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This page needs updating, there is no way a recipe can be both reactionless and still use a catalyst (sulfur, lime, saltpeter or potash). -Flowbar
As of T9, I'm getting different results than these on a lot of the recipes. - Fryoj
As of T9, I'm getting different results than these on a lot of the recipes. - Fryoj

Revision as of 09:50, 8 January 2024

This page needs updating, there is no way a recipe can be both reactionless and still use a catalyst (sulfur, lime, saltpeter or potash). -Flowbar

As of T9, I'm getting different results than these on a lot of the recipes. - Fryoj

The reactions in Telling 8 are the same as Telling 7, so the following recipes should still be good.

According to the reaction chart, Clay reacts with Red Sand, so many of these recipes Will have a reaction. Use with caution.

Yes, the sulfur is sometimes required.

  • BarnRed: 3 Clay, 9 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder
  • Beet: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Clay
  • Boysenberry: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Clay
  • Brown: 2 Carrot, 8 RedSand
  • BurgundyRed: 8 RedSand, 2 SilverPowder
  • BurntUmber: 3 Clay, 7 RedSand
  • CadetBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Copper
  • Carrot: 10 Carrot
  • Chocolate: 8 Carrot, 2 RedSand
  • CobaltBlue: 3 CabbageJuice, 4 Copper, 1 Lead, 2 SilverPowder
  • DarkJungleGreen: 1 Cabbage, 2 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • DarkKhaki: 10 Carrot, 6 Copper (T9 - Rosy Brown)
  • DarkOliveGreen: 2 CabbageJuice, 7 Clay, 1 SilverPowder
  • DarkScarlet: 7 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder
  • DarkSienna: 3 Clay, 3 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateBlue: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateGrey: 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay, 4 SilverPowder
  • DimGrey: 1 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay
  • FireBrick: 3 Carrot, 7 RedSand
  • Grey: 4 Carrot, 4 Copper, 2 RedSand (T9 - Light Slate Grey)
  • IndianRed: 7 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 1 EarthLight, 5 CabbageJuice
  • Licorice: 1 RedSand, 9 SilverPowder
  • LightSeaGreen: 8 Copper, 2 SilverPowder
  • LightSlateGrey: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper
  • MediumAquaMarine: 1 Carrot, 9 Copper
  • MediumSeaGreen: 9 Copper, 1 RedSand, 2 SilverPowder, 1 ToadSkin, 1 Sulfur, 2 Clay
  • MediumTurquoise: 10 Copper
  • OliveDrab: 9 Clay, 1 EarthLight
  • Peacock: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Copper
  • PersianIndigo: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 SilverPowder
  • Peru: 9 Carrot, 1 Copper
  • RawSienna: 6 Carrot, 4 RedSand
  • RedDevil: 9 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder
  • RichBlack: 2 Copper, 8 SilverPowder
  • RubyRed: 10 RedSand
  • SaddleBrown: 10 Clay
  • SeaGreen: 6 Copper, 1 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder
  • SealBrown: 3 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • Sienna: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Clay
  • SlateGrey: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Copper
  • SteelBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper, 1 Lead
  • Teal: 6 Copper, 4 SilverPowder
  • TyrianPurple: 1 Copper, 6 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder (this gives me Dk Scarlet, so not reactionless)