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Guild:Sinai Mentorship Academy/Quarries

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Tale8 Home Projects Quarries Wine Beer Facilities

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

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Type Location Status Primary Gearbox Secondary Gearbox
OSM 2564, 5456 DEPLETED
OSM 2577, 5340 DEPLETED
OSM 2574, 5323 DEPLETED
OSM 2571, 5257 DEPLETED
Mud Granite 2567, 5289 DEPLETED
White Travertine 2577, 5320 DEPLETED
White Travertine 2536, 5260 DEPLETED
Night Granite 2536, 5260 Built A199-231 D119-139 F423-486
Canary Granite 2552, 5039 Built D374-445 B211-253 H104-127


Gearbox Status
A251-A294 Built
C119-C142, F390-F445 Built
F79-F90 Built
D290-D351, F473-F587 Built
H436-H501 Built
A56-A67, G327-G379 Built
G53-G60 Built
D452-D538, G221-G250 Built
E146-161 Built
A227-261, H161-182 Built
B54-60 Built
A196-221, F285-336 Built
A445-525 Built
B209-234, G44-53 Built