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Absent Minded Professor

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Revision as of 23:41, 25 November 2023 by Istwan (talk | contribs)

Absent Minded Professor

Text from Story Channel:

The scholars at the School of Landscape Studies, University of Natural Philosophy are a little perturbed after receiving the following scrawled note:

"To Research Assistant Betsepius of Syracuse. Tanis campus, many greetings. I am wretched with a pernicious fever and am unable to return with the precise location of my most promising dig sites in the Nile Delta. My finds will contribute immensely to our quest for knowledge and need to be recovered. I pass this message to you by the hand of my Apprentice Ranufer the Unready, who has instructions to seek your assistance and then return to me with medical supplies and several porters. Please do not delay, as I fear the return of fever, Dr Alizar, Professor of Archaic Learning."

All Egyptians are asked to keep an eye out for Dr Alizar's Dig Sites somewhere in the Nile Delta (North on the map). If you find one, please report here, to aid in the recovery of precious knowledge. Your time will be modestly rewarded.

Areas of research:

  • Studying domestic innovations of previous generations.
  • Investigating techniques of pre-dynastic stone carving (before stone tombs and pyramids}.
  • Researching techniques of animal husbandry and organised agriculture, including purposeful use of natural resources.
Where is Dr Alizar?
Dig Site Location Comments Items
Dr. Alizar's Dig Site 1.2 Suez (1279, 5960) "Ranufer the Unready must be a feckless assistant - he's left some really good stuff behind. Finders, keepers! I can make use of this back home!!" (10 linen, 4 nails, 2 sheet glass) Another jumble of household debris. Looking at the brickvvork and glassvvare in this location, it seems clear that previous generations had some quite sophisiticated technologies. Perhaps vve can learn from this? 10 linen, 4 nails, 2 sheet glass
Dr. Alizar's Dig Site 2.1 Faiyum 263, 6201 I can just decipher the text on this stella... "Rest awhile weary traveller, for here are the mortal remains of one who was your friend."

Interesting. Another spot to tell Dr Alizar and his Research Assistant Betsepius about, next I see them! I'll leave my water bottle here, it is getting a bit heavy and I need to take a piece of the carvings for safekeeping.

Dr. Alizar's Dig Site 2.2 Meshwesh Delta 392, 7425 More crumbling bits of stone. These ones seem to have some pigment on them. I can see why Dr Alizar is interested in this stuff. Our temples could do with something decorative like this.

I might souvenir some of these tools and see what is in the boxes. If I see Betsepius from Syracuse at the local tavern soon I can give the tools to him and let him know about this place ..I know he'd be interested.

5 copper, 1 nail mould, 5 potash
Example Example Example Example