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Test of the Coalition

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The Test of the Coalition
The Test of the Coalition
(Test - Leadership)
Level Required
Level 14
Demonstrated by kirie on November 25, 2018

A True Leader can form consensus. Find a Coalition that shares your goals, and persuade its founder to change planks to your view of the world. If they can't see your side of things, form your own Coalition.

Test Description

Your task is simple - join a Coalition that most closely matches your Agenda. Members of the 7 largest coalitions get points, and points are based on how closely the Coalition's Planks match your Agenda.

Anyone may found a Coalition, and founders get double points.

Please note - if you are intending on signing up to join a Coalition right now, you must click on the University again to get your Agenda. You CANNOT join a Coalition without an Agenda.


In Principles of the Coalition...

  • Accumulate 1000 Coalition Points
  • Support two winning Coalitions

Coalition Locations

*Note: When adding the location of a Coalition to this page, please edit both the Map AND the table below.
Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages

Nearest Chariot Coords Name Date
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1006,6805 Spat's Dingbats 12 May 2019
Avaris Asyut 1776, 2031 Free Agents 1 April 2019
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 914,6969 Pass the Buck 31 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1783, 2032 emf&co 31 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1778, 2032 Another Choice 31 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1780, 2031 just another coalition 31 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1782, 2031 desert bulldogs 31 March 2019
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1008,6788 Agenda for future 15 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1794, 2036 Only You 14 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1791, 2033 progress and happiness 12 March 2019
Avaris Asyut 1776, 2053 Reisa's Coalition 28 January 2019
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1007,6802 Best Coalition Ever 07 January 2019
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1004,6803 Super Lazy 07 January 2019
Meroe Blue Nile 284,-7054 Coalicious 2.0 28 January 2019
Meroe White Nile 1550,-6690 Narkho 16 December 2018
Asyut Asyut 1782,2052 Love it or Leave it 16 December 2018
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1215, 7215 Camel Co-Op Coalition 16 December 2018 Planks
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1005,6800 16 December 2018
Tanis Meshwesh Delta 1009, 6788 Coalition of North 30 November 2018
Avaris Asut 1773, 2060 Robare's Coalition 30 November 2018
Avaris Asyut 1538, 2345 Coalition of Her-ur 30 November 2018
Taba South Sinai 3380, 4758 krazy kats 30 November 2018
Taba South Sinai 3382, 4758 the dawg pound 30 November 2018
Taba South Sinai 3384, 4758 coalition of the myny 30 November 2018


In this test, you will attempt to form a large group (a coalition) that represents the views of all its players as best it can. Points are earned based on how accurately your group represents your views and how large the coalition is.

The test will run in week-long cycles, with the beginning of each cycle announced on the calendar. At the end of a cycle, the players with the most points pass the test.


At the start of a cycle, you may visit any University of Leadership to acquire an agenda. This agenda consists of 14 planks (issues), and will list your stance and how important each plank is to you. Technically, this is actually the stances of your "constituents," which are essentially invisible NPCs that you represent (so don't get too bent out of shape if you disagree with the planks given to you).

When you visit the University to start this test, don't forget to also grab your first agenda! Each cycle you will need to return to the Uni to receive a new agenda.

Once given an agenda, you may join or start a coalition. The coalition has its own planks separate from your own. At the end of the cycle, you score points based on how well the coalition planks match up to your own.

After receiving an agenda, you may view it in your test menu.

Players looking to pass the principle should note that a winning coalition credits every member even if a given member's score is negative.

Those who have passed the test can still pick up an agenda, but can no longer join a coalition.


Your agenda consists of the following 14 planks:

   * Security vs. Freedom
   * Environmental Protection vs. Economic Growth
   * Freedom of Expression vs. Public Decency
   * Achievement vs. Equality
   * The Rule of Law vs. Judicial Temperance
   * Freedom of Association vs. Inclusion
   * Accountability vs. Privacy
   * Common Good vs. Individuality
   * Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
   * National Unity vs. Local Sovereignty
   * Rights of the Accused vs. Swift Justice
   * Checks and Balances vs. Expediency
   * Investment vs. Immediate Need
   * Council of Elders vs. Trial by Jury 

In addition, your constituents will feel more or less strongly about each plank. The following is a list of adjectives describing feelings, ordered from the strongest to weakest (as well as their point values):

   * Ecstatic (+49)
   * Thrilled (+36)
   * Delighted (+25)
   * Happy (+16)
   * Pleased (+9)
   * Satisfied (+4)
   * Contented (+1)
   * Ambivalent (0) 

The following descriptors will only show up when looking at an agenda of a coalition (since it will be compared to your planks, and thus may run contrary):

   * Hesitant (-1)
   * Disconcerted (-4)
   * Upset (-9)
   * Unhappy (-16)
   * Distressed (-25)
   * Angry (-36)
   * Furious (-49) 

If the plank of a coalition matches your agenda, you gain the amount of points equal to the strength of the plank. If the plank of the coalition is opposite to your agenda, you lose the amount of points.

Build Costs

Coalition Headquarters

Built in a Small Construction Site.

You may start your own coalition by constructing a building. The costs are as follows:

Upon constructing a coalition, you become the leader of it. The leader of a coalition scores double the points.

As long as you are the only member of a coalition, you may freely change the planks of the coalition. If there are multiple people in a coalition however, only one plank may be changed every 24 hours, and no plank may be changed in the final 24 hours of a cycle.

Players may join a coalition at the coalition building (no approval is necessary). The leader of a coalition may close entry to a coalition for any reason (example: they want to set the initial planks freely before a second member joins). A coalition will have its own chat channel, and any new members or changes in planks will be announced on this channel.

You may view the agenda of any coalition at any time, whether or not you're a part of a coalition. Viewing the coalition agenda will also give you a report of what your score would be for joining the coalition at that time (note that the score is likely to change due to the fact that scoring is partially based on the number of members of the coalition).

You may only be a part of one coalition at a time. As long as you are not the leader, you can leave a coalition simply by joining another coalition or withdrawing from your current one at the building. If you are the leader, you must be the only one left in your coalition and you must tear down the building before you can join another.

A True Leader can form consensus. Find a Coalition that shares your goals, and persuade its founder to change planks to your view of the world. If they can't see your side of things, form your own Coalition.


Level 14+ You must petition the University as a group from every Region. You must also present: