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From A Wiki in the Desert
(Created page with "This page is a stopgap for me to collect opinions from Meshies, although depending on the results it may evolve into a real Thing. -Kyrien I'm shortly going to need the abili...")
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This page is a stopgap for me to collect opinions from Meshies, although depending on the results it may evolve into a real Thing. -Kyrien
Current poll:
I'm shortly going to need the ability to run polls to accurately judge Meshies' opinions on various things. What do we think on that?
Others outside Meshwesh have expressed frustration about our lack of readiness to timer new techs ASAP and feel we should acknowledge it as fair for them to do so on our behalf. Keeping in mind that enforcement will be very limited, what should our stance be on this matter? Those with Mesh alts...
We could:
are welcome to start any tech at any time, without consultation.
are welcome to start any tech from a short list we choose.
A) Just put them up on a wiki page (this one!) and let people add their names to the options they favor, on an honor system
are welcome to immediately start our stated next goal.
are asked to give us 1-3 days to get things rolling ourselves.
B) Set up a voting booth near Tanis with stash-only chests for each option and use personal chits to vote (which would be returned or destroyed, for those who use chits for trading) or
are asked to moderate imported mats for research.
are asked to let us handle research on our own. (Unlikely to work.)
B) Petition Kasiya to let elders create faction-only votes, as for tests, with no game-mechanical effect other than announcing their results when finished.
will be blocked by restricting comms to Elders. (NOT ADVISED.)
All of these options seem to have merit to me. A is simplest but most easily undermined by a bad actor; I wouldn't even consider it in a community that isn't like ATITD's, but here it could well work. C requires us to petition the developer and hope it's doable, but should be pretty ironclad once done. B's in the middle; people could theoretically take chits from shops and use them to cast votes on others' behalf, but it wouldn't be a casual thing at least.
This is going to be used for next-tech voting once established, and for any one-off cases where the elders need to be sure we're accurately representing the public will. (I do have one of those cases prompting this now.)
I prefer replies in-game, either in private chats or on Meshwesh house chat, but in the latter case please make sure I tell you I 'got it'. Voting on this page will only commence if A is chosen. -Kyrien

Revision as of 08:38, 27 November 2023

Current poll:

Others outside Meshwesh have expressed frustration about our lack of readiness to timer new techs ASAP and feel we should acknowledge it as fair for them to do so on our behalf. Keeping in mind that enforcement will be very limited, what should our stance be on this matter? Those with Mesh alts...

are welcome to start any tech at any time, without consultation. are welcome to start any tech from a short list we choose. are welcome to immediately start our stated next goal. are asked to give us 1-3 days to get things rolling ourselves. are asked to moderate imported mats for research. are asked to let us handle research on our own. (Unlikely to work.) will be blocked by restricting comms to Elders. (NOT ADVISED.)