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Simple Bonfire

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 22:26, 2 November 2023 by Flowbar (talk | contribs)


A Bonfire is a pile of wood in the form of a building. Wood can be removed from, and added to, the bonfire at any time. The size of the bonfire varies depending on how much wood is in the pile.

Bonfires may be lit, which eventually consumes all of the wood and leaves behind a quantity of charcoal. This is a highly inefficient, if entertaining, method of charcoal production. Lit bonfires figure prominently in the Festival of Ra.

Not to be confused with the Sacrificial Bonfire used in the Test of the Vigil.


This building becomes available with Pyrolysis technology. It is built using the Projects -> Bonfire -> Simple Bonfire menu.

Bonfires are limited to 29,999 wood. Bonfires built outside deteriorate over time at the rate of 5% per day. Items including bonfires built on clay get a "subsiding" indicator and will shortly sink into the clay. Bonfires of less than 150 wood will deteriorate quickly and become eligible for the sweeper. Bonfires built inside a compound are not stable and also deteriorate. Only wood kept in a storage unit (box, chest, warehouse) is safe.

  • a test bonfire of 200 wood built inside a compound deteriorated to nothing in less than 12 hours
    Zhukuram (talk) 02:52, 21 March 2018 (GMT)


Bonfires are made from wood gathered from trees.

  • A maximum of 29,999 Wood per bonfire.
  • Built Outside but deteriorate over time.
  • Built Outside on clay will subside.
  • Built in a Compound also deteriorate.
  • Wood kept in a storage item does not deteriorate.


Bonfires are commonly left unlit and used for very short-term wood storage. It is not recommended to leave a bonfire long term outside or in a compound as they will decay and eventually collapse. Place wood in a storage unit like a chest or warehouse.

Lit bonfires consume wood at an accelerating rate, until the wood level reaches zero; the fire dies shortly afterwards. As the flame burns, you can add Water to the bonfire to slow the rate of consumption; this helps the fire last longer, but doesn't seem to affect charcoal production.

You can tear down a bonfire while it is burning. This extinguishes the fire, and you will recover all of the wood that had not been burned yet. You will receive no charcoal for any wood that had been consumed.


The payoff for charcoal from bonfires seems to be extremely limited. It appears that yield is based on a very simple formula of #cc = #wood/10, with any remainder dropped. So, 10 wood will produce 1 cc, as will 11, 12, ... 19. 20-29 will produce 2 cc. And so on.

Here are some observed yields:

# wood cc yield
7 0
10 1
14 1
20 2
30 3
35 3
42 4
49 4
50 5
56 5
63 6
100 10
250 25


In T10 with Pyro 0: 50 wood bonfires give 5 xp each. with Pyro 1: 20 wood bonfires give 1 xp each. At Pyrolysis 0, bonfires with more than 50 wood still only give 5 xp, so 50 is the best size for skilling until level 1 (20 bonfires @ 50 wood each are needed to burn)

Noticed that experience gathered from burning bonfires is not linearly proportional to amount of wood. Saw significantly less experience gained from burning a 250 wood bonfire (5 xp). A 20-wood bonfire gains 2 xp. A 50-wood bonfire gains 5 xp. As such, it seems a much better practice, since charcoal amounts are the same, to burn multiple smaller bonfires than one large one, to get to more efficient methods of making charcoal (with Pyrolysis advancement.)

It would appear that at Pyrolysis 1, the experience cap drops to 2xp per bonfire.


I think it's not important for most of us, but here is the equation for wood needed for given size:

Wood = Size^2

Simple. For size 1 we need minimum 1 wood. To make the bonfire 1 size larger you need to add 3 wood for a total of 4 wood and so on...

Size Wood
1 1
2 4
3 9
5 25
10 100
20 400
50 2500
100 10 K
200 40 K
300 90 K

Bonfire Stabilization

Bonfire Stabilization is a technology that allows you to build a Bonfire Platform upon which a non-decaying pile of wood may be stored.