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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 19:10, 8 August 2018 by Oaxani (talk | contribs)
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Paint Recipes

Alice Blue #F0F8FF
Amethyst #9966CC
Antique White #FAEBD7
Aqua #00FFFF
Aquamarine #7FFFD4
Azure #F0FFFF
Baker Miller Pink #FF91AF
Banana #E3CF57
Barn Red #7C0A02
Beet #8E388E
Beige #F5F5DC
Bisque #FFE4C4
Black #010101
Blanched Almond #FFEBCD
Blaze Orange #FF6700
Blue #0000FF
Blue Violet #8A2BE2
Boysenberry #873260
Bright Pink #FF007F
Brown #A52A2A
Burgundy Red #800020
Burly Wood #DEB887
Burnt Sienna #8A360F
Burnt Umber #8A3324
Cadet Blue #5F9EA0
Cadmium Orange #FF6103
Cadmium Yellow #FF9912
Carrot #E07020
Chartreuse #7FFF00
Chocolate #D2691E
Cobalt Blue #3D59AB
Cobalt Green #3D9140
Coral #FF7F50
Cornflower Blue #6495ED
Cornsilk #FFF8DC
Crimson #DC143C
Dark Blue #00008B
Dark Cyan #008B8B
Dark Golden Rod #B8860B
Dark Green #006400
Dark Grey #A9A9A9
Dark Jungle Green #1A2421
Dark Khaki #BDB76B
Dark Magenta #8B008B
Dark Olive Green #556B2F
Dark Orange #FF8C00
Dark Orchid #9932CC
Dark Red #8B0000
Dark Salmon #E9967A
Dark Scarlet #560319
Dark Sea Green #8FBC8F
Dark Sienna #3C1414
Dark Slate Blue #483D8B
Dark Slate Grey #2F4F4F
Dark Turquoise #00CED1
Dark Violet #9400D3
Deep Pink #FF1493
Deep Sky Blue #00BFFF
Dim Grey #696969
Dodger Blue #1E90FF
Duke Blue #00009C
Eggshell White #FCE6C9
Emerald Green #00C957
Feldspar #D19275
Fire Brick #B22222
Floral White #FFFAF0
Forest Green #228B22
Fuchsia #FF00FF
Gainsboro #DCDCDC
Ghost White #F8F8FF
Gold #FFD700
Golden Rod #DAA520
Green #008000
Green Yellow #ADFF2F
Grey #808080
Honey Dew #F0FFF0
Hot Pink #FF69B4
Imperial Blue #002395
Indian Red #CD5C5C
Indigo #4B0082
Ivory #FFFFF0
Khaki #F0E68C
Lavender #E6E6FA
Lavender Blush #FFF0F5
Lawn Green #7CFC00
Lemon Chiffon #FFFACD
Licorice #1A1110
Light Blue #ADD8E6
Light Coral #F08080
Light Cyan #E0FFFF
Light Golden Rod Yellow #FAFAD2
Light Green #90EE90
Light Grey #D3D3D3
Light Pink #FFB6C1
Light Salmon #FFA07A
Light Sea Green #20B2AA
Light Sky Blue #87CEFA
Light Slate Blue #8470FF
Light Slate Grey #778899
Light Steel Blue #B0C4DE
Light Yellow #FFFFE0
Lime #00FF00
Lime Green #32CD32
Linen #FAF0E6
Maroon #800000
Medium Aqua Marine #66CDAA
Medium Blue #0000CD
Medium Orchid #BA55D3
Medium Purple #9370DB
Medium Sea Green #3CB371
Medium Slate Blue #7B68EE
Medium Spring Green #00FA9A
Medium Turquoise #48D1CC
Medium Violet Red #C71585
Melon #E3A869
Midnight Blue #191970
Mint Cream #F5FFFA
Misty Rose #FFE4E1
Moccasin #FFE4B5
Navaho White #FFDEAD
Navy #000080
Old Lace #FDF5E6
Olive #808000
Olive Drab #6B8E23
Orange #FFA500
Orange Red #FF4500
Orchid #DA70D6
Oxford Blue #002147
Pale Golden Rod #EEE8AA
Pale Green #98FB98
Pale Turquoise #AFEEEE
Pale Violet Red #DB7093
Papaya Whip #FFEFD5
Peach Puff #FFDAB9
Peacock #33A1C9
Persian Indigo #32127A
Persian Pink #F77FBE
Peru #CD853F
Pink #FFC0CB
Plum #DDA0DD
Powder Blue #B0E0E6
Prussian Blue #003153
Purple #800080
Raw Sienna #C76114
Red #FF0000
Red Devil #860111
Rich Black #004040
Rosy Brown #BC8F8F
Royal Blue #4169E1
Ruby Red #9B111E
Saddle Brown #8B4513
Salmon #FA8072
Sandy Brown #F4A460
Sangria #92000A
Sap Green #308014
Sea Green #2E8B57
Sea Shell #FFF5EE
Seal Brown #321414
Sienna #A0522D
Silver #C0C0C0
Sky Blue #87CEEB
Slate Blue #6A5ACD
Slate Grey #708090
Smokey Black #100C08
Spring Green #00FF7F
Steel Blue #4682B4
Steel Pink #CC3366
Tan #D2B48C
Teal #008080
Thistle #D8BFD8
Tomato #FF6347
Turquoise #40E0D0
Tyrian Purple #660023
Violet #EE82EE
Violet Red #D02090
Wheat #F5DEB3
White Smoke #F5F5F5
Yellow #FFFF00
Yellow Green #9ACD32
Zaffre #0014A8

Plant Locations

  • Golden Standard: Asyut 1767, 2294 (dozens)
  • Yellow Ground Palm: Asyut 1520, 2739 (3, so enough for ants)
  • Violets, Pretty Pinks, and Green Ground Covers at UThought in Giza
  • Big Leaf, Velvet Nightflower, and Pale Scatterbell in Bitter Lakes 1747, 7206 (by Silver Mine)
  • Gamma Grass in Giza 556, 6520 (only 2 but I don't see those too often)
  • Tall Waxy Sedge, Tangerine Sunbell, Cat's Tongue, and Green Ground Cover by Camel Co-Op's Feather Tree at 1264, 7268

Watermine Output Tracking

Watermine Output Test
Pitch Min Before
First Gem
Cuttable Amethyst Cuttable Citrine Cuttable Garnet Cuttable Jade Cuttable Lapis Cuttable Sunstone Cuttable Turquoise
10 13 0 0 0 0 0 3 0
11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0
14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 16 4 6 2 5 6 3 5
17 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 ? 1 2 0 0 2 1 0
20 ? 2 0 0 0 3 0 0
21 ? 0 3 0 2 0 0 0
22 ? 1 11 4 4 5 4 3
23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
27 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1
28 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1
29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


  • Anaxi (28)
  • Arconis (30)
  • Ash Palm (26)
  • Beetlenut (12)
  • Bottle Tree (24)
  • Bramble Hedge (49)
  • Broadleaf Palm (42)
  • Butterleaf Tree (46)
  • Cerulean Blue (19)
  • Chakkanut Tree (26)
  • Chicory (47)
  • Coconut Palm (25)
  • Cricklewood (10)
  • Deadwood Tree (7)
  • Delta Palm (88)
  • Elephantia (40)
  • Feather Tree (35)
  • Fern Palm (39)
  • Folded Birch (25)
  • Giant Cricklewood (25)
  • Hawthorn (16)
  • Hokkaido (20)
  • Kaeshra (27)
  • Locust Palm (35)
  • Mini Palmetto (16)
  • Miniature Fern Palm (32)
  • Monkey Palm (25)
  • Oil Palm (23)
  • Oleaceae (29)
  • Orrorin (10)
  • Passam (32)
  • Phoenix Palm (53)
  • Pratyeka Tree (22)
  • Ranyahn (19)
  • Razor Palm (18)
  • Red Maple (50)
  • Royal Palm (54)
  • Savaka (20)
  • Spiked Fishtree (10)
  • Spindle Tree (32)
  • Stout Palm (21)
  • Tapacae Miralis (56)
  • Tiny Oil Palm (28)
  • Towering Palm (23)
  • Trilobellia (25)
  • Umbrella Palm (6)
  • Windriver Palm (38)



  • Caught 7db Orange Spongefish at home with Fresh Oyster Mite lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 1am
  • Caught 2db Giant Crayfish at 870, 6403 (by Papy Mountain) with Fresh Oyster Mite lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 2:50pm
  • Caught 16db Tigerfish in Arsinoe at 2177, 5307 with Glazed Ringed Wasp lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 11:30pm
  • Caught small Ayu & Oxyrynchus in Abydos at 1495, 2838 with Glazed Oyster Mite lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 2:00am
  • Caught 11db Hylian Loachs in Suez at 1355, 6176 with Glazed Red Cricket lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 3:50am
  • Caught 16db Great Knucklefish in Zau at 21, 7412 with Glazed Oyster Mite lure and no speed/skill/nice rod at 10am
  • Caught 13db Camelfish in Suez at 1355, 6176 (islands) with Glazed Spittlebug lure and 2 speed at 6:50am
  • Caught 3db Singing Lampray in Suez at 1355, 6176 with Glazed Pickle Slug lure and 2 speed at 7:40am, and 5db Tilapia with Glazed Ruby Hornborrer
  • Caught 12db Ayu at home with Glazed Oyster Mite lure and 2 speed at 10:40pm
  • Caught 2 7db Octec's Longfin at home with Glazed Honey Fly lure and 2 speed at 2:20pm

Fish Meat

  • (none right now)


Single Herb Table

Herb Name Flavor Aroma Tried/Point
Allbright Antiseptic Exotic Spices
Aloe Mellow Moss
Altar's Blessing Spicy Pepper
Anansi Spicy Sulfur
Apiphenalm Woody Licorice
Apothecary's Scythe Antiseptic Pine
Artemisia Antiseptic Lead Pencil
Asafoetida Mellow Pepper
Asane Bitter Sulfur
Ashoka Sweet Roasted Onions
Azure Tristeria Woody Leather
Banto Hot Pepper
Bay Tree Smokey Minerals
Bee Balm Hot Sulfur
Beetle Leaf Dry Pine
Beggar's Button Spicy Licorice
Bhillawa Toasty Dried Cherries
Bilimbi Mellow Pine
Bitter Florian Spicy Stewed Vegetables
Black Pepper Plant Mellow Berries 1
Blessed Mariae Hot Camel Dung
Bleubillae Mellow Moss
Blood Balm Hot Rotting Flesh
Blood Blossom Toasty Licorice
Blooded Harebell Mellow Camel Dung
Blood Root Astringent Roasted Onions
Bloodwort Sweet Pepper
Blue Damia Bitter Smoldering Paper
Blue Tarafern Toasty Stewed Vegetables
Blueberry Tea Tree Smokey Roasted Nuts
Bluebottle Clover Antiseptic Cedar 9
Blushing Blossom Toasty Berries
Brassy Caltrops Toasty Moss
Brown Muskerro Toasty Candy
Buckler-leaf Mellow Licorice 10
Bull's Blood Harsh Roasted Onions
Burnt Tarragon Harsh Stewed Vegetables
Butterfly Damia Bitter Camel Dung
Butterroot Antiseptic Pepper
Calabash Dry Dried Apples
Camelmint Smokey Moss
Caraway Harsh Moss
Cardamom Woody Roasted Nuts 17
Cassia Woody Cedar
Chaffa Woody Pine
Chatinabrae Woody Berries
Chives Burnt Exotic Spices 12
Chukkah Dry Moss
Cicada Bean Woody Smoldering Paper 42
Cinnamon Spicy Moss 11
Cinquefoil Smokey Berries 41
Cirallis Bitter Maple
Clingroot Spicy Candy
Common Basil Smokey Earth 2
Common Rosemary Dry Exotic Spices
Common Sage Mellow Camel Dung
Corsacia Burnt Cedar 31
Covage Dry Licorice
Crampbark Spicy Exotic Spices 18
Cranesbill Sweet Cedar
Creeping Black Nightshade Burnt Dried Apples
Creeping Thyme Woody Chocolate
Crimson Clover Antiseptic Maple
Crimson Lettuce Burnt Stewed Vegetables
Crimson Nightshade Smokey Sulfur
Crimson Pipeweed Sweet Dried Apples
Crimson Windleaf Toasty Pine
Crumpled Leaf Basil Smokey Licorice
Curly Sage Dry Smoldering Paper
Cyan Cressida Dry Rotting Flesh
Daggerleaf Toasty Maple
Dalchini Burnt Pine
Dameshood Dry Lead Pencil
Dank Mullien Toasty Cedar
Dark Ochoa Antiseptic Dried Cherries
Dark Radish Smokey Sulfur
Dark Russet Woody Dried Apples
Deadly Catsclaw Dry Minerals
Deadwood Tree Bitter Dried Apples
Death's Piping Hot Rotting Flesh
Dewplant Sweet Chocolate
Digweed Burnt Berries
Discorea Mellow Roasted Nuts 3
Drapeau D'or Toasty Earth
Dusty Blue Sage Mellow Rotting Flesh
Dwarf Hogweed Sweet Exotic Spices
Dwarf Wild Lettuce Burnt Dried Cherries
Earth Apple Smokey Cedar
Elegia Bitter Moss
Enchanter's Plant Antiseptic Roasted Onions
Finlow Smokey Roasted Onions
Fire Allspice Bitter Licorice
Fire Lily Spicy Dried Cherries
Fivesleaf Burnt Leather
Flaming Skirret Spicy Moss
Flander's Blossom Spicy Smoldering Paper
Fleabane Dry Roasted Nuts
Fool's Agar Spicy Cedar 13
Fumitory Harsh Chocolate
Garcinia Burnt Maple
Garlic Chives Burnt Candy
Ginger Root Mellow Licorice
Ginger Tarragon Harsh Dried Cherries
Ginseng Root Spicy Licorice
Glechoma Antiseptic Minerals 4
Gnemnon Spicy Berries
Gokhru Spicy Rotting Flesh
Golden Dubloons Sweet Maple
Golden Gladalia Astringent Dried Apple
Golden Sellia Bitter Minerals
Golden Sun Spicy Rotting Flesh
Golden Sweetgrass Harsh Roasted Nuts
Golden Thyme Woody Dried Cherries
Gynura Mellow Earth
Harebell Mellow Oak
Harrow Spicy Oak
Hazlewort Spicy Lead Pencil
Headache Tree Spicy Camel Dung 14
Heartsease Hot Roasted Nuts
Hogweed Spicy Roasted Nuts
Homesteader's Palm Dry Sulfur
Honey Mint Spicy Chocolate
Houseleek Sweet Pine
Hyssop Spicy Pine
Ice Blossom Toasty Lead Pencil
Ice Mint Spicy Stewed Vegetables
Ilex Mellow Lead Pencil
Indigo Damia Bitter Rotting Flesh 5
Ipomoea Woody Camel Dung
Jagged Dewcup Mellow Maple
Jaivanti Sweet Exotic Spices
Jaiyanti Sweet Candy
Joy of the Mountain Burnt Smoldering Paper
Jugwort Spicy Dried Cherries
Katako Root Harsh Pine
Khokali Toasty Chocolate
King's Coin Burnt Lead Pencil
Lamae Harsh Cedar
Larkspur Hot Minerals
Lavender Navarre Bitter Pepper
Lavender Scented Thyme Woody Leather
Lemon Basil Smokey Lead Pencil
Lemondrop Sweet Dried Cherries 15
Lemon Grass Woody Candy
Lilia Sweet Rotting Flesh
Liquorice Smokey Pepper
Lungclot Bitter Lead Pencil
Lythrum Mellow Berries 20
Mahonia Antiseptic Berries
Malice Weed Spicy Camel Dung
Mandrake Root Spicy Pine
Maragosa Dry Earth
Mariae Spicy Earth 16
Meadowsweet Burnt Licorice
Medicago Woody Minerals
Mindanao Woody Smoldering Paper
Miniature Bamboo Woody Rotting Flesh
Miniature Lamae Harsh Maple
Mirabellis Fern Toasty Minerals
Moon Aloe Dry Dried Apple
Morpha Spicy Chocolate
Motherwort Hot Berries
Mountain Mint Spicy Candy 21
Myristica Hot Smoldering Paper
Myrrh Woody Earth
Naranga Dry Berries
Nubian Liquorice Woody Oak
Octec's Grace Burnt Earth
Opal Harebell Mellow Rotting Flesh
Orange Niali Burnt Moss
Orange Sweetgrass Harsh Minerals
Orris Bitter Stewed Vegetables
Pale Dhamasa Burnt Chocolate
Pale Ochoa Antiseptic Chocolate
Pale Russet Woody Dried Apple
Pale Skirret Hot Sulfur
Panoe Woody Chocolate
Paradise Lily Sweet Earth
Patchouli Antiseptic Dried Apple
Peppermint Spicy Minerals
Pippali Dry Cedar
Pitcher Plant Spicy Maple
Primula Woody Sulfur
Prisniparni Toasty Leather
Pulmonaria Opal Burnt Candy
Purple Tintiri Dry Maple
Quamash Spicy Minerals
Red Pepper Plant Mellow Pepper
Revivia Woody Roasted Onions
Rhubarb Harsh Berries
Royal Rosemary Dry Candy
Rubia Sweet Stewed Vegetables
Rubydora Spicy Leather
Sacred Palm Sweet Oak
Sagar Ghota Spicy Sulfur
Sandalwood Woody Sulfur
Sandy Dustweed Dry Oak
Satsachi Astringent Stewed Vegetables
Scaley Hardwood Bitter Roasted Onions
Schisandra Woody Lead Pencil
Shrub Sage Dry Roasted Onions 23
Shrubby Basil Smokey Rotting Flesh
Shyama Burnt Stewed Vegetables
Shyamalata Burnt Dried Cherries
Sickly Root Woody Maple
Silvertongue Damia Bitter Roasted Nuts
Skirret Spicy Dried Apples
Sky Gladalia Astringent Exotic Spices
Soapwort Smokey Camel Dung
Sorrel Woody Pine
Spinach Mellow Roasted Nuts
Spinnea Harsh Oak
Squill Mellow Minerals
Steel Bladegrass Harsh Camel Dung
Stickler Hedge Sweet Roasted Onions 19
Strawberry Tea Woody Roasted Nuts
Strychnos Toasty Pepper
Sugar Cane Woody Rotting Flesh
Sweet Groundmaple Mellow Cedar
Sweetflower Sweet Leather
Sweetgrass Harsh Smoldering Paper 24
Sweetsop Spicy Pepper
Tagetese Mellow Smoldering Paper
Tamarask Harsh Candy 25
Tangerine Dream Dry Pepper
Thunder Plant Antiseptic Candy
Thyme Woody Stewed Vegetables 6
Tiny Clover Antiseptic Oak 22
Trilobe Mellow Cedar
Tristeria Woody Stewed Vegetables
True Tarragon Harsh Leather
Tsangto Bitter Berries
Tsatso Antiseptic Leather
Turtle's Shell Burnt Oak
Umber Basil Smokey Moss
Upright Ochoa Antiseptic Stewed Vegetables
Vanilla Tea Tree Smokey Smoldering Paper
Verdant Squill Mellow Sulfur 7
Verdant Two-Lobe Dry Camel Dung
Wasabi Harsh Pepper
Weeping Patala Toasty Oak
White Pepper Plant Mellow Minerals
Whitebelly Hot Berries
Wild Garlic Woody Cedar
Wild Lettuce Burnt Chocolate 8
Wild Onion Burnt Minerals
Wild Yam Spicy Leather
Wood Sage Mellow Sulfur
Xanat Woody Oak
Xanosi Burnt Sulfur
Yava Sweet Dried Apples
Yellow Gentian Woody Pepper
Yellow Tristeria Woody Dried Cherries
Yigory Mellow Pine
Zanthoxylum Spicy Roasted Onions

Double Herb Table

Herb Name 1 Herb Name 2 Tried/Point
Black Pepper Plant Common Basil
Discorea Glechoma
Altar's Blessing Spicy
Zanthoxylum Spicy

Triple Herb Table

Herb Name 1 Herb Name 2 Herb Name 3 Tried/Point
Allbright Antiseptic Antiseptic
Aloe Mellow Antiseptic
Altar's Blessing Spicy Antiseptic
Zanthoxylum Spicy Antiseptic

Wood Treatment Recipes