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A Furnace converts ore to metal, consuming fuel.

There are two main types of furnace:

  • Charcoal-fired furnaces with relatively short firing times
  • large Petroleum-fired furnaces with much longer firing times but greater efficiency.
  • Both produce Clinker if your Stonework level is 3 or higher, otherwise produces Strange Slag

The most time and resource-efficient CC furnace is the Gyration Cell.

Furnace Fuel Type Max Ore Fuel Req Typical Ore:Metal Typical Fuel:Metal Fire Time Typical Metal/Hour Notes
Bullet Furnace Charcoal 200 5 100:1 2.5:1 5 minutes FaF 188 ore + 4 charcoal = 2 metal
Compression Furnace Charcoal 500 20 33.33:1 1.33:1 20 minutes 45/hour Pollution effects unclear
Ore Inferno Furnace Coal 250 400 20 minutes 250 ore + 400 Coal = 38 metal. Placement requires nearby water.
Blast Furnace Charcoal 1000 10 17:1 0.17:1 10 minutes? 324/hour FaF FaF 991 ore + 9 cc = 54 metal
Gyration Cell Charcoal 1500 50 10:1 0.33:1 15 minutes 600/hour Low pollution, currently the best CC furnace
Fleet Furnace Charcoal - 20 - - 24 hours - Only makes Quicksilver
Persephone Furnace Petroleum 20000 1-1000 8:1 0.035:1 typ. 4+ days 26/hour Causes heavy metal pollution in a 64 coordinate radius when opened
Hades Furnace Petroleum 20000 1-1000 6:1 0.06:1 typ. 4+ days 2k metal first 24 hrs Seems to lower pH nearby when opened, other effects unknown