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T11 Note -- I  believe this is an orphaned page I created back in t9 wiki -- Anien
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!  !! Attribute 1 !! Attribute 2 !! Essence1 !! Essence 2 !! Essence 3 !! Essence 4 !! Essence 5
!  !! Attribute 1 !! Attribute 2 !! Essence1 !! Essence 2 !! Essence 3 !! Essence 4 !! Essence 5

Latest revision as of 03:41, 8 March 2024

T11 Note -- I  believe this is an orphaned page I created back in t9 wiki -- Anien 
Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Essence1 Essence 2 Essence 3 Essence 4 Essence 5
Osiris Ar++++ As---- Khaya Youth Deadwood Tree Feather Tree Illawara Peaches 'n Cream Maple
Osiris Ar++++ Bi++++ Katsura Youth Mimosa Deadwood Tree Dikbas Youth Oleaceae
Osiris Ar++++ Bi---- Peaches 'n Cream Maple Peaches 'n Cream Youth Peaches 'n Cream Sapling White Pine Sapling Butterleaf Tree
Osiris Ar++++ Sa---- White Pine Sapling Peaches 'n Cream Maple Powdered Ruby Salts Of Cobalt Parrotia
Osiris Ar++++ So---- Acacia Youth Deadwood Tree White Pine Sapling Khaya Youth Cerulean Blue
Osiris Ar++++ Sp---- Mimosa Peaches 'n Cream Maple Monterey Pine Middle Age Chicory Parrotia
Osiris Ar++++ Sw---- Chicory Peaches 'n Cream Maple Powdered Ruby Powdered Quartz Folded Birch
Osiris Ar++++ To---- Dikbas Youth White Pine Sapling Peaches 'n Cream Youth Peaches 'n Cream Sapling Razor Palm
Osiris Ar---- As++++ Elephantia Ackee Parrotia Ash Palm Powdered Diamond
Osiris Ar---- As---- Silky Oak Summer Maple Fern Palm Ackee Youth Autumn Bloodbark
Osiris Ar---- Bi++++ Bramble Hedge Trilobellia Summer Maple Anaxi Fern Palm
Osiris Ar---- Bi---- Elephantia Dikbas Ash Palm Miniature Fern Palm Razor Palm
Osiris Ar---- Sa++++ River Birch Sapling Khaya Sapling Powdered Topaz Silky Oak Powdered Jade
Osiris Ar---- Sa---- Bramble Hedge Hawthorn Kaeshra Kotukutuku Ash Palm
Osiris Ar---- So++++ Razor Palm Dikbas Autumn Bloodbark Khaya Sapling Trilobellia
Osiris Ar---- So---- Ash Palm Tiny Oil Palm Summer Maple Sapling Monkey Palm Silky Oak
Osiris Ar---- Sp++++ Kotukutuku Summer Maple Dikbas Jacaranda Pratyeka Tree
Osiris Ar---- Sp---- Tiny Oil Palm Bramble Hedge Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Safsaf Sapling Sweet Pine
Osiris Ar---- Sw++++ Bramble Hedge River Birch Sapling Tiny Oil Palm Hawthorn Fern Palm
Osiris Ar---- Sw---- Trilobellia Bottle Tree Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Summer Maple Mimosa Youth
Osiris Ar---- To++++ Tiny Oil Palm Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Autumn Bloodbark Ash Palm Stout Palm
Osiris Ar---- To---- Khaya Sapling Towering Palm Ash Palm Silky Oak Cerulean Blue
Osiris As++++ Bi++++ Beetlenut Bottle Tree Japanese Cherry Youth Kotukutuku Sapling Oranje
Osiris As++++ Bi---- Parrotia Elephantia Cricklewood Delta Palm Broadleaf Palm
Osiris As++++ Sa---- Bottle Tree Parrotia Orrorin Delta Palm Chicory
Osiris As++++ So++++ Delta Palm Dikbas Sapling Cricklewood Katsura Tree Giant Cricklewood
Osiris As++++ So---- Ackee Sapling Parrotia Monkey Palm Powdered Diamond Hawthorn
Osiris As++++ Sp++++ Kotukutuku Ackee Bloodbark Elephantia Young Golden Hemlock
Osiris As++++ Sp---- Bottle Tree Mimosa Blaze Maple Sapling Stout Palm Parrotia
Osiris As++++ Sw++++ Parrotia Blaze Maple Sapling Delta Palm Acacia Sapling Hawthorn
Osiris As++++ Sw---- Bottle Tree Bloodbark Royal Palm Montu Maple Spindle Tree
Osiris As++++ To---- Montu Maple Katsura Tree Towering Palm Cricklewood Bottle Tree
Osiris As---- Bi++++ Anaxi Coconut Palm Windriver Palm Illawara Fern Palm
Osiris As---- Bi---- Locust Palm Pratyeka Tree Feather Tree Razor Palm Silky Oak
Osiris As---- Sa++++ Pratyeka Tree Khaya Youth Feather Tree Sapling Green Ash Cinnar
Osiris As---- Sa---- Anaxi Fern Palm Kaeshra Autumn Bloodbark Jacaranda Youth
Osiris As---- So---- Coconut Palm Summer Maple Youth Hawthorn Khaya Youth Pratyeka Tree
Osiris As---- Sp++++ Pratyeka Tree Locust Palm Windriver Palm Autumn Bloodbark Feather Tree
Osiris As---- Sp---- Green Ash Chakkanut Tree Powdered Kunzite Coconut Palm Peaches 'n Cream Maple
Osiris As---- Sw++++ Fern Palm Khaya Youth Tiny Oil Palm Chakkanut Tree Hokkaido
Osiris As---- Sw---- Parrotia Sapling Chakkanut Tree Fern Palm Khaya Youth Hawthorn
Osiris As---- To++++ Summer Maple Youth Blaze Maple Youth Autumn Bloodbark Tiny Oil Palm Coconut Palm
Osiris As---- To---- Khaya Youth Japanese Cherry Sapling Cerulean Blue Chakkanut Tree Salts Of Platinum
Osiris Bi++++ Sa---- Anaxi Bramble Hedge Deadwood Tree Kotukutuku Hawthorn
Osiris Bi++++ Sw++++ Bramble Hedge Hokkaido Oranje Anaxi Hawthorn
Osiris Bi++++ Sw---- Giant Cricklewood Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Oleaceae Summer Maple
Osiris Bi++++ So++++ Giant Cricklewood Oleaceae Trilobellia Anaxi Acacia
Osiris Bi++++ So---- Deadwood Tree Coconut Palm Windriver Palm Bramble Hedge Cinnar
Osiris Bi++++ Sp++++ Anaxi Deadwood Tree Kotukutuku Summer Maple Windriver Palm
Osiris Bi++++ To---- Dikbas Youth Oleaceae Oranje Beetlenut Cerulean Blue
Osiris Bi---- Sa++++ Cricklewood Cinnar Butterleaf Tree Pratyeka Tree Mini Palmetto
Osiris Bi---- Sa---- Broadleaf Palm Acacia Sapling Dikbas Sapling Parrotia Hawthorn
Osiris Bi---- So++++ Butterleaf Tree Dikbas Sapling Stout Palm Razor Palm Autumn Bloodbark
Osiris Bi---- So---- Cinnar Tapacae Miralis Monkey Palm Broadleaf Palm Pratyeka Tree
Osiris Bi---- Sp++++ Broadleaf Palm Locust Palm Pratyeka Tree Elephantia Hawthorn
Osiris Bi---- Sp---- Peaches 'n Cream Maple Sweet Pine Stout Palm Golden Hemlock Peaches 'n Cream Youth
Osiris Bi---- Sw++++ Kotukutuku Youth Locust Palm Acacia Sapling Hawthorn Phoenix Palm
Osiris Bi---- Sw---- Powdered Quartz Stout Palm Butterleaf Tree Cricklewood Monkey Palm
Osiris Bi---- To---- Cricklewood Butterleaf Tree Cerulean Blue Locust Palm Cinnar
Osiris Sa++++ So---- Feather Tree Sapling Pratyeka Tree Cinnar Katsura Sapling Oranje
Osiris Sa++++ Sp++++ Jacaranda Sapling Monterey Pine Pratyeka Tree Windriver Palm Cinnar
Osiris Sa++++ Sp---- Powdered Almandine Salts Of Zinc Green Ash Spindle Tree Golden Hemlock
Osiris Sa++++ Sw---- Oleaceae Mini Palmetto Katsura Sapling Powdered Emerald Cricklewood
Osiris Sa++++ To---- Cinnar Khaya Sapling Golden Hemlock Butterleaf Tree Oleaceae
Osiris Sa---- So++++ Delta Palm Dikbas Sapling Giant Cricklewood Kaeshra Parrotia
Osiris Sa---- So---- Hawthorn Tapacae Miralis Orrorin Ackee Sapling Dikbas Youth
Osiris Sa---- Sp++++ Peaches 'n Cream Sapling Kotukutuku Jacaranda Youth Broadleaf Palm Hawthorn
Osiris Sa---- Sp---- Parrotia Mimosa Peaches 'n Cream Maple Blaze Maple Sapling Kaeshra
Osiris Sa---- Sw++++ Fern Palm Kaeshra Orrorin Hawthorn Spiked Fishtree
Osiris Sa---- Sw---- Bottle Tree Monterey Pine Sapling Royal Palm Giant Cricklewood Anaxi
Osiris Sa---- To---- River Birch Youth Towering Palm Arconis Kaeshra Salts Of Silver
Osiris So++++ Sp---- Peaches 'n Cream Maple Dikbas Safsaf Sapling Stout Palm Sweet Pine
Osiris So++++ Sw++++ Red Maple Salts Of Lead Safsaf Sapling Dikbas Parrotia
Osiris So++++ Sw---- Oleaceae Stout Palm Giant Cricklewood Butterleaf Tree Delta Palm
Osiris So++++ To---- Giant Cricklewood Arconis Butterleaf Tree Towering Palm Delta Palm
Osiris So---- Sp++++ Pratyeka Tree Oil Palm Deadwood Tree Hawthorn Windriver Palm
Osiris So---- Sp---- Mimosa Summer Maple Youth Salts Of Zinc Spindle Tree Feather Tree Sapling
Osiris So---- Sw++++ Summer Maple Sapling Khaya Youth Orrorin Acacia Sapling Cinnar
Osiris So---- Sw---- Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Monkey Palm Feather Tree Sapling Green Ash Youth
Osiris So---- To++++ Tiny Oil Palm Summer Maple Youth Tapacae Miralis Green Ash Youth Feather Tree Sapling
Osiris So---- To---- Cerulean Blue Folded Birch Dikbas Youth Cinnar Hawthorn
Osiris Sp++++ Sw---- Folded Birch Kotukutuku Mimosa Sapling Monterey Pine Chicory
Osiris Sp++++ To---- Folded Birch Oil Palm Japanese Cherry Sapling Dikbas Youth Hawthorn
Osiris Sp---- Sw++++ Spiked Fishtree Bramble Hedge Parrotia Blaze Maple Sapling Chakkanut Tree
Osiris Sp---- Sw---- Stout Palm Royal Palm Parrotia Youth Bottle Tree Mimosa
Osiris Sp---- To---- Safsaf Sapling Montu Maple Powdered Aquamarine Peaches 'n Cream Youth Mimosa
Osiris Sw++++ To---- Safsaf Sapling Parrotia Sapling Cerulean Blue Khaya Youth Oranje
Osiris Sw++++ To++++ Hokkaido Tiny Oil Palm Autumn Bloodbark Kotukutuku Youth Bramble Hedge
Osiris Sw---- To++++ Royal Palm Green Ash Youth Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Autumn Bloodbark Youth Stout Palm
Osiris Sw---- To---- Arconis Folded Birch Montu Maple Oleaceae Towering Palm
Osiris As---- Ar++++ Khaya Youth Deadwood Tree Feather Tree Illawara Peaches 'n Cream Maple
Osiris Bi++++ Ar++++ Katsura Youth Mimosa Deadwood Tree Dikbas Youth Oleaceae
Osiris Bi---- Ar++++ Peaches 'n Cream Maple Peaches 'n Cream Youth Peaches 'n Cream Sapling White Pine Sapling Butterleaf Tree
Osiris Sa---- Ar++++ White Pine Sapling Peaches 'n Cream Maple Powdered Ruby Salts Of Cobalt Parrotia
Osiris So---- Ar++++ Acacia Youth Deadwood Tree White Pine Sapling Khaya Youth Cerulean Blue
Osiris Sp---- Ar++++ Mimosa Peaches 'n Cream Maple Monterey Pine Middle Age Chicory Parrotia
Osiris Sw---- Ar++++ Chicory Peaches 'n Cream Maple Powdered Ruby Powdered Quartz Folded Birch
Osiris To---- Ar++++ Dikbas Youth White Pine Sapling Peaches 'n Cream Youth Peaches 'n Cream Sapling Razor Palm
Osiris As++++ Ar---- Elephantia Ackee Parrotia Ash Palm Powdered Diamond
Osiris As---- Ar---- Silky Oak Summer Maple Fern Palm Ackee Youth Autumn Bloodbark
Osiris Bi++++ Ar---- Bramble Hedge Trilobellia Summer Maple Anaxi Fern Palm
Osiris Bi---- Ar---- Elephantia Dikbas Ash Palm Miniature Fern Palm Razor Palm
Osiris Sa++++ Ar---- River Birch Sapling Khaya Sapling Powdered Topaz Silky Oak Powdered Jade
Osiris Sa---- Ar---- Bramble Hedge Hawthorn Kaeshra Kotukutuku Ash Palm
Osiris So++++ Ar---- Razor Palm Dikbas Autumn Bloodbark Khaya Sapling Trilobellia
Osiris So---- Ar---- Ash Palm Tiny Oil Palm Summer Maple Sapling Monkey Palm Silky Oak
Osiris Sp++++ Ar---- Kotukutuku Summer Maple Dikbas Jacaranda Pratyeka Tree
Osiris Sp---- Ar---- Tiny Oil Palm Bramble Hedge Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Safsaf Sapling Sweet Pine
Osiris Sw++++ Ar---- Bramble Hedge River Birch Sapling Tiny Oil Palm Hawthorn Fern Palm
Osiris Sw---- Ar---- Trilobellia Bottle Tree Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Summer Maple Mimosa Youth
Osiris To++++ Ar---- Tiny Oil Palm Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Autumn Bloodbark Ash Palm Stout Palm
Osiris To---- Ar---- Khaya Sapling Towering Palm Ash Palm Silky Oak Cerulean Blue
Osiris Bi++++ As++++ Beetlenut Bottle Tree Japanese Cherry Youth Kotukutuku Sapling Oranje
Osiris Bi---- As++++ Parrotia Elephantia Cricklewood Delta Palm Broadleaf Palm
Osiris Sa---- As++++ Bottle Tree Parrotia Orrorin Delta Palm Chicory
Osiris So++++ As++++ Delta Palm Dikbas Sapling Cricklewood Katsura Tree Giant Cricklewood
Osiris So---- As++++ Ackee Sapling Parrotia Monkey Palm Powdered Diamond Hawthorn
Osiris Sp++++ As++++ Kotukutuku Ackee Bloodbark Elephantia Young Golden Hemlock
Osiris Sp---- As++++ Bottle Tree Mimosa Blaze Maple Sapling Stout Palm Parrotia
Osiris Sw++++ As++++ Parrotia Blaze Maple Sapling Delta Palm Acacia Sapling Hawthorn
Osiris Sw---- As++++ Bottle Tree Bloodbark Royal Palm Montu Maple Spindle Tree
Osiris To---- As++++ Montu Maple Katsura Tree Towering Palm Cricklewood Bottle Tree
Osiris Bi++++ As---- Anaxi Coconut Palm Windriver Palm Illawara Fern Palm
Osiris Bi---- As---- Locust Palm Pratyeka Tree Feather Tree Razor Palm Silky Oak
Osiris Sa++++ As---- Pratyeka Tree Khaya Youth Feather Tree Sapling Green Ash Cinnar
Osiris Sa---- As---- Anaxi Fern Palm Kaeshra Autumn Bloodbark Jacaranda Youth
Osiris So---- As---- Coconut Palm Summer Maple Youth Hawthorn Khaya Youth Pratyeka Tree
Osiris Sp++++ As---- Pratyeka Tree Locust Palm Windriver Palm Autumn Bloodbark Feather Tree
Osiris Sp---- As---- Green Ash Chakkanut Tree Powdered Kunzite Coconut Palm Peaches 'n Cream Maple
Osiris Sw++++ As---- Fern Palm Khaya Youth Tiny Oil Palm Chakkanut Tree Hokkaido
Osiris Sw---- As---- Parrotia Sapling Chakkanut Tree Fern Palm Khaya Youth Hawthorn
Osiris To++++ As---- Summer Maple Youth Blaze Maple Youth Autumn Bloodbark Tiny Oil Palm Coconut Palm
Osiris To---- As---- Khaya Youth Japanese Cherry Sapling Cerulean Blue Chakkanut Tree Salts Of Platinum
Osiris Sa---- Bi++++ Anaxi Bramble Hedge Deadwood Tree Kotukutuku Hawthorn
Osiris Sw++++ Bi++++ Bramble Hedge Hokkaido Oranje Anaxi Hawthorn
Osiris Sw---- Bi++++ Giant Cricklewood Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Oleaceae Summer Maple
Osiris So++++ Bi++++ Giant Cricklewood Oleaceae Trilobellia Anaxi Acacia
Osiris So---- Bi++++ Deadwood Tree Coconut Palm Windriver Palm Bramble Hedge Cinnar
Osiris Sp++++ Bi++++ Anaxi Deadwood Tree Kotukutuku Summer Maple Windriver Palm
Osiris To---- Bi++++ Dikbas Youth Oleaceae Oranje Beetlenut Cerulean Blue
Osiris Sa++++ Bi---- Cricklewood Cinnar Butterleaf Tree Pratyeka Tree Mini Palmetto
Osiris Sa---- Bi---- Broadleaf Palm Acacia Sapling Dikbas Sapling Parrotia Hawthorn
Osiris So++++ Bi---- Butterleaf Tree Dikbas Sapling Stout Palm Razor Palm Autumn Bloodbark
Osiris So---- Bi---- Cinnar Tapacae Miralis Monkey Palm Broadleaf Palm Pratyeka Tree
Osiris Sp++++ Bi---- Broadleaf Palm Locust Palm Pratyeka Tree Elephantia Hawthorn
Osiris Sp---- Bi---- Peaches 'n Cream Maple Sweet Pine Stout Palm Golden Hemlock Peaches 'n Cream Youth
Osiris Sw++++ Bi---- Kotukutuku Youth Locust Palm Acacia Sapling Hawthorn Phoenix Palm
Osiris Sw---- Bi---- Powdered Quartz Stout Palm Butterleaf Tree Cricklewood Monkey Palm
Osiris To---- Bi---- Cricklewood Butterleaf Tree Cerulean Blue Locust Palm Cinnar
Osiris So---- Sa++++ Feather Tree Sapling Pratyeka Tree Cinnar Katsura Sapling Oranje
Osiris Sp++++ Sa++++ Jacaranda Sapling Monterey Pine Pratyeka Tree Windriver Palm Cinnar
Osiris Sp---- Sa++++ Powdered Almandine Salts Of Zinc Green Ash Spindle Tree Golden Hemlock
Osiris Sw---- Sa++++ Oleaceae Mini Palmetto Katsura Sapling Powdered Emerald Cricklewood
Osiris To---- Sa++++ Cinnar Khaya Sapling Golden Hemlock Butterleaf Tree Oleaceae
Osiris So++++ Sa---- Delta Palm Dikbas Sapling Giant Cricklewood Kaeshra Parrotia
Osiris So---- Sa---- Hawthorn Tapacae Miralis Orrorin Ackee Sapling Dikbas Youth
Osiris Sp++++ Sa---- Peaches 'n Cream Sapling Kotukutuku Jacaranda Youth Broadleaf Palm Hawthorn
Osiris Sp---- Sa---- Parrotia Mimosa Peaches 'n Cream Maple Blaze Maple Sapling Kaeshra
Osiris Sw++++ Sa---- Fern Palm Kaeshra Orrorin Hawthorn Spiked Fishtree
Osiris Sw---- Sa---- Bottle Tree Monterey Pine Sapling Royal Palm Giant Cricklewood Anaxi
Osiris To---- Sa---- River Birch Youth Towering Palm Arconis Kaeshra Salts Of Silver
Osiris Sp---- So++++ Peaches 'n Cream Maple Dikbas Safsaf Sapling Stout Palm Sweet Pine
Osiris Sw++++ So++++ Red Maple Salts Of Lead Safsaf Sapling Dikbas Parrotia
Osiris Sw---- So++++ Oleaceae Stout Palm Giant Cricklewood Butterleaf Tree Delta Palm
Osiris To---- So++++ Giant Cricklewood Arconis Butterleaf Tree Towering Palm Delta Palm
Osiris Sp++++ So---- Pratyeka Tree Oil Palm Deadwood Tree Hawthorn Windriver Palm
Osiris Sp---- So---- Mimosa Summer Maple Youth Salts Of Zinc Spindle Tree Feather Tree Sapling
Osiris Sw++++ So---- Summer Maple Sapling Khaya Youth Orrorin Acacia Sapling Cinnar
Osiris Sw---- So---- Bottle Tree Coconut Palm Monkey Palm Feather Tree Sapling Green Ash Youth
Osiris To++++ So---- Tiny Oil Palm Summer Maple Youth Tapacae Miralis Green Ash Youth Feather Tree Sapling
Osiris To---- So---- Cerulean Blue Folded Birch Dikbas Youth Cinnar Hawthorn
Osiris Sw---- Sp++++ Folded Birch Kotukutuku Mimosa Sapling Monterey Pine Chicory
Osiris To---- Sp++++ Folded Birch Oil Palm Japanese Cherry Sapling Dikbas Youth Hawthorn
Osiris Sw++++ Sp---- Spiked Fishtree Bramble Hedge Parrotia Blaze Maple Sapling Chakkanut Tree
Osiris Sw---- Sp---- Stout Palm Royal Palm Parrotia Youth Bottle Tree Mimosa
Osiris To---- Sp---- Safsaf Sapling Montu Maple Powdered Aquamarine Peaches 'n Cream Youth Mimosa
Osiris To---- Sw++++ Safsaf Sapling Parrotia Sapling Cerulean Blue Khaya Youth Oranje
Osiris To++++ Sw++++ Hokkaido Tiny Oil Palm Autumn Bloodbark Kotukutuku Youth Bramble Hedge
Osiris To++++ Sw---- Royal Palm Green Ash Youth Autumn Bloodbark Sapling Autumn Bloodbark Youth Stout Palm
Osiris To---- Sw---- Arconis Folded Birch Montu Maple Oleaceae Towering Palm
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