From A Wiki in the Desert
Sithid's Gazebo
- 0/500 Paint - Deep Sky Blue
? - 0/250 Paint - Dark Red
? - 0/350 Paint - Forest Green
? - 0/250 Paint - Slate Blue
? - 0/25 Paint - Navajo White
? - 0/350 Paint - Tomato
? - 0/500 Paint - Violet
? - Property "Count" (as page type) with input value "DONE] 1500/1500" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[DONE] 1500/1500 Bricks
? for the foundation - 68/400 Gold Foil
? for Decorative Inlay - 5/10 Gold Bar
? for Decorative Edging - 0/10 Silver Bar
? for Decorative Edging - 0/3000 Nails
? to Secure the Boards - 0/600 Treated Boards - Nontoxic, Rotproof, Termite Resistant
? to protect the base - 0/300 Treated Boards - White, Glossy
? - 0/300 Treated Boards - Black, Glossy
? - 0/150 Treated Boards - Hard, Rigid, Rotproof
? as central support - Property "Count" (as page type) with input value "DONE] 3/3" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.[DONE] 3/3 Quill
? for Record Keeping - 0/20 Ink
? for Record Keeping - 0/200 Papyrus Paper
? for Record Keeping