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test unlock stuff
pharaoh - cement, gold foil, paint, .. needs raeli tiles/treated boards/etc to decorate
library - glue (ants), osm, papy paper
mega - treated boards, cutgems
funery - raeli tiles
life - treated boards, raeli
hand of ra - mirrors, mirrored pyramid con
7 phoenix - metal treatment, exploives, metal blue
ka - colored silk, treated metal
art ---
raeli - wood treatment, raeli
sculptures - 8 people
formal garden - 500 orchid bulbs
flight - raeli, wood treatment
prismatic - gemcutting, needs ra's latern (rare gem cut)
dancing waters - must know gearbox design, 7 journeymen of art with 777water, 1 concrete 1 glass pipe, 1 copper pipe, 1 mandibular glue
windsong - crystal acoustics
body --
arch - monuments unearthed
banquet - beer brewing, treated boards, need 7 perm per to even get principle?
critic - raeli mosiac, pyro, khefre's
reason- pathmaker, venery, bijou
leadership -
host - paper (wood)
plantation - bugged, needs moss anyways
cartouche - everything
patronage - minting
tour guide - wood treatment, 10 ya marble, 100 silk cloth
retired pirates - 1000 sails, 2000 silver, 2000 gold
coalition - one person with their home in every region, impossible
trust - needs an event item, 14 students of leadership
hegemon - 100 papy paper, people from 20 regions
true leadership - 3 lawmakers
pathmaker - gemcutting
venery - gemcutting
bijou - gemcutting, fine balance
pulse - probably impossible to demo, needs treated boards and raeli
sphinx - 7 sages
empty hand - gearbox, wood treatment, cut gems
worship ---
festivals - ambrosia, chickens, perfuming, colored silk
beacons - favoured activities
ritual mumification - needs test of ka
humble priests - adv ferry, moss
visions - bot id 3
holy shrine - coloured ribbons