A Wiki in the Desert
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Guilds:West Kush Public Works

From A Wiki in the Desert

Maintain a public CP at 847, -4246 (southwest corner of Valley of Queens Chariot Stop Plaza)

Currently has the following available:

  • Deep Well
  • Master's Forge
  • 4x Student's Forge with Extrusion Plates and Pinch Rollers
  • Master's Casting Box
  • 4x Student's Casting Box
  • 6x Rock Saw
  • 1x Jewel Glass Glazier's Bench
  • 4x Compression Furnace
  • 10x Small Distaff (2x w/ Pinch Rollers)
  • Reactory
  • 12x Pottery Wheel
  • 2x CC hearth
  • 6x Kitchen
  • 4x Kettle
  • Anvil w/tools
  • Crafting Bench w/ Sharpener and Vise
  • Public Warehouse
  • 2x Normal Glass Glazier's Bench
  • Chemistry Laboratory
  • Pigment Laboratory
  • Glory Hole
  • Four Compression Furnaces
  • Two Blast Furnaces

Public Mines Near public CP

  • Copper - (835, -4250) Directly behind public CP
  • Silver - (848, -4260) Directly behind public CP
  • Tin - (868, -4307) SE of public CP

East Kush mining camp

  • Iron - (1650, -4155) w/ 4x compression furnace
  • Copper - (1637, -4030) w/ 4x compression furnace
  • Silver - (1602, -3990)
  • Zinc - (1900, -3950)
  • Compound with four Compression Furnaces

Planned projects

  • 2x Soda Glass Glazier's Bench
  • Deep Well:
    • 400 Boards
    • 2000 Leather
    • 300 Nails
    • 500 Oil
    • 200 Rope
    • 20 Screw Gear

Wood Treatment Recipes

Ranch Water Trough upgrade (Black, Termite-resistant, Nontoxic Boards)

  • 150s Charcoal
  • 30s Sulphur
  • 10s Saltpeter
  • 16s Lead

Hard, Rotproof boards (3 Charcoal, 1 Bonemal, 1 Oil, 3 Petroleum, 1 Lead)

  • Charcoal, 20s
  • Bonemeal, 10s
  • Oil, 10s
  • Petroleum, 30s
  • Lead, 6s

Current Projects

Clinker Vat

0/60 Cut Stone
0/10 Copper Sheeting
843/2500 Firebricks

Pottery Deck

0/240 Boards
0/500 Limestone
0/60 Flystone
0/200 Bearings
0/300 Oil

Vault Kiln

0/1000 Clay Bricks
0/15000 Firebricks
0/50 Sheet Glass
0/3 Thermometer

Project Warehouse

Small Warehouse owned by West Kush Public Works at egypt 849 -4239

 1207 Beeswax
  191 Boards
  599 Bricks
   30 Cement
  782 Charcoal
  305 Copper
 2481 Firebricks
   10 Glass Pipe
   18 Gravel
  500 Oil
  206 Papyrus (Fertile)
 6008 Petroleum
    5 Pulley
   36 Rope
    9 Silt
  107 Wood
   54 Treated Boards:Hard Rotproof Nontoxic 
  180 Treated Boards:Rigid Hard Termite-resistant Nontoxic Black