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From A Wiki in the Desert
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zFree Image Home Membership Guild Facilities Projects Events &
Test Guilds


There is a 'joining fee' of bricks(or straw), boards, and slate; to facilitate fast guild expansion. As cost of guild expansion limits the number of people who can join we are anticipating the need for a further upgrade.

Materials needed

  • T8ok small.gif Minimum donation for membership is 500 Bricks (or 200 straw), 200 Boards and 20 Slate - items to be loaded in the warehouse at the Guild Hall, verified by an Elder. Open up a chat to any online Elder and they will direct you from there. Additional donations always welcome. The actual costs for expansion of the Guild from 150 (current) to 250 members, is as follows:


Warning - Technical information! Adding one space in a guild costs (N2 + 4N + 52) boards and (2*N2 + 8N + 54) bricks, which of course makes it increasingly more expensive. So, please donate additional bricks and boards, whatever you can manage - no donation is too small!

To join and submit your fee, please contact a guild Elder in-game. You can see a list of Elders by typing in /info zFree in the chat area, then clicking on the Members tab.

Membership Ranks

Once accepted to the guild, we work with Levels of membership:

  • Initiates - this is the level allocated when you first join zFree. Once we get to know you, you'll go up in rank. You'll have access to guild facilities and machines but access to guild materials in storage buildings (chest and warehouses)is limited to basic supplies. (This is mainly because we have had people in previous tales empty out the warehouses of materials for their own needs without contributing anything in return. We don't mind helping, but we don't like being taken advantage of.)
  • Members - this is the default level for most. At this stage, you gain access to many of the guild resources and guild buildings. Use what you need, replace what is short, and if you take large quantities or the last of anything make it a personal responsibility to replace or tell someone.
  • Fellow - this level recognizes your willing contribution and loyalty to the guild.
  • Patriarch - this is for those who are helping a lot, and who have proved themselves to be reliable and trustworthy. Only the rarest of resources and critical building functions are not accessible.
  • Elder - Our foundation group of Elders have been working together for many tales. They are the core decision-makers for guild priorities and major projects. Elder-restricted storage is reserved for the rarest of resources (those that take a lot of effort to obtain or are low in quantity) and critical functions (like making explosives in the chemistry lab)

If something is higher than your level, but you would like to use/obtain, please talk to an Elder. We are quite flexible, and can make arrangements to lower building permissions and/or provide resources in appropriate cases. The key to this is engagement - Engage in the guild.