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WH 2377 2328 (Contains Festival mats and ambrosia for pickup and spirits)

RA FESTIVAL 05/11/2019

Player Name Ambrosia Spirit Made?
Aaltje Butterscotch Fruit of Earth Done
AlphaBob Cedar Wood of Earth Done
AlphaJr Cedar Grain of Fire Done
Bobbi Raisen Fruit of Earth Done
Brucette Cedar Wood of air Done
Devyn Cherry Fruit of Earth Done
hdjr Methyl Anthranilate Fruit of Earth Done
Hounddog Cherry Wood of Water Done
Jeeves Raspberry Grain of fire Done
Josh Linalool Mineral of Water Done
Kalmkitty Cassis Wood of Earth Done
Kamilana Molasses Mineral of water Done
Kazarae Linalool Wood of Water Done
Kissa Cedar Wood of Fire
Maata Methyl Anthranilate Fruit of Earth Done
MrBruce Melon Grain of water Done
Orchid butterscotch Wood of water Done
Panyea Raspberry Mineral of Air Done
Rania Banana Fruit of Earth
ReddRuby Molasses Mineral of Earth Done
Robare Liqorice Fruit of Earth Done
Rosie Banana Wood of earth Done
Sabuli Raspberry Mineral of earth Done
Siti Strawberry Jam Mineral of Fire
Sleepykitty Banana Fruit of Earth Done
Sparkle Methyl Anth Grain of Earth Done
Talos Banana Fruits of Earth
Telanoc Banana Wood of Air Done
TheMazeEcho Cassis Fruit of Earth Done
tripps Liquorice Fruit of Earth Done

Spirit Have
Fruit of Earth 8
Grain of Earth 100
Grain of Fire 100
Grain of Water 100
Mineral of Air 100
Mineral of Earth 100
Mineral of Fire 100
Mineral of Water 100
Wood of Air 60
Wood of Earth 100
Wood of Fire 100
Wood of Water 100