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WH 2377 2328

(Contains Festival mats and ambrosia for pickup and spirits)

MAAT FESTIVAL 06/09/2019

Player Name Ambrosia Made?
Aaltje Inner Petal: Cyan
AlphaBob Stamen: Blue
AlphaJr Any Dwarf
Bobbi Inner Petal Cyan
Brucette Inner Petals: Cyan
Devyn Inner Petals: Red
hd-jr leaves: Red
Hounddog outer petals: Green
Jeeves Outer Petals: Cyan
Kalmkitty inner petals: Cyan
Kamilana Inner Petals: Red
Kazarae Leaves: Cyan
Maata Stamen: Magenta
Panyea outer petals: Cyan
Robare Stamen Blue
Sleepykitty outer petals: Red
Telanoc Leaves:Blue
TheMazeEcho inner petals: Cyan


Spirit Have
Fruit of Earth 53
Grain of Earth 95
Grain of Fire 95
Grain of Water 95
Mineral of Air 95
Mineral of Earth 90
Mineral of Fire 95
Mineral of Water 95
Wood of Air 60
Wood of Earth 95
Wood of Fire 95
Wood of Water 90

Our Percentages

Aaltje B H I M O R T
AlphaBob B H I M O R T
AlphaJr B H I M O R T
Bobbi B H I M O R T
Brucette B H I M O R T
Devyn B H I M O R T
hdjr B 0% H 83% I 100% M 0% O 28% R 78% T 76%
Hounddog B H I 100% M O R T
Jeeves B H I M O R T
Josh B H I M O R T
Kalmkitty B 83% H 100% I 100% M 0% O 95% R 80% T76%
Kamilana B H I M O R T
Kazarae B H I M O R T
Kissa B 62% H I M O R T
Maata B H 83% I 72% M O 28% R 80% T 76%
MrBruce B H I M O R T
Orchid B H I M O R T
Panyea B H I M O R T
Rania B 62% H 100% I 72% M O 57% R 78% T 76%
ReddRuby B B3% H 83% I 84% M O 28% R 80% T 76%
Robare B H I M O R T
Rosie B H I M O R T
Sabuli B 83% H 83% I 84% M O 28% R 80% T 76%
Siti B 62% H 83% I 72% M O 28% R 80% T 76%
Sleepykitty B 0% H 83% I 100% M 0% O 28% R 78% T 76%
Sparkle B H I M O R T
Talos B 62% H 83% I 72% M O 28% R 78% T 76%
Telanoc B 83% H 83% I 92% M 0% O 95% R 80% T 76%
TheMazeEcho B 83% H 83% I 84% M O 28% R 78% T 76%
tripps B H I M O R T