddha's Hand

Type Color Sweet Size Length
Flat 565 571 743 324
Flat 760 720 743 324
Flat 760 650 743 324
Flat 716 680 743 324
Flat 774 650 743 231
Reddish 738 762 651 456
Reddish 738 762 743 456
Reddish 774 680 743 346
Reddish 774 680 651 324
Reddish 773 571 743 324
Reddish 774 675 743 324
Reddish 774 680 760 324
Reddish 770 680 743 324
Small 760 762 578 456
Small 643 816 557 324
Sweet 570 782 675 452


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Sweet 414 650 408 621


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Flat 696 721 743 100
Flat 675 816 743 100
Flat 774 797 743 100
Flat 832 721 743 100
Small 760 762 505 324
Tangy 760 762 651 324
Tangy 774 680 743 100
Tangy 832 680 743 324
Tangy 832 680 743 324
Tangy 832 721 743 324
Tangy 774 680 743 100
Tangy 799 721 657 324


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Large 630 650 743 153
Large 643 571 743 100
Large 565 571 703 100
Large 565 571 743 100
Large 696 571 773 100
Large 661 680 743 100
Large 774 650 743 100
Large 696 680 743 100
Long 629 571 428 469
Long 565 571 428 324
Reddish 738 635 651 153
Reddish 822 571 743 100
Reddish 832 680 423 324
Reddish 696 571 461 180
Reddish 774 650 357 301
Small 760 762 505 324


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Large 643 650 651 100
Large 750 680 657 100
Long 565 571 428 216
Long 565 630 428 153
Reddish 696 680 353 100
Reddish 698 571 505 100
Reddish 738 650 343 153
Reddish 760 650 343 153
Reddish 774 571 428 100
Reddish 774 650 459 153
Reddish 774 680 461 100
Reddish 774 680 539 100
Reddish 804 650 357 153
Reddish 635 650 428 153
Small 643 650 357 145
Small 559 571 357 153
Small 636 650 343 153
Sweet 643 720 357 173
Sweet 685 762 428 100
Sweet 565 773 357 153
Sweet 565 816 428 100
Tangy 559 571 428 100
Tangy 565 571 428 100


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Reddish 565 816 657 100


Type Color Sweet Size Length
Long 605 320 408 621