A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 23:10, 31 December 2023 by Rhaom (talk | contribs) (→‎Seed Data)
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To grow leeks, plant Leek Seeds in a sandy area.


Seed Data

Strain Growth Stages Waterings Per Stage Base Yield Seed Reproduction Range Grown On
Hapi's Grain 3 1 5 ? at least Sand
Horus' Harvest 3 3 6 ? at least Sand
Prid of Memphis 4 3 4 40.189 Phosphorus Sand & Clay?
Lake of Flowers 1 3 12 Sand & Clay?
Strain Growth Stage Heavy Metal pH Ground Water Phosphorus Soot Potassium Nitrogen Salinity
Hapi's Grain Mature -
Harvest --- +
Death +
Horus' Harvest Mature -
Harvest --- +
Death +
Prid of Memphis Mature -
Harvest --- ++
Death ++
Lake of Flowers Mature -
Harvest ----- +++++
Death ++++