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Pilgrim Route
Stop # Shrine Tithe Needed Points Total
1 A (993, 6790) 1 Straw 100
2 B (596, -37) 20 Potash, 200
3 C (1227, -321) 50 Copper, 300
4 D (2763, -302) 200 Wood, 400
5 E (3415, -250) 30 Gravel, 500
6 F (4050, -310) 50 Silt, 600
7 G (4670, -600) 20 Lime, 700
8 H (4920, -1210) 20 Potash, 800
9 I (4290, -1130) 20 Ash, 900
10 F (4050, -310) 50 Silt, 950
11 J (3678, -1116) 15 Papyrus (fertile), 1050
12 K (3052, -1048) 2 Copper Straps, 1150
13 D (2763, -302) 200 Wood, 1200
14 L (1286, -925) 50 Lime, 1300
15 M (654, -640) 40 Flax, 1400
16 N (50, -996) 100 Wood, 1500
17 O (86, -1607) 25 Beeswax, 1600
18 P (691, -1248) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1700
19 Q (1294, -1525) 50 Ash, 1800
20 P (691, -1248) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1850
21 R (691, -1851) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1950
22 A (993, 6790) 1 Straw 2000

Materials Requried
Total/Person Item Group Total Stashed
2 straw 14
40 potash 280
50 copper 350
500 wood 3500
30 gravel 210
100 silt 700
70 lime 490 23
70 ash 490 Thnx Lewbis
105 Papyrus (fertile) 735
2 copper straps 14
40 flax 280
25 beeswax 175