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Test of Ornate Vessel

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Test of Ornate Vessel

Musee de Boulaq - Statue (1881) - front - TIMEA-10.jpg

On the specially designed pottery table the player will, to the best of their ability, recreate the vessel the owner of the game designed. The original vessel is displayed on the table until the challenge is started, the player must then from memory recreate it.

This is done using three different speeds on the wheel, guessing the paint used and moving the brush to recreate the pattern (while wheel is spinning) and finally decide what shine to use.

The pottery table is built using 3 different sized brushes (crafted from thread and a sharpened crudely carved handle), 9 jugs and 10 db of each paint (redish, greenish, blueish, yellowish, greyish, blackish, whiteish, orchid of any darkness and blaze orange). Using a wool cloth the vessel can be polished either lightly for a consistent, light sheen or with significant pressure for a shine.

Building the pottery wheel take 2 fly stones, 500 boards, 1500 clay bricks, 25 jugs of water, 25 dark raeli tiles, and 25 linen cord. Brushes, 250 clay and jugs of paint is added as the last step, after the table is completed.

100 clay is used to produce the vessel, this as well as the the brushes and paint will be provided by the table after building for the players attempting the challenge.
The pressure put on the clay lump on the spinning wheel on top of the table decide the shape, the color and brush size is used to recreate the pattern and the shine is added last. The result of the trial to recreate the vessel is measured by how close the player get to the original within a range decided by the pottery tables owner before judging is opened. If the player manage to make a vessel that meets these requirements they will pass the challenge and are able to judge the game based on how challenging and fun it was.

The weekly winner will be 1. The owner for being judged highest in Egypt at that point and 2. the player that manage to make the best copy of the vessel (closest to the accepted shape, pattern and shine each).

Naqada II Vessels 1.jpg