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Skills In Progress

Skill School level cost notes
desiccation art and music 3 ? must learn basic chemistry
structure maintenance art and music 1 4 thermometer, 100 sheet glass
structure repair art and music 4 60 linen
the art of the pipe art and music 5 ?
Carving 3 body 6 10 Glass Blade, 10 Wooden Peg
Carving 4 body 10 10 Barrel Tap 10 Wooden Pestle
Carving 5 body 14 10 Bottle Stopper 10 Cotter Pin
cooperage body 5 2 Brass Plate, 50 Copper Strap, 100 Board
ecology 1 body 3 10 tadpoles, 5 flax, 1 fertile papyrus
ecology 2 body 7 20 cabbage juice
salvage techniques body 1 1000 charcoal
structure maintenance body 1 300 linen, 300 canvas
structure repair body 4 200 cut stone, 200 beeswax, 200 charcoal
conflict shrine construction harmony ? 1 oyster shell marble
exploration travel 2 harmony 15 7 Large Opal 7 Silk Cloth 100 Leather
project management 2 harmony 7 4 canvas, 12 rope ((Project management can by learned only once from Sharm, Slead or Sarch, IE if you learn 1 from Sharmony, it refuses to teach you 2)
salvage techniques harmony-DONE 1 4 night granite, 4 canary granite, 4 white travertine
structure maintenance harmony 1 500 papyrus paper, 125 glass rods
structure repair harmony 4 300 glass rods, 300 leather
salvage techniques leadership-DONE 1 200 cut stone, 100 clay, 2 oyster shell marble Silden
structure maintenance leadership 1 2 iron large gear, 80 leather
structure repair leadership 4 300 papyrus paper, 300 flint
desiccation thought 3 ? must learn basic chemistry
kiln construction 2 thought 15 200 Firebricks 10 Serpentine Marble 200 Cut Stone
salvage techniques thought 1 20 cuttable garnet, 20 cuttable turquoise Silden
scrying thought 2 ? must learn alchemy
structure maintenance thought 1 300 bricks, 50 oil, 50 beeswax
structure repair thought 4 2 oyster shell marble, 20 cuttable jade, 200 bricks
cooking 2 worship 4 20 common sage, 20 thyme, 20 common rosemary
cooking 3 worship 7 49 Salt
cooking 4 worship 11 7 Camel's Mane, 7 Cobra Hood, 7 Dead Tongue, 7 Iron Knot, 7 Peasant's Foot, 7 Toad Skin, 7 Schizophyllum
cooking 5 worship 16 7 Chukkah 7 Crimson Lettuce 7 Crumpled Leaf Basil 7 Dwarf Wild Lettuce 7 Jaivanti 7 Royal Rosemary 7 Wild Garlic
desiccation worship 3 10 Coconut Water, 1 Huge Ruby must learn basic chemistry
filleting 1 worship 3 7 knife blade, 7 phagrus meat, 20 common basil
fly tying 2 worship 6 7 ash centipede, 7 bristleworm, 7 feather midge, 7 mud asp, 7 snowberry butterfly, 7 spittlebug, 7 toad sawfly
foraging 2 worship 9 7 yellow tristeria, 7 sweetsop, 7 pulmonaria opal, 7 orange sweetgrass, 7 ilex, 7 fumitory, 7 ashoka
salvage techniques worship 1 300 leather, 300 glass rods, 300 papyrus paper Silden
structure maintenance worship 1 4 mud granite, 4 rose alabaster
structure repair worship 4 1 huge emerald, 1 large topaz, 1 medium ruby, 1 small sapphire
navigation 2 harmony 10 20 glass rods have mats
Navigation 3 harmony 14 25 Copper
Navigation 4 harmony 19 50 Papyrus Paper
ecology 3 body 12 20 dried flax
mechanics thought 8 unknown must know automation
mechanics architecture unknown must know automation
project management 3 architecture 14 200 Canvas 300 Glass Rods 100 Rope 300 Papyrus Paper ((Project management can by learned only once from Sharm, Slead or Sarch, IE if you learn 1 from Sharmony, it refuses to teach you 2)
mechanics art unknown must know automation
camp decoration art unknown 7 medium ruby, 7 medium emerald, 7 medium sapphire, 7 medium diamond
mechanics harmony 8 unknown must know automation
mechanics body 8 unknown must know automation
ecology 3 body 12 20 dried flax
botanical identification body 8 10 cobra hood mushrooms, 10 toad skin mushrooms, 10 camels mane mushrooms, 10 dead tongue mushrooms, 10 acorn's cap mushrooms, 10 bleeding hand mushrooms
botanical Identification 2 body 10 15 Fish Hook Mushrooms, 15 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms, 15 Slave's Bread Mushrooms, 15 Nefertari's Crown Mushrooms, 15 Ra's Awakening Mushrooms, 15 Earth Light Mushrooms
mechanics worship 8 unknown must know automation
Indonesian Bee Care worship 15 500 Honey have mats
Preservation worship ? 50 Papyrus Paper
Fly Tying 2 worship 6 7 Bat Mite, 7 Dew Fly, 7 Glass Worm, 7 Orchid Hopper, 7 Pickel Slug, 7 Ringed Wasp, 7 Salt Mite
Fly Tying 3 worship 9 14 Footworm, 14 Corkscrew Asp, 14 Corn Maggot, 14 Fruit Maggot, 14 Red Cricket, 14 Sand Mite, 14 Rose Mite
Fly Tying 4 worship 12 21 Bloodworm, 21 White Mealybug, 21 Rose Swallowtail, 21 Clearwing, 21 Golden Asp, 21 Slime Moth, 21 Toad Sawfly
Fly Tying 5 worship 15 ?
Botanical Identification 1 body 8 10 Cobra Hood Mushrooms, 10 Toad Skin Mushrooms, 10 Camels Mane Mushrooms, 10 Dead Tongue Mushrooms, 10 Acorn's Cap Mushrooms, 10 Bleeding Hand Mushrooms
Botanical Identification 2 body 10 15 Fish Hook Mushrooms, 15 Hairy Tooth Mushrooms, 15 Slave's Bread Mushrooms, 15 Nefertari's Crown Mushrooms, 15 Ra's Awakening Mushrooms, 15 Earth Light Mushrooms
Desiccation art 3+ 5 Salt, 1 Huge Topaz must learn Basic Chemistry
Exploration Travel 2 harmony 15 7 Large Opal 7 Silk Cloth 100 Leather

Tests In Progress

Tests Univ level Mats notes
Tattoo Body @Asyut 1716 2597 started oyster shell mortars #1)Fresh Wild Yam, 4 Red Maple Resin, Powdered Ruby, Near a School, Between 200 and 300 feet above sea level -- #2)Fresh Strawberry Tea, 6 Pratyeka Tree Resin, Powdered Sapphire, On Dirt, Far from any Flora -- #3)Fresh Yellow Tristeria, 3 Hokkaido Resin, Powdered Ruby, Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level, On Clay -- #4)Fresh Shyamalata, 7 Giant Cricklewood Resin, Powdered Opal, On a Hilltop, Between 400 and 500 feet above sea level -- #5)Fresh Verdant Two-Lobe, 1 Red Maple Resin, Powdered Opal On Clay, Near a School -- #6)Fresh Blood Balm, 4 Ash Palm Resin, Powdered Opal, Near a Road, Between 500 and 600 feet above sea level -- #7)Fresh Trilobe, 2 Ranyahn Resin, Powdered Emerald,Between 300 and 400 feet above sea level, On Rock

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Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

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