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Treated Metal
- Auricupride: Ductile Corrosion-resistant, insulative, toxic for Silt Collector Encasement: 260sa, 5co
- Copper: Shiny stainless insulative for Steam Distaff upgrade: 120cj 70gr
- Steel: Shiny Stainless purity4 for Stainless Steel Pot :95gr
Treated Boards
- Fireproof Nontoxic White Glossy: 10cc 72w 40bm 32bw 10sp 10bm 10lime
- Hard TermRes Nontox Black: 15cc 10bone 80pet 85pb 10cc > Improved Hackling Rake
- Hard Fireproof Rotproof: 10lime 10pb 10cc 70ash 10cc 140pet 20bw 20pb 50ash 10cc
- Hard RotProof Glossy: 10cc 10su 70pet 25cc 10sp 10oil 20bw > Improved Hackling Rake
- Hard Rotproof Nontoxic: 40bn 30pet 20cc 5bw > Improved Hackling Rake
- Hard Rigid Fireproof: 100pb 50ash 3pb > Steam Rock Saw upgrade
- Nontoxic White Glossy: 40su 20w 40sp 40bn 20bw
- Nontoxic Blonde Glossy: 40su 20w 40sp 10bn 20bw
- Nontoxic Black Glossy: 10cc 10su 10pb 30pet 15oil 25bw 35cc
- Pliable Fireproof Nontoxic Blonde: 50bn 25sa 40ash 20bn > Airship Construction research
- Pliable Fireproof Nontoxic White: 300bn 15ash
- Pliable Hard: 10bw 30oil 30bm 30pet 15su
- Pliable Soft RotProof: 10cc 10pet 40oil 32bw 7w 10ash 20sp
- Rigid Hard Nontoxic: 10bm 60cc 20pb
- Rigid TermRes Nontox: 10cc 10oil 10cc 10bm 40su 10sp 20pb
- Rigid Rotproof: 10w 30cc 30oil 25bw 15su 10pb
- Rigid Rotproof: 20cc 10bm 10oil 10pet 10w 30su 25bw 20pb
- Rotproof Nontoxic: 40bone 30pet
- Rotproof Termite-Resistant: 10bone 30su 60pet
- Rotproof Nontox Blonde Glossy: 40su 40w 30bm 50bw