A Wiki in the Desert
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Difference between revisions of "User:Kryzaal"

From A Wiki in the Desert
Line 17: Line 17:
|-                                                    align="center" style="background-color:White;"
|-                                                    align="center" style="background-color:White;"
|White    ||X||X||X||X||O||X||-||X||-||X||-||X||X||X
|White    ||X||X||X||X||O||X||-||X||-||X||-||X||X||X
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Region !! Aqua !! Beige !! Black !! Coral !! Pink !! Smoke !! White
| Abydos
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Akhetaton
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Ammonium
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Arabia
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | x
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | x
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | x
| Arsinoe
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Asyut
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Axum
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Bahariya Oasis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | 
| Bernike
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Bitter Lakes
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Blemmyes
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Blue Nile
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Buhen
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Cyrene
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Dakhla Oasis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Damot
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Dunqul Oasis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | 
| Elephantine
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| East Kush
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| East Sinai
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Faiyum
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Gebel
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | x
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | x
|style="background-color:White;" | x
| Giza
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | x
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | x
|style="background-color:White;" | x
| Hamim
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Herakleopolis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | x
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | x
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Hermopolis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | x
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | x
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | x
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Kerma
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Kharga Oasis
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Meroe Desert
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Meshwesh Delta
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | x
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | x
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | x
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Nabta Playa
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Napata
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Naqada
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | x
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | x
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | x
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Nubia
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Philae
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Pwenet
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Red Sea
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| South Sinai
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | x
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | x
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | x
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Suez
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Swenett
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| The Land Of Punt
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Thebes
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Timna
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" | X
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Upper Egypt
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| Valley of Kings
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Wadi Natrun
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| West Kush
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| West Sinai
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Western Desert
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" | X
|style="background-color:Pink ;" | X
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" | X
| White Nile
|style="background-color:Aqua;" |
|style="background-color:Beige ;" |
|style="background-color:Gray ;" | X
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |
| Zau
|style="background-color:Aqua;" | X
|style="background-color:Beige ;" | X
|style="background-color:Gray ;" |
|style="background-color:Coral ;" |
|style="background-color:Pink ;" |
|style="background-color:Silver ;" |
|style="background-color:White;" |

Revision as of 12:45, 19 November 2023

Size/Color Small Medium Large Huge
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 1 2 1
Aqua X X X X X X X X - X - O X X
Beige X X X X X X X O X X X X X O
Black X O O X X X X X X O X X X X
Coral O X X X X X X X X X X X - X
Pink X X X X X X - X - X - X X X
Smoke X X X O X O X X X X X X - X
White X X X X O X - X - X - X X X
Region Aqua Beige Black Coral Pink Smoke White
Abydos X
Ammonium X X X
Arabia x x x
Arsinoe X X X
Asyut X X
Axum X X
Bahariya Oasis
Bernike X X
Bitter Lakes X X X
Blue Nile X X X
Dakhla Oasis
Damot X X
Dunqul Oasis
East Kush X X
East Sinai X X X
Gebel x x x
Giza x x x
Herakleopolis x x
Hermopolis x x x
Kerma X
Kharga Oasis X
Meroe Desert
Meshwesh Delta x x x
Nabta Playa
Naqada x x x
Nubia X X X
Pwenet X X X
Red Sea X X X
South Sinai x x x
Suez X X X
Swenett X X X
The Land Of Punt
Thebes X X X
Timna X X
Upper Egypt X X X
Valley of Kings X X X
Wadi Natrun
West Kush X X X
West Sinai X X X
Western Desert X X X
White Nile X
Zau X X