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=='''<font color="#660066" size="4">peintures</font>'''==
== Lures and locations ==
{| class='wikitable sortable' border="1" style="background-color:#DEB887;"
<!-- this table should be updated to have time instead of location, and sizes for the lures or something
! Color !! Recipe !! Missing Reactions? || Verified
location seems completely pointless
day time AND season
{| class="wikitable sortable" width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" style="background-color:#e6f2ff"  
! width="12%"|Fish !!width="5%"|Rarity !!width="43%"|Lure(s) !!width="30%"|Location(s)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F0F8FF;color: #000000;" | AliceBlue ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 5 || Y || N
| [[Abdju]] || align="center"|Common ||[[Glass Worm]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Mud Asp]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Red Cricket]], [[Slime Moth]] ||Blue Nile, Giza, Swenett (lake), Bernike (Res Sea)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9966CC; color: #FFFFFF;" | Amethyst ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 5 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 || Y || N
| [[Amur Pike]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FAEBD7;color: #000000;" | AntiqueWhite ||  Carrot 4 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 11 || Y || N
| [[Ayu]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00FFFF;color: #000000;" | Aqua ||  Sulfur 1 Copper 9 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 || Y || N
| [[Bay Lobster]] || align="center"|? || [[Woolly Aphid]],[[Needleworm]] ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #7FFFD4;color: #000000;" | Aquamarine ||  Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| [[Bottlenose Squid]] || align="center"|? || [[Bat Mite]], [[Bristleworm]], [[Raspberry Moth]], [[Red Cricket]], [[White Mealybug]] || Arabia, Asyut, Bernike (sea), Meshwesh Delta, Upper Egypt (Nile)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F0FFFF;color: #000000;" | Azure ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 6 Cabbage Juice 7 || Y || N
| [[Camelfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Glass Worm]], [[Leafhopper]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Stone Fly]] ||Asyut, Giza, Meshwesh Delta, Swenett (lake), Upper Egypt
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF91AF;color: #000000;" | BakerMillerPink ||  Iron 1 Red Sand 5 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 4 || Y || N
| [[Carp]] || align="center"|Common ||[[Bristleworm]], [[Clearwing]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Mud Asp]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Red Cricket]], [[Rose Mite]], [[Rose Swallowtail]], [[Ruby Hornborrer]], [[Salt Mite]], [[Slime Moth]], [[Woolly Aphid]], [[Queen Maggot]]||Asyut (common), Blue Nile, Giza, Meshwesh Delta (common), Swenett (lake), Thebes (common), Upper Egypt, White Nile (pond)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E3CF57;color: #000000;" | Banana ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 7 || Y || N
| [[Catfish]] || align="center"|Common ||[[Golden Asp]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Mud Asp]], [[Rose Mite]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Woolly Aphid]] ||Axum, Blue Nile, Giza, Meshwesh Delta, Red Sea (common), Upper Egypt
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #7C0A02; color: #FFFFFF;" | BarnRed ||  Cabbage Juice 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 9 || Y || N
| [[Cherry Bonefish]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8E388E; color: #FFFFFF;" | Beet ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 4 || Y || N
| [[Chromis]] || align="center"|Common ||[[Bristleworm]], [[Clearwing]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Leaf Snapper]], [[Mud Asp]] ||Upper Egypt (common), Meshwesh Delta
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F5F5DC;color: #000000;" | Beige ||  Carrot 5 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 15 || Y || N
| [[Flying Fish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Clearwing]], ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFE4C4;color: #000000;" | Bisque ||  Carrot 5 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 9 || Y || N
| [[Giant Crayfish]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #010101; color: #FFFFFF;" | Black ||  Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Copper 1 || Y || N
| [[Great Knucklefish]]  || align="center"|? ||[[Golden Asp]], [[Snowberry Butterfly]], [[Sand Mite]] ||Axum, Meshwesh Delta
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFEBCD;color: #000000;" | BlanchedAlmond ||  Carrot 3 Iron 2 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 6 || Y || N
| [[Horned Pigfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Clearwing]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Red Cricket]], [[Rose Mite]] (preferred) ||Thebes (lake), Upper Egypt (Nile), West Kush (Nile)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF6700; color: #FFFFFF;" | BlazeOrange ||  Clay 1 Carrot 7 Iron 1 Copper 1 || Y || N
| [[Hylian Loach]] || align="center"|? ||Slime moth ||Swenett pond
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #0000FF; color: #FFFFFF;" | Blue || || N || N
| [[Ivory Knifefish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Slime Moth]] ||Philae (-218, -3009)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8A2BE2; color: #FFFFFF;" | BlueViolet ||  Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 12 Clay 1 || Y || N
| [[Kingfish]] || align="center"|? ||Bristle Worm, Pickel Slug ||Meshwesh Delta (889, 6847)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #873260; color: #FFFFFF;" | Boysenberry ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 10 || N || N
| [[Lima Chub]] || align="center"|? || [[Leafhopper]], [[Queen Maggot]], [[Raspberry Moth]] ||Wesh Kush (Nile)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF007F; color: #FFFFFF;" | BrightPink ||  Cabbage Juice 2 Lead 1 Carrot 11 Toad Skin 1 || Y || N
| [[Malapterurus]] || align="center"|? || [[Queen Maggot]] || Suez (1325, 6129), MWD Nile
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #A52A2A; color: #FFFFFF;" | Brown ||  Carrot 2 Red Sand 8 || Y || N
| [[Medusafish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Raspberry Moth]] || Meshwesh Delta (1043, 7522)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #800020; color: #FFFFFF;" | BurgundyRed ||  Clay 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 9 || Y || N
| [[Moonfish]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DEB887;color: #000000;" | BurlyWood || Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 6 || Y || N
| [[Nile Mackerel]] || align="center"| ? ||[[Horned Hookworm]], [[Needleworm]], [[Pickel Slug]] (preferred) ||Thebes, Red Sea (sea), West Kush (Nile), Bahariya Oasis (-2550, 5597 @ 11:25p)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8A360F; color: #FFFFFF;" | BurntSienna ||  Red Sand 8 Sulfur 1 Carrot 2 || Y || N
| [[Octecs Longfin]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8A3324; color: #FFFFFF;" | BurntUmber ||  Cabbage Juice 3 Red Sand 7 || Y || N
| [[Octopus]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #5F9EA0; color: #FFFFFF;" | CadetBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| [[Orange Spongefish]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF6103; color: #FFFFFF;" | CadmiumOrange ||  Carrot 7 Red Sand 2 Iron 1 || Y || N
| [[Otterfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Glass Worm]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Leaf Snapper]], [[Slime Moth]] ||Kahun (pond), Upper Egypt (the Nile)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF9912;color: #000000;" | CadmiumYellow || Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Carrot 7 Iron 1 || Y || N
| [[Oxyrynchus]] || align="center"|Common* ||[[Clearwing]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Ruby Hornborrer]], [[Salt Mite]], [[Sand Mite]], [[White Mealybug]] ||Asyut (nile), Bernike (sea), Swenett (lake)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E07020; color: #FFFFFF;" | Carrot ||  Carrot 10 || N || N
| [[Pancake Loach]] || align="center"|? || [[Leaf Snapper]], [[Mud Asp]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Rose Mite]], [[Wooly Aphid|Wooly Aphid,]] Stone Fly, Rose Swallowtail|| West Kush
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #7FFF00;color: #000000;" | Chartreuse ||  || N || N
| [[Perch]] || align="center"|Common || [[Bristleworm]], [[Clearwing]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Mud Asp]], [[Needleworm]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Red Cricket]], [[Rose Mite]], [[Slime Moth]], [[Woolly Aphid]] ||Axum, Asyut (rarely), Blue Nile, Bernike (common), Swenett (common), Upper Egypt, West Kush (common)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D2691E; color: #FFFFFF;" | Chocolate ||  Carrot 8 Red Sand 2 || Y || N
| [[Phagrus]] || align="center"|Common || [[Bat Mite]], [[Bristleworm]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Leaf Snapper]], [[Mud Asp]] ||Giza, Hamim, Upper Egypt, Asyut, Meshwesh Delta
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #3D59AB; color: #FFFFFF;" | CobaltBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 || Y || N
| [[Queen Lionfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Glass Worm]], [[Mud Asp]] ||Bernike (sea), Meshwesh Delta
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #3D9140; color: #FFFFFF;" | CobaltGreen || Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Clay 7 Iron 1 || Y || N
| [[Rainbow Cod]] || align="center"|? ||[[Corn Maggot]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Rose Mite]], [[Raspberry Moth]], Stone Fly ||Elephantine (141, -3578), Upper Egypt, Bernike (2367, -828)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF7F50;color: #000000;" | Coral ||  Red Sand 2 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 7 || Y || N
| [[Razorfin]] || align="center"|? || [[Oyster Mite]] ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #6495ED; color: #FFFFFF;" | CornflowerBlue ||  Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 || Y || N
| [[Reticulated Toothfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Bristleworm]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Dew Fly]], [[Feather Midge]] (preferred), [[Horned Hookworm]] ||Bernike, Red Sea, Thebes
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFF8DC;color: #000000;" | Cornsilk ||  Carrot 2 Iron 2 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 7 || Y || N
| [[Ribbonfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Red Cricket]], [[Sand Mite]] ||West Kush
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DC143C; color: #FFFFFF;" | Crimson ||  Carrot 2 Red Sand 7 Iron 1 || Y || N
| [[River Crab]] || align="center"|? || [[Clearwing]], [[Glass Worm]] ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00008B; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkBlue ||  Cabbage Juice 2 Copper 5 Clay 1 Lead 2 || Y || N
| [[Sea Urchin]] || align="center"|? ||[[Clearwing]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Ruby Hornborrer]] ||East Sinai, West Kush (Nile)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #008B8B; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkCyan ||  Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 9 || Y || N
| [[Serpentfish]] || align="center"|? || [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Leaf Snapper]], Camel Weavel ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #B8860B; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkGoldenRod ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 4 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 5 || Y || N
| [[Shelomits Puffer]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #006400; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| [[Singing Lamprey]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #A9A9A9;color: #000000;" | DarkGrey ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 2 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 7 || Y || N
| [[Spiny Dogfish]] || align="center"|? || [[Orchid Hopper]] , [[Corn Maggot]],||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #1A2421; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkJungleGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 5 Sulfur 1 Clay 5 || Y || N
| [[Spoonfish]] || align="center"|? ||[[Clearwing]], [[Horned Hookworm]] ||Swenett (lake), Upper Egypt
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #BDB76B;color: #000000;" | DarkKhaki ||  Copper 1 Carrot 8 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 || Y || N
| [[Spotted Sea Cucumber]] || align="center"|? ||[[Fruit Maggot]], [[Wooly Aphid]] ||Swenett (lake), West Kush
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8B008B; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkMagenta ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 13 Copper 1 || Y || N
| [[Striped Batfin]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #556B2F; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkOliveGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 4 || Y || N
| [[Tigerfish]] || align="center"| ? ||[[Golden Asp]], [[Bristleworm]], [[Needleworm]] ||Axum, Timna (pond 5083, 3900)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF8C00;color: #000000;" | DarkOrange ||  Clay 1 Carrot 10 Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 || Y || N
| [[Tilapia]] || align="center"|Common ||[[Bristleworm]], [[Clearwing]], [[Corn Maggot]], [[Feather Midge]], [[Fruit Maggot]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Leaf Snapper]], [[Pickel Slug]], [[Woolly Aphid]] ||Asyut, Meshwesh Delta (common @ 911, 7011), Upper Egypt
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9932CC; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkOrchid ||  Copper 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 8 || Y || N
| [[Tilefish]] || align="center"| || [[Feather Midge]], Stone Fly, Ash Centipede (small), Rose Mite (small), Skinlicker  ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8B0000; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkRed ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 10 Sulfur 1 || Y || N
| [[White Oniontail]] || align="center"|? ||? ||?
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E9967A;color: #000000;" | DarkSalmon ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 7 || Y || N
| [[Yellowfin Snapper]] || align="center"|? ||[[Blister Beetle]], [[Slime Moth]], [[Glass Worm]], [[Horned Hookworm]], [[Wooly Aphid]] ||Asyut, Bernike (sea), Blue Nile (Lake)
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #560319; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkScarlet ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 9 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8FBC8F;color: #000000;" | DarkSeaGreen ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #3C1414; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkSienna ||  Cabbage Juice 1 Red Sand 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #483D8B; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkSlateBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #2F4F4F; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkSlateGrey ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 6 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00CED1; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkTurquoise ||  Copper 4 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9400D3; color: #FFFFFF;" | DarkViolet ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lead 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF1493; color: #FFFFFF;" | DeepPink ||  Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 18 Toad Skin 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00BFFF; color: #FFFFFF;" | DeepSkyBlue ||  Saltpeter 1 Copper 5 Sulfur 1 Clay 5 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #696969; color: #FFFFFF;" | DimGrey ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 8 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #1E90FF; color: #FFFFFF;" | DodgerBlue ||  Copper 4 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 2 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00009C; color: #FFFFFF;" | DukeBlue ||  Cabbage Juice 5 Copper 4 Sulfur 1 Lead 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FCE6C9;color: #000000;" | EggshellWhite ||  Carrot 3 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00C957; color: #FFFFFF;" | EmeraldGreen ||  Cabbage Juice 2 Copper 7 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D19275;color: #000000;" | Feldspar ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 7 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #B22222; color: #FFFFFF;" | FireBrick ||  Carrot 3 Red Sand 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFAF0;color: #000000;" | FloralWhite ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #228B22; color: #FFFFFF;" | ForestGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 Iron 1 Carrot 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF00FF; color: #FFFFFF;" | Fuchsia ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DCDCDC;color: #000000;" | Gainsboro ||  Iron 5 Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F8F8FF;color: #000000;" | GhostWhite ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFD700;color: #000000;" | Gold ||  Copper 1 Carrot 9 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DAA520;color: #000000;" | GoldenRod ||  Clay 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #008000; color: #FFFFFF;" | Green ||  Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 7 Copper 15 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #ADFF2F;color: #000000;" | GreenYellow ||  Clay 10 Copper 6 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #808080; color: #FFFFFF;" | Grey ||  Clay 1 Red Sand 3 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F0FFF0;color: #000000;" | HoneyDew ||  Copper 2 Carrot 2 Falcons Bait 7 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF69B4;color: #000000;" | HotPink ||  Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Carrot 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #002395; color: #FFFFFF;" | ImperialBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Copper 1 Clay 3 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #CD5C5C; color: #FFFFFF;" | IndianRed ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 8 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #4B0082; color: #FFFFFF;" | Indigo ||  Cabbage Juice 1 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFFF0;color: #000000;" | Ivory ||  Carrot 2 Iron 1 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F0E68C;color: #000000;" | Khaki ||  Iron 1 Carrot 8 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E6E6FA;color: #000000;" | Lavender ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFF0F5;color: #000000;" | LavenderBlush ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 10 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #7CFC00;color: #000000;" | LawnGreen ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFACD;color: #000000;" | LemonChiffon ||  Carrot 3 Iron 1 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #1A1110; color: #FFFFFF;" | Licorice ||  Cabbage Juice 1 Red Sand 8 Lime 1 Copper 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #ADD8E6;color: #000000;" | LightBlue ||  Lime 1 Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 8 Saltpeter 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F08080;color: #000000;" | LightCoral ||  Iron 1 Red Sand 8 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E0FFFF;color: #000000;" | LightCyan ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 5 Cabbage Juice 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FAFAD2;color: #000000;" | LightGoldenRodYellow ||  Copper 1 Carrot 3 Falcons Bait 6 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #90EE90;color: #000000;" | LightGreen ||  Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D3D3D3;color: #000000;" | LightGrey ||  Copper 3 Carrot 4 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 3 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFB6C1;color: #000000;" | LightPink ||  Copper 1 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFA07A;color: #000000;" | LightSalmon ||  Lime 1 Carrot 8 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #20B2AA; color: #FFFFFF;" | LightSeaGreen ||  Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Clay 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #87CEFA;color: #000000;" | LightSkyBlue ||  Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8470FF; color: #FFFFFF;" | LightSlateBlue ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #778899; color: #FFFFFF;" | LightSlateGrey ||  Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #B0C4DE;color: #000000;" | LightSteelBlue ||  Copper 1 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFFE0;color: #000000;" | LightYellow ||  Carrot 2 Iron 1 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00FF00; color: #FFFFFF;" | Lime ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #32CD32; color: #FFFFFF;" | LimeGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Clay 6 Iron 1 Copper 3 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FAF0E6;color: #000000;" | Linen ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #800000; color: #FFFFFF;" | Maroon ||  Cabbage Juice 1 Red Sand 8 Lime 1 Carrot 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #66CDAA;color: #000000;" | MediumAquaMarine ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #0000CD; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumBlue ||  Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 3 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #BA55D3; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumOrchid ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 8 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9370DB; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumPurple ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #3CB371; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumSeaGreen ||  Copper 1 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #7B68EE; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumSlateBlue ||  Copper 2 Clay 4 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00FA9A;color: #000000;" | MediumSpringGreen ||  Copper 7 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 Carrot 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #48D1CC;color: #000000;" | MediumTurquoise ||  Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 3 Saltpeter 1 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #C71585; color: #FFFFFF;" | MediumVioletRed ||  Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #E3A869;color: #000000;" | Melon ||  Saltpeter 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #191970; color: #FFFFFF;" | MidnightBlue ||  Saltpeter 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 9 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F5FFFA;color: #000000;" | MintCream ||  Carrot 1 Iron 4 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 19 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFE4E1;color: #000000;" | MistyRose ||  Iron 4 Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFE4B5;color: #000000;" | Moccasin ||  Carrot 6 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFDEAD;color: #000000;" | NavajoWhite ||  Carrot 7 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #000080; color: #FFFFFF;" | Navy ||  Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Copper 5 Lead 3 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FDF5E6;color: #000000;" | OldLace ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #808000; color: #FFFFFF;" | Olive ||  Clay 3 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #6B8E23; color: #FFFFFF;" | OliveDrab ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 8 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFA500;color: #000000;" | Orange ||  Clay 1 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 13 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF4500; color: #FFFFFF;" | OrangeRed ||  Carrot 4 Red Sand 5 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DA70D6;color: #000000;" | Orchid ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 3 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #002147; color: #FFFFFF;" | OxfordBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 Copper 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #EEE8AA;color: #000000;" | PaleGoldenRod ||  Copper 4 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #98FB98;color: #000000;" | PaleGreen ||  Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #AFEEEE;color: #000000;" | PaleTurquoise ||  Lime 1 Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 6 Saltpeter 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DB7093; color: #FFFFFF;" | PaleVioletRed ||  Lime 1 Red Sand 8 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFEFD5;color: #000000;" | PapayaWhip ||  Carrot 1 Iron 3 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFDAB9;color: #000000;" | PeachPuff ||  Carrot 5 Iron 1 Lime 1 Copper 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #33A1C9; color: #FFFFFF;" | Peacock ||  Saltpeter 1 Copper 3 Sulfur 1 Clay 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #32127A; color: #FFFFFF;" | PersianIndigo ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F77FBE;color: #000000;" | PersianPink ||  Iron 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Cabbage Juice 5 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #CD853F; color: #FFFFFF;" | Peru ||  Carrot 4 Red Sand 5 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFC0CB;color: #000000;" | Pink ||  Carrot 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #DDA0DD;color: #000000;" | Plum ||  Iron 1 Red Sand 3 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 6 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #B0E0E6;color: #000000;" | PowderBlue ||  Lime 1 Copper 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #003153; color: #FFFFFF;" | PrussianBlue ||  Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 3 Lime 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #800080; color: #FFFFFF;" | Purple ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 5 Cabbage Juice 5 Lime 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #C76114; color: #FFFFFF;" | RawSienna ||  Carrot 6 Red Sand 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF0000; color: #FFFFFF;" | Red ||  Red Sand 4 Potash 1 Carrot 5 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #860111; color: #FFFFFF;" | RedDevil ||  Lime 1 Red Sand 10 || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #004040; color: #FFFFFF;" | RichBlack ||  Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Copper 1 Clay 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #BC8F8F;color: #000000;" | RosyBrown ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 4 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #4169E1; color: #FFFFFF;" | RoyalBlue ||  Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 4 Clay 5 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9B111E; color: #FFFFFF;" | RubyRed ||  Red Sand 10 || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #8B4513; color: #FFFFFF;" | SaddleBrown ||  Carrot 2 Red Sand 4 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FA8072;color: #000000;" | Salmon ||  Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F4A460;color: #000000;" | SandyBrown ||  Carrot 7 Red Sand 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #92000A; color: #FFFFFF;" | Sangria ||  Lime 1 Red Sand 9 Carrot 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #308014; color: #FFFFFF;" | SapGreen ||  Saltpeter 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #2E8B57; color: #FFFFFF;" | SeaGreen ||  Copper 1 Red Sand 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #321414; color: #FFFFFF;" | SealBrown ||  Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Sulfur 1 Clay 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFF5EE;color: #000000;" | SeaShell ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #A0522D; color: #FFFFFF;" | Sienna ||  Red Sand 4 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #C0C0C0;color: #000000;" | Silver ||  Copper 1 Clay 4 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #87CEEB;color: #000000;" | SkyBlue ||  Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #6A5ACD; color: #FFFFFF;" | SlateBlue ||  Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 8 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #708090; color: #FFFFFF;" | SlateGrey ||  Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #100C08; color: #FFFFFF;" | SmokeyBlack ||  Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 1 Lime 1 Copper 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFAFA;color: #000000;" | Snow ||  Carrot 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 8 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #00FF7F;color: #000000;" | SpringGreen ||  Copper 6 Saltpeter 1 Iron 2 Carrot 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #4682B4; color: #FFFFFF;" | SteelBlue ||  Copper 2 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 4 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #CC3366; color: #FFFFFF;" | SteelPink ||  Clay 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 7 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D2B48C;color: #000000;" | Tan ||  Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 6 Clay 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #008080; color: #FFFFFF;" | Teal ||  Cabbage Juice 6 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D8BFD8;color: #000000;" | Thistle ||  Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FF6347; color: #FFFFFF;" | Tomato ||  Carrot 4 Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 2 Iron 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #40E0D0;color: #000000;" | Turquoise ||  Copper 6 Cabbage Juice 2 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #66023C; color: #FFFFFF;" | TyrianPurple ||  Sulfur 1 Red Sand 9 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #EE82EE;color: #000000;" | Violet ||  Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #D02090; color: #FFFFFF;" | VioletRed ||  Sulfur 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F5DEB3;color: #000000;" | Wheat ||  Copper 2 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 3 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFFFF;color: #000000;" | White ||  Carrot 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Falcons Bait 9 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #F5F5F5;color: #000000;" | WhiteSmoke ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #FFFF00;color: #000000;" | Yellow ||  || N || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #9ACD32;color: #000000;" | YellowGreen ||  Clay 7 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 || Y || N
| style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #0014A8; color: #FFFFFF;" | Zaffre ||  Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 1 Clay 1 || Y || N
== See also ==
[[Category:Fish| ]]

Revision as of 12:35, 19 December 2023

Lures and locations

Fish Rarity Lure(s) Location(s)
Abdju Common Glass Worm, Horned Hookworm, Mud Asp, Pickel Slug, Red Cricket, Slime Moth Blue Nile, Giza, Swenett (lake), Bernike (Res Sea)
Amur Pike ? ? ?
Ayu ? ? ?
Bay Lobster ? Woolly Aphid,Needleworm ?
Bottlenose Squid ? Bat Mite, Bristleworm, Raspberry Moth, Red Cricket, White Mealybug Arabia, Asyut, Bernike (sea), Meshwesh Delta, Upper Egypt (Nile)
Camelfish ? Glass Worm, Leafhopper, Pickel Slug, Stone Fly Asyut, Giza, Meshwesh Delta, Swenett (lake), Upper Egypt
Carp Common Bristleworm, Clearwing, Corn Maggot, Fruit Maggot, Glass Worm, Horned Hookworm, Mud Asp, Pickel Slug, Red Cricket, Rose Mite, Rose Swallowtail, Ruby Hornborrer, Salt Mite, Slime Moth, Woolly Aphid, Queen Maggot Asyut (common), Blue Nile, Giza, Meshwesh Delta (common), Swenett (lake), Thebes (common), Upper Egypt, White Nile (pond)
Catfish Common Golden Asp, Corn Maggot, Feather Midge, Horned Hookworm, Mud Asp, Rose Mite, Pickel Slug, Woolly Aphid Axum, Blue Nile, Giza, Meshwesh Delta, Red Sea (common), Upper Egypt
Cherry Bonefish ? ? ?
Chromis Common Bristleworm, Clearwing, Feather Midge, Fruit Maggot, Horned Hookworm, Leaf Snapper, Mud Asp Upper Egypt (common), Meshwesh Delta
Flying Fish ? Clearwing, ?
Giant Crayfish ? ? ?
Great Knucklefish ? Golden Asp, Snowberry Butterfly, Sand Mite Axum, Meshwesh Delta
Horned Pigfish ? Clearwing, Feather Midge, Fruit Maggot, Red Cricket, Rose Mite (preferred) Thebes (lake), Upper Egypt (Nile), West Kush (Nile)
Hylian Loach ? Slime moth Swenett pond
Ivory Knifefish ? Slime Moth Philae (-218, -3009)
Kingfish ? Bristle Worm, Pickel Slug Meshwesh Delta (889, 6847)
Lima Chub ? Leafhopper, Queen Maggot, Raspberry Moth Wesh Kush (Nile)
Malapterurus ? Queen Maggot Suez (1325, 6129), MWD Nile
Medusafish ? Raspberry Moth Meshwesh Delta (1043, 7522)
Moonfish ? ? ?
Nile Mackerel ? Horned Hookworm, Needleworm, Pickel Slug (preferred) Thebes, Red Sea (sea), West Kush (Nile), Bahariya Oasis (-2550, 5597 @ 11:25p)
Octecs Longfin ? ? ?
Octopus ? ? ?
Orange Spongefish ? ? ?
Otterfish ? Glass Worm, Pickel Slug, Leaf Snapper, Slime Moth Kahun (pond), Upper Egypt (the Nile)
Oxyrynchus Common* Clearwing, Corn Maggot, Glass Worm, Pickel Slug, Ruby Hornborrer, Salt Mite, Sand Mite, White Mealybug Asyut (nile), Bernike (sea), Swenett (lake)
Pancake Loach ? Leaf Snapper, Mud Asp, Fruit Maggot, Rose Mite, Wooly Aphid, Stone Fly, Rose Swallowtail West Kush
Perch Common Bristleworm, Clearwing, Corn Maggot, Feather Midge, Fruit Maggot, Glass Worm, Horned Hookworm, Mud Asp, Needleworm, Pickel Slug, Red Cricket, Rose Mite, Slime Moth, Woolly Aphid Axum, Asyut (rarely), Blue Nile, Bernike (common), Swenett (common), Upper Egypt, West Kush (common)
Phagrus Common Bat Mite, Bristleworm, Corn Maggot, Feather Midge, Fruit Maggot, Glass Worm, Leaf Snapper, Mud Asp Giza, Hamim, Upper Egypt, Asyut, Meshwesh Delta
Queen Lionfish ? Glass Worm, Mud Asp Bernike (sea), Meshwesh Delta
Rainbow Cod ? Corn Maggot, Fruit Maggot, Rose Mite, Raspberry Moth, Stone Fly Elephantine (141, -3578), Upper Egypt, Bernike (2367, -828)
Razorfin ? Oyster Mite ?
Reticulated Toothfish ? Bristleworm, Corn Maggot, Dew Fly, Feather Midge (preferred), Horned Hookworm Bernike, Red Sea, Thebes
Ribbonfish ? Red Cricket, Sand Mite West Kush
River Crab ? Clearwing, Glass Worm ?
Sea Urchin ? Clearwing, Corn Maggot, Feather Midge, Ruby Hornborrer East Sinai, West Kush (Nile)
Serpentfish ? Horned Hookworm, Leaf Snapper, Camel Weavel ?
Shelomits Puffer ? ? ?
Singing Lamprey ? ? ?
Spiny Dogfish ? Orchid Hopper , Corn Maggot, ?
Spoonfish ? Clearwing, Horned Hookworm Swenett (lake), Upper Egypt
Spotted Sea Cucumber ? Fruit Maggot, Wooly Aphid Swenett (lake), West Kush
Striped Batfin ? ? ?
Tigerfish ? Golden Asp, Bristleworm, Needleworm Axum, Timna (pond 5083, 3900)
Tilapia Common Bristleworm, Clearwing, Corn Maggot, Feather Midge, Fruit Maggot, Glass Worm, Horned Hookworm, Leaf Snapper, Pickel Slug, Woolly Aphid Asyut, Meshwesh Delta (common @ 911, 7011), Upper Egypt
Tilefish Feather Midge, Stone Fly, Ash Centipede (small), Rose Mite (small), Skinlicker ?
White Oniontail ? ? ?
Yellowfin Snapper ? Blister Beetle, Slime Moth, Glass Worm, Horned Hookworm, Wooly Aphid Asyut, Bernike (sea), Blue Nile (Lake)

See also