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Mushroom Lab

A Mushroom Lab is a quick way to determine the suitability of a soil type to the conditions required for a given Mushroom Type to grow.

Using spores of a known Mushroom Type and a Cloudy Revelation Solvent (a fast acting growth accelerant), it is possible to determine quickly if a soil will be conducive to the growing of that wild Mushroom Type. Sadly the resulting mycelium will not fruit, but the rate at which it grows is a good indicator to wild mushroom growth.

To make a Mushroom Lab, you require a Cloudy Revelation Solvent and a Jar of Spores of the given Mushroom Type you are interested in testing. Each batch will create roughly 10 vials of solution to conduct tests with.

Mushroom Labs are created in a Chemistry Laboratory and requires the Chemistry 2 (Skill) skill.


To use a Mushroom Lab, select Skills -> Fungiculture-> Test area with a Mushroom Lab, and then select the lab from the popup. A message will be given in Main chat, like "The ground at -6, -6726 could be rated as 30 out of 100".

You may also receive a message like "At least one condition in this ground is completely unsuitable, the spore does not take".

Mushroom Labs uses a Constitution timer.

Ecology Data

Use this table to report spot ecology readings and the associated % suitability reported by Mushroom Labs. This data should help guide the creation of appropriate growing media mixtures in the Compost Mixer. It is recommended that you take these readings in places where there are active spawns and/or where spawns have been frequently and are expected to recur, rather than random readings. These should generally give decent suitability results.

<Mushroom Metal% N% Water% pH Phos% Sal% Soot% K% Lab%
?Beehive 0 61 50 7.0000 25 0 0 43 unsuitable
?Beehive 0 25 50 7.0000 25 0 0 25 unsuitable
?Catnip 0 25 59 7.0000 25 0 0 25 99
?Eye of Osiris 0 25 50 7.0000 ? 0 0 25 unsuitable
?Eye of Osiris 0 25 50 7.0000 ? 0 0 25 27
?Flat 0 25 50 7.0000 25 0 6 25 6
?Camels Mane 0 23 50 7.0000 25 0 0 25 72
?Hairy Tooth 0 25 50 6.0798 18 0 0 25 30
?Hairy Tooth 0 24 50 6.7680 18 0 0 25 30
?Hairy Tooth 0 25 50 6.3376 19 0 0 25 68
?Hairy Tooth 0 24 50 6.5 25 0 0 25 90
?Heaven's Torrent 0 25 50 7.4000 25 3 0 25 46
?Heaven's Torrent 0 22 50 7.1000 25 6 0 25 33
?Orange Campanella 0 16 50 6.9600 25 0 0 20 100
?Razor's Edge 0 25 76 7.0 25 0 0 25 90
?Salt Water Fungus 0 25 50 7.0000 25 0 0 25 100
?Salt Water Fungus 0 25 50 7.4000 25 3 0 25 46
?Salt Water Fungus 0 22 50 7.1000 25 6 0 25 33
?Sand Spore 0 25 50 6.4000 25 0 0 25 unsuitable
?Sand Spore 0 25 50 7.0000 25 0 0 25 80
?Spiderling 0 17 50 7.0300 33 0 0 19 72
?Spiderling 0 16 50 6.9600 25 0 0 20 100
?Spiderling 0 25 50 1.8646 25 0 0 25 unsuitable

See Also