A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
(Redirected from Pyrolysis (2/2))


Level XP Needed to advance Unlocks
1 100
2 200
3 2000
4 8000


Action Level 0 XP Value Level 1 XP Value
Burn Size 10 Simple Bonfire 1 0
Burn Size 20 Simple Bonfire 2 1
Burn Size 30 Simple Bonfire 3 1
Burn Size 40 Simple Bonfire 4 2
Burn Size 50 Simple Bonfire 5 2
Burn Size 100 Simple Bonfire 5 2
Burn Size 100+ Simple Bonfire 5 2
Try to light a Firepit and fail N/A 0
Light a Firepit successfully N/A 1*
Let the Firepit burn out with no stoking N/A 12
Let the Firepit burn out after 10 minutes of stoking N/A 17 (1 per 2 charcoal)
Let the Firepit burn out after 20+ minutes of stoking N/A 20 (max)
Make Charcoal in a Charcoal Hearth N/A 10
Make Charcoal in a Charcoal Oven N/A 15
  • Note: if player A starts a firepit and player B stokes it, player A gets one XP and player B gets the rest.

Tale 9 Tech

University of Body

Research Cost

  • Wood 600
  • Leeks 100
  • Dried Flax 100
  • Limestone 100
  • Tinder 200
  • Sharpened Stick 50
  • Dried Papyrus 100

Pyrolysis 1

Pyrolysis 1
Pyrolysis 1
(Technology - The Human Body)
Related Technologies
Research Prerequisites
Required By
Status Not Started
Expected Unknown

"Pyrolysis" is not a number.

Allows the construction and use of Bonfires and Firepits.


Allows the construction and use of Bonfires. Firepits can also be built to produce Charcoal, Lime, Ash and Grilled Foods.

Research Costs

Pyrolysis 2

Basic Charcoal Production
Basic Charcoal Production
(Technology - The Human Body)
Related Technologies
Research Prerequisites
Required By
Status Not Started
Expected Unknown

"Pyrolysis" is not a number.

Allows construction of charcoal hearths.


Basic Charcoal Production allows construction of a Charcoal Hearth.

Research Costs

Pyrolysis 3

Advanced Charcoal Production
Advanced Charcoal Production
(Technology - The Human Body)
Status Not Started
Expected Unknown

"Pyrolysis" is not a number.

Allows construction of sophisticated Charcoal Ovens.


Research Costs

Required By

Master's Casting Box, Student's Casting Box, Student's Forge