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Tribute Post

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Post May Makeover

The tribute system is currently being made over by the devs. The details of how it will work aren't set in stone yet, but we've received some hints. The following section aims to summarize some of the upcoming changes, and will include a Discord chat log with Apophis.

The current system is divided into three parts, described below. The percentage in the headline shows how much the mechanic counts towards the final score in determining which faction wins a region.

NOTE: The system is subject to change, and may be reworked completely at the whim of the devs.

Local Support (20%)

It is possible to declare your support to a contested region. This is done at the region's tribute post, and once you've declared support, you will slowly (once per in-game season) rise in rank at the region.
ENN Log: Apophis' comments about Local Support

Donations (40%)

Donations work much like the previous system. The donation amounts will be capped per-faction, however.

Task Completion (40%)

These will probably work like quests. Examples given were "Make a new hatchet with exactly 6454 quality" and "Deliver these letters to these other Tribute Posts".

Chat Log With Apophis

Questions and Answers about what the future of factions could look like

Pre May Makeover

  • A Tribute Post allows factions to make a tribute in an attempt to get control of the area.
  • The faction control of a region is evaluated approximately once a week.
  • See Tribute Status for current control, bonuses, and tribute status by region.

How to Give Tribute

Click on the Tribute Post.


  • The tribute item is shown.
  • Contributed amounts from all factions are shown.
  • Click option to make a tribute.
  • The faction that currently controls the region gets a perk of double their Tribute post contributions.


  • A Token of Ra can be used to immediately take over a region. Before and after pictures. Note second picture shows new controlling faction at top center.
  • Contributions from all factions stay the same as they were before and after using a Token of Ra.

Tribute Option Token of Ra.png

Tribute Post After Token of Ra Used.png

Building Restrictions near Tribute Post

  • Building restrictions of 64 coords are in place around the tribute post. You may not see the Tribute Post in the restricted building area in the North-West, South-West, North-East and South-East out from the Tribute Post.


You can edit the map here: Maps/Tribute Post.

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

This map uses the CondMap template, if this map imports data from other maps please edit those. Please see Maps for further details and links to all raw data pages