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From A Wiki in the Desert
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! Player !! Fish L !!  Citrus L !!  Color L !! Fish N !!  Citrus N !!  Color N !! Fish D !!  Citrus D !!  Color D  
! Player !! Fish L !!  Citrus L !!  Color L !! Fish N !!  Citrus N !!  Color N !! Fish D !!  Citrus D !!  Color D  
|- |
|- |
| Robare  || || || || || || || || ||  
| Robare  || <b>yellowfin</b>|| || || ||green summer ||dark olive green || || ||  
| Bobby || || || || || || || || ||  
| Bobby || || || || serpentfish ||green tangelo || gainsboro ||octopus || || dark slate blue 
| Maata || || || || || || ||yellowfin || || dark olive green
| AlphaBob || yellowfin|| || dark olive green|| || || || ||green summer ||
| Brucette || ||green tangelo || gainsboro,dark olive green || serpentfish|| || yellowfin|| || ||
| ReddRuby || || || || || || || || ||
| sparkle || || || || || || || || ||
| wimshank || || || gainsboro || serpentfish || green tangelo || || || ||
| taylor || octec longfin || || gainsboro || || || || || green tangelo ||  

Revision as of 18:09, 15 April 2024


Player Fish L Citrus L Color L Fish N Citrus N Color N Fish D Citrus D Color D
Robare yellowfin green summer dark olive green
Bobby serpentfish green tangelo gainsboro octopus dark slate blue
Maata yellowfin dark olive green
AlphaBob yellowfin dark olive green green summer
Brucette green tangelo gainsboro,dark olive green serpentfish yellowfin
wimshank gainsboro serpentfish green tangelo
taylor octec longfin gainsboro green tangelo


Color Recipe Verified
AliceBlue 1 lime 3 clay 5 copper 2 cabbage 1 sulfur Y
Amethyst 1 clay 5 red sand 1 copper 3 cabbage Y
AntiqueWhite 1 copper 4 carrot 1 lime 7 cabbage Y
Aqua 1 saltpeter 1 clay 1 lime 1 cabbage 8 copper Y
Aquamarine 1 saltpeter 2 copper 1 clay 1 lime 7 cabbage Y
Azure 1 sulfur 1 lime 2 clay 6 copper 2 cabbage Y
BakerMillerPink 1 lime 8 red sand 1 copper 1 cabbage Y
Banana 1 red sand 8 carrot 1 lime 1 cabbage Y
BarnRed 1 saltpeter 9 red sand 1 clay Y
Beet 1 red sand 9 cabbage Y
Beige 1 lime 3 red sand 1 saltpeter 2 copper 5 cabbage Thistle
Bisque 1 lime 5 carrot 1 saltpeter 1 copper 4 cabbage Light pink
Black 1 saltpeter 8 red sand 1 clay 1 iron 1 lime Y
BlanchedAlmond 1 copper 5 carrot 1 lime 4 cabbage Y
BlazeOrange 1 sulfur 1 red sand 7 carrot 1 copper 1 clay Y
BlueViolet 1 sulfur 8 cabbage 1 lead 1 red sand 1 saltpeter Y
Boysenberry 6 red sand 4 cabbage Y
BrightPink 1 lime 1 cabbage 2 carrot 1 potash 7 red sand Crimson
Brown 8 red sand 2 carrot Y
BurgundyRed 1 saltpeter 8 red sand 1 cabbage 1 clay Y
BurlyWood 4 carrot 3 red sand 1 lime 3 cabbage Y
BurntSienna 1 lime 9 red sand 1 clay Y
BurntUmber 7 red sand 3 cabbage Y
CadetBlue 1 saltpeter 4 clay 1 lime 5 cabbage 1 copper Med aqua marine
CadmiumOrange 2 red sand 7 carrot 1 sulfur 1 clay Y
CadmiumYellow 1 sulfur 8 carrot 1 lime 2 clay Y
Carrot 10 Carrot Y
Chocolate 2 Red Sand 8 carrot Y
CobaltBlue 1 saltpeter 1 red sand 7 cabbage 1 clay 1 copper Y
CobaltGreen 2 red sand 7 clay 1 saltpeter 1 copper Y
Coral 1 lime 8 red sand 1 cabbage 1 clay 1 sulfur Y
CornflowerBlue 1 saltpeter 1 clay 1 copper 8 cabbage Y
Cornsilk 2 copper 4 carrot 1 lime 4 cabbage Y
Crimson 1 sulfur 7 red sand 1 lime 2 carrot 1 clay Y
DarkBlue 1 lime 3 clay 6 copper 1 saltpeter 1 iron Y
DarkCyan 1 saltpeter 5 red sand 1 clay 1 limw 4 copper Medium sea green
DarkGoldenRod 5 carrot 1 lime 5 red sand Y
DarkGreen Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 8 Lime 1 RedSand 1 Y
DarkGrey 1 carrot 2 red sand 1 lime 7 cabbage Y
DarkJungleGreen 1 saltpeter 3 cabbage 1 clay 1 lime 6 red sand Y
DarkKhaki N
DarkMagenta N
DarkOliveGreen Clay 1 Carrot 1 Lime 1 RedSand 8 Y
DarkOrange N
DarkOrchid N
DarkRed 1 saltpeter 9 redsand 1 iron 1 sulfur Y
DarkSalmon N
DarkScarlet N
DarkSeaGreen N
DarkSienna 1 clay, 1 cabbage 1 lime 8 red sand Y
DarkSlateBlue N
DarkSlateGrey N
DarkTurquoise N
DarkViolet N
DeepPink N
DeepSkyBlue N
DimGrey N
DodgerBlue N
DukeBlue N
EggshellWhite N
EmeraldGreen N
Feldspar N
FireBrick Carrot 3 Red Sand 7 Y
FloralWhite N
ForestGreen 1 saltpeter 3 cooper 2 clay 1 lime 4 redsand Y
Fuchsia N
Gainsboro N
GhostWhite N
Gold saltpeter 1 lead 1 redsand 1 carrot 8 y
GoldenRod N
Green Saltpeter 1 Cabbage 2 Copper 3 Clay 5 Lime 1 Y
GreenYellow Lead 1 Carrot 8 Lime 1 RedSand 1 Y
Grey N
HoneyDew N
HotPink N
ImperialBlue N
IndianRed Lime 1 RedSand 9 Cabbage 1 Y
Indigo Saltpeter 1 RedSand 2 Cabbage 6 Carrot 1 Iron 1 Y
Ivory N
Khaki N
Lavender N
LavenderBlush N
LawnGreen N
LemonChiffon N
Licorice N
LightBlue N
LightCoral N
LightCyan N
LightGoldenRodYellow N
LightGreen N
LightGrey N
LightPink N
LightSalmon N
LightSeaGreen N
LightSkyBlue N
LightSlateBlue N
LightSlateGrey N
LightSteelBlue N
LightYellow N
Lime N
LimeGreen N
Linen N
Maroon cabbage 1 redsand 8 lime 1 carrot 1 y
MediumAquaMarine N
MediumBlue N
MediumOrchid N
MediumPurple N
MediumSeaGreen N
MediumSlateBlue N
MediumSpringGreen N
MediumTurquoise N
MediumVioletRed N
Melon N
MidnightBlue N
MintCream N
MistyRose N
Moccasin N
NavajoWhite N
Navy N
OldLace N
Olive N
OliveDrab N
Orange Sulfur 1 Carrot 9 Copper 1 Cabbage 1 Clay 1 Y
OrangeRed Lime 1 RedSand 5 Carrot 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Y
Orchid N
OxfordBlue N
PaleGoldenRod N
PaleGreen N
PaleTurquoise Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Copper 1 Cabbage 8 Y
PaleVioletRed N
PapayaWhip N
PeachPuff N
Peacock N
PersianIndigo N
PersianPink N
Peru N
Pink N
Plum N
PowderBlue N
PrussianBlue N
Purple N
RawSienna Carrot 6 Red Sand 4 N
Red Potash 1 RedSand 2 Carrot 7 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Y
RedDevil N
RichBlack N
RosyBrown N
RoyalBlue N
RubyRed Red Sand 10 N
SaddleBrown N
Salmon N
SandyBrown N
Sangria N
SapGreen N
SeaGreen N
SealBrown 1 saltpeter 8 red sand 1 cabbage 1 clay 1 lime Y
SeaShell N
Sienna N
Silver N
SkyBlue saltpeter 1 redsand 1 clay 1 copper 2 cabbage 6 y
SlateBlue 7 cabbage 1 clay 2 copper Y
SlateGrey N
SmokeyBlack N
Snow N
SpringGreen N
SteelBlue N
SteelPink N
Tan N
Teal N
Thistle N
Tomato 1 lime 9 redsand 1 cabbage 1 clay 1 sulfur Y
Turquoise Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Cabbage 4 Copper 5 Y
TyrianPurple N
Violet N
VioletRed N
Wheat N
White N
WhiteSmoke N
Yellow Sulfur 1 Carrot 7 Lime 1 DeadTongue 1 Cabbage 2 Y
YellowGreen saltpeter 1 lead 1 redsand 1 carrot 10 y
Zaffre N