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Use of sink food before eating other meals in a kitchen is vital to sustaining the power of cooking recipes that we use instead of having them decrease as they are used. When properly designed it will also increase the potency of all other ingredients and thus the amount of stats and duration of all other recipes.

The basic idea is that you cook a specific meal and eat that shortly before eating the actual meal you wish to eat. Once you eat a meal, the next meal you eat for either 7 minutes or that meal's duration (whichever is longer, so always at least 7 minutes) will not count as being eaten. It is best to have one kitchen for sink food and another with the real meal so you can have both already prepared. You can then just eat from the sink kitchen and move to the other kitchen and eat the other meal quickly.

For Tale 11 the sink meal is 48 Garlic, 1 Onions. Use at least 48 Garlic even if you only need one serving of food. If you need more than 7 servings increase the Garlic by 7 per additional serving rather than adding more onions.

If you do your part in always using sink food before eating meals, even when from a freezer or a preserved meal, our recipes should stay powerful and increase slowly over time.


Additionally, during the early days of the tale there are steps we can take to jump start the buildup of potencies and thus the power of ingredients (sinkfest). There are a few different things needed to get the process going and if things go well should greatly speed up the whole process. It should also hopefully avoid the situation that happened during T10 where even though we were using the standard approach of spam sink eating little to no progress was being made. At the start some groups were spam eating sink food for a whole weekend and potencies only went up one or twice (around 14 total increase). I did one 6 hour session of group eating with this method and increased potencies from 84 to 252 (increase of 168).

Normal sink food

  • have 48 Garlic 1 Onions cooked in one kitchen named Sink
  • have your other meal cooked in a different kitchen
  • eat one serving of the Sink kitchen
  • for the next ~15 minutes you can eat food without negatively effecting the ingredients in that food
  • eat your real food

Sink fest

  • Cook 48 Garlic, 1 Onions
  • Eat one serving
  • Clean out the cook pot
    • You should either not get a message in main or one that says "You considered the dish for a moment, before moving on."
    • If it says "No one enjoyed this meal" you did not wait 7 minutes since your last meal or however long that meal's duration was
  • Wait until the stats wear off
  • Repeat