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Meshwesh Research

From A Wiki in the Desert
Meshwesh Research
Location 1002, 6815

The Meshwesh Research guild is, as the name suggests, all about keeping Meshwesh caught up on its share of Egypt's research responsibilities. We are currently also coordinating public works construction when able.

Please leave any donations for research or public works in the front warehouse beside the guildhall. The second warehouse is for setting aside materials as they're earmarked for specific projects below.

Techs available to sponsor

Timer Availability

We anticipate that our timer WILL be available for use when Trading completes.
We would be content to see it used for Wood Treatment, Lapidary, or Structural Pottery.
Please /chat Kyrien if you or the guild/House you represent would like to plan on this so we can all stay on the same page.

Current Projects

Main project: Mining 4

  • Boards: 0/10000 (*logging boards in for Lab 11 first, but that's negotiable)
  • Clay: 20/4000
  • Concrete: 200/2000
  • Copper Sheeting: 6/400
  • Crucible: 150/150
  • Glass Pipe: 200/200
  • Leather: 860/1000
  • Moon Steel: 400/400
  • Pulley: 58/100
  • Tin Sheeting: 0/200

Casting 2 is nearly done. We could help finish it.
Through a poll, the people of Hyksos (and their Elders) agreed to timer Casting 2 next about a week ago, but their timer keeps getting jumped just like ours has.
They have all they require to finish it and intend to do so next.

Setting up for lab #11:

  • Beef: 219/219
  • Boards: 1125/7814
  • Bricks: 2580/7572
  • Camel Food: 34/518
  • Camel Pheromone (Male): 1/1
  • Canvas: 3/556
  • basic veggie seed: 0/1
  • Cut Stone: 94/500
  • Cuttable Stone: 313/835
  • Dung: 663/663
  • Gold Ore: 25/25
  • Any Lily of the Sea: 1/1
  • Mutton: 129/129
  • Sheep Food: 619/619
  • Sheet Glass: 2/23
  • Steel: 6/19
  • Rope: 8/8
  • We have reserves of camel pheromones, gold ore, and mutton.

We could really use a communal Deep Well. Starting donations toward that too.

  • 0/200 Rope
  • 0/400 Boards (*will steal from other projects if all else is ready)
  • 0/300 Nails
  • 0/20 Screw Gear
  • 20/500 Oil
  • 0/2000 Leather

Recently Finished

  • Lab 10 is up and running!
  • We successfully sponsored Trading!