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From A Wiki in the Desert
m (The steps for firing up a glaziers bench had incorrect math (resulted in 5 total charcoal adds which is one charcoal add too many).)
Tag: visualeditor
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Latest revision as of 22:24, 15 June 2021

The Glazier Bench must be filled with at least 19 debens of glass to make any Glass Products. So, if you want to make 1 Glass Product, you must have 20 debens of glass in the bench.

Basic information

  • While in operation, a Glazier's Bench follows a pattern of Heating, Maintaining, Cooling.
  • Ticks or changes in temperature occur approximately every 10 Tseconds.
  • Heat Cycles occur when you add Charcoal. A Heat Cycle is composed of 6-8 Heat Steps. The temperature will rise for 6-8 Heat Steps (1 Tick each), pause for 4 Ticks, and then drop.
  • While the bench is in a Heat Cycle if you add Charcoal, it will cause the temperature to spike. Depending on how late in to the dormant phase ( 4 tick pause after final Heat Step ) the charcoal is added determines how large the spike will be. Refer to Advanced Information for more info.
  • It is advisable to work in increments of 2 Charcoal to prevent drastic changes.
  • Each type of glass has a working temperature and a melting temperature.
    • Melting temperature is the point at which you can melt your raw materials to make the type of glass.
    • Working temperature is the point at which you can model glass into a product.

Bench Properties

Each bench may potentially have different Heat Value and Drop Value properties. These properties are fixed when building the bench and may affect your method of operation slightly. Note that depending on these values you may want to tear down your bench and build a new one.

  • Heat Value (HV): The Heat Value is how much the temperature of the bench increases total over a Heat Cycle started by adding 2 Charcoal.
    • To calculate the HV, add 2 Charcoal, and record the temperature changes. For example, you may see the temperature increase as follows: 0, 14, 28, 42, 56, 0. The HV of this bench would be 56.
  • Drop Value (DV): The Drop Value is how far the temperature falls per Tick when the bench is Cooling.
    • To calculate the DV, get the temperature of the bench to spike, and then record the temperature drops. For example, if you add 2 Charcoal, wait 1 Tick, and then add 2 more, you may see the temperature changes as follows: 0, 14, 42, 70, 98, 112, 1368, 1211, 1054, 897, 740, 583, ... In this case, the DV is 157.

Melting Materials for Soda and Normal Glass

  • Add 1 set of 2 Charcoal (cc)
  • Wait for temperature to rise
  • Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 sets of 2 Charcoal to get temperature above 3200 degrees
  • Click Smelt (type of glass) and enter how many. YOU MUST HAVE THE APPROPRIATE MATERIALS IN YOUR INVENTORY.

Making Products from Soda and Normal Glass

A Glazier's Bench can hold one of three types of glass:

Glass Type Melting Point Working Temp Ingredients
Soda Glass 3200° 1600–2400° 1 Lime, 2 Soda, 10 Sand
Normal Glass 3200° 1600–2400° 1 Lime, 2 Potash, 10 Sand
Jewel Glass 4400° 1600–2400° 1 Lime, 2 Potash, 10 White Sand
  • ADD 2 CHARCOAL (cc)
  • Wait for temperature to rise and ADD 2 CHARCOAL
  • Repeat 2 more times for a total of 4 sets of 2 Charcoal
  • Temperature will probably be above 2400 which is too high to make a glass product
  • Wait until temperature drops below 2400 degrees
  • Click glass product wanted and let temperature drop some more
  • When temperature is no higher than 2300 degrees ADD 2 CHARCOAL (cc)
  • Temperature will rise 4-8 times (bench dependent) and then stays stable 2-4 ticks before dropping 100-150 degrees
  • When drop in temperature occurs ADD 2 CHARCOAL
  • The timer will be counting down on your glass product and you may allow repeats in drop of temperature as described above as long as it is above 1700 degrees. REMEMBER TO ADD A SET OF 2 CHARCOAL ON EACH TEMPERATURE DROP.
  • When glass product gives Successful message click on next glass product you want to make.
  • If temperature drops between 1600 - 1700 degrees then let temperature rises occur until the stable 2-4 ticks happen (SEE TIP BELOW) and ADD 2 CHARCOAL. This gives a moderate boost back up in temperature. Repeat from above.

TIP: 2-4 tick stability can be known by watching the glass timer countdown. Normally 1 drop in the glass product timer will have 1 drop in temperature. If the glass timer drops twice for 1 drop in temperature then you are in the stable period and ADD 2 CHARCOAL.

Rimshots Easy Method

  • Heat the bench as stated above.
  • When glass is melted and temp is dropping follow this easy formula to keep temp from fluxing too much:

(these temperatures are when the temp drops only)

Temp drops to Add Charcoal
less than 1950 Add 12
1950 - 2150 Add 6
2150-2300 add 2

Advanced Information

A player should also pay close attention to the Heat Steps that occur to make the Heat Value. Each bench can have a various number of Heat Steps (approx 6-8?, need more testing). The sum of these is the Heat value. These steps are a crucial part in calculating spikes. Currently, testing has only been done for a 1 tick overlap of charcoal additions. The best I can tell, the spikes (which are 8*DV) occur 10 ticks after the addition extra charcoal . The table below should explain things. As you can see, my DV is 143, my HV is 54, with steps of 6,7,7,7,6,7,7,7. The * represents charcoal being added. As you can see they are staggered by one tick. The sum of each step is added together until 10 ticks after each added charcoal, and then 8*DV is added to the remaining steps (in a 1 charcoal overlap there are no steps left)

Charcoal 1 Charcoal 2 Calc Total
* 0 0 + 0 0
6 * 6 + 0 6
7 6 6 + 7 + 6 19
7 7 19 + 7 + 7 33
7 7 33 + 7 + 7 47
6 7 47 + 6 + 7 60
7 6 60 + 7 + 6 73
7 7 73 + 7 + 7 87
7 7 87 + 7 + 7 101
0 7 101 + 7 108
0 8*DV ( 8 * 143 = 1144 ) 108 + 1144 1252

Charcoal 1 Charcoal 2 Charcoal 3 Calc Total
* 0 0 0 + 0 + 0 0
6 * 0 6 + 0 + 0 6
7 6 * 6 + 7 + 0 19
7 7 6 19 + 7 + 7 + 6 39
7 7 7 39 + 7 + 7 + 7 60
6 7 7 60 + 6 + 7 + 7 80
7 6 7 80 + 7 + 6 + 7 100
7 7 6 100 + 7 + 7 + 6 120
7 7 7 120+ 7 + 7 + 7 141
0 7 7 141 + 0 + 7 + 7 155
0 8*DV ( 8 * 143 = 1144 ) 7 155 + 1144 + 0 + 7 1306
0 0 8*DV ( 8 * 143 = 1144 ) 1306 + 0 + 0 + 1144 2450

Further Information on Initial Heating

Heat your bench initially with Charcoal (CC). To obtain a quick reliable spike you will need to add 2 CC every time you see the temperature rise on the bench for 1 Tick (step). If you do not wait for the temperature to rise, you will need more steps to reach the proper melting point. After the steps are executed, the temperature will continue rising slowly for 1 to 2 minutes and then spike ~1000 degrees upwards (refer to advanced information for more accurate numbers). The approximate amount of steps needed for each type of glass is listed below.


  1. As the bench drops below the maximum working temperature, begin making your products.
  2. When the temperature of the bench plus its Heat Value is below the maximum working temperature, add 2 CC to start a Heat Cycle.
  3. Continue the process of adding 2 CC to begin a Heat Cycle after every temperature drop.
  4. Do not create any additional products as the temperature of the bench minus its Drop Value approaches the minimum working temperature.
  5. When you have no product cooling, add 2 CC to the bench, wait for the next step and then add 2 CC more. This spike will bring the bench near or above the maximum working temperature.
  6. Repeat the process of letting the bench cool to the working zone and start the Maintenance again.

Using A Timer During Maintenance Mode

If you have little timers running, you can set them to 1 minute 46 seconds. This is the amount of time from when you add cc till when it needs to be added again to prevent it from cooling off. It's actually about 1 minute 49 seconds but this allows for a small amount of server-lag and so on. So during the maintenance mode, add 2 cc then wait 1min 46secs and add 2 cc. Rinse and repeat until the heat level is up around 2200 and then pause/reset your timer and allow the bench to cool to around 1700. Then start the adding of cc every 1min 46secs again. It's best to have a separate timer running for each bench as they are of course different and because you may add cc at different points and get out of synch of a single timer.

I have found that at 1m 45s is when the temperature drops (from the last time you click Add 2CC). I find that setting your timer to 1m 40s (Real time, not Teppy) is perfect. Add 2CC, hit Start on Timer, keep repeating. The timer method is great, its very predictable and gives you time to make a quick sandwich or pour another glass of beer! I have never got a spike nor missed and got a temperature drop using 1m 40s ~ Cegaiel (I agree, though I use 1m 43s myself and no problems either. It makes it so easy to run multiple benches. - Tribisha)

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