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From A Wiki in the Desert
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Revision as of 05:41, 4 February 2019 by Cate (talk | contribs) (→‎zPhoenix)
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zFree Image Home Membership Guild Facilities Projects Events &
Test Guilds

Adhoc Events

Please check guild chat in-game chat for information on one-off events.

zFree Christmas Raffle Prize Pool - drawn 24 December 2018

  • First Prize: Santa Sleigh Kit - Nitocris
  • Second Prize: Student Hookah Upgrade Kit - Bessieloo
  • Third Prize: Stars (5 x Bigger and Better, Dual Delight, SilverStreak) - Stekki
  • 4: 3x Incense 809 +End - MatK
  • 5: 2 x Red Ribbons - Peacefulness
  • 6: 3 x Ground Fireworks - Zonk
  • 7: 1 Specimen Case - Hands
  • 8: 3 x Ancient Fireworks - Nochadlee
  • 9: set of 5 Sea Lily bulbs - Reisa
  • 10: 4 Silk Panels Light Green - Herat
  • 11: 1 Specimen Case - CandyO
  • 12: set of 5 Lily Bulbs - Eugenius
  • 13: 4 Silk Panels Cobalt Blue - amron
  • 14: 100 Gunpowder - cate


  • a guild zLife devoted to the test of life, building aqueduct towers, cultivating mosses, and keeping the station pum


  • a guild for coordinating the building of raeli ovens, and burning raeli tiles for the Funerary Temple test. Sign in here to join the Free Funerary Temple build queue. You will be asked to burn 10 zemples ovens and contribute the tiles to zemples. In return you will receive a kit of raeli tiles of many colours. See Zemples Raeli Oven List for Oven details.

zFree Funeral Temple Build Queue


  • a page zFree: zPhoenix for coordinating the requirements to run zFree-led Seven Phoenix tests


  • a page zFree: zVigil for coordinating the requirements to run zFree-led Vigil based on Kuupid's work in previous tales


  • Zlopolis is gathering materials for a zFree-sponsored Megalopolis


  • a page coordinating collection and allocation of patronage coupons to optimize test pass opportunities for zFree members
  • Patronage coupons can be collected from a ULead near you. Currently the test passes require 60-100 coupons to be held in inventory when the test runs are done. A box has been set up in the zFree Post Office to collect coupons for the next round.
  • We almost have enough people contributing coupons to assist 2 people to pass in each game month, but more donations are needed to make this happen. Add your name to the roster below if you are interested in passing this test.
Name Notes
cate Ahket III, passed
Solaris Ahket IV, passed
Reisa Peret II, passed
Peacefulness Peret I, passed
Eugenius Peret III, passed
CandyO Peret IV, passed
Aubery Shemu I, Passed
amron Shemu II, passed
Zonk shemu III, passed
Matk Shemu IV, passed
Debbie akhet I, passed
haraelendil Akhet II, passed
OneBanana Akhet III, passed
SueV Akhet IV, passed
Tunnan Akhet IV, passed

  • Completed: Tunnen, Yendor, Ruby, Bessieloo,

Regular Events

Event Co-ordinator Location Date/Time(TZ)