A Wiki in the Desert
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From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 02:12, 3 January 2024 by Hoktar (talk | contribs)

Home: 1570,1960

Current Assigned Mushrooms:

    Ingested 7/7 Dead Tongue Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Colt's Foot Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Nile Fire Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Razor's Edge Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Orange Campanella Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Nature's Jug Mushrooms
    Ingested 0/7 Bleeding Hand Mushrooms

Insects needed:

    Glass Worm 7 - Done
    White Mealbug 7 - Done
    Leafhopper 7 - Need 7
    Clearwing 7 - Need 7
    Desert Millipede 7 - Done
    Sand Mite - Need 6
    Skinlicker - Need 7

Present at least 4 complete Mortars to Great University of the Human Body at Red Sea 1883 1699:

    First Mortar Option:  Fresh Bhillawa, 7 Jacaranda Sapling Resin, Powdered Sapphire         Near a Road, Near Sulfurous Water     
    Second Mortar Option:  Fresh Blood Root, 5 Katsura Youth Resin, Powdered Emerald         On Sand, Far from any Flora     
    Third Mortar Option:  Fresh Curly Sage, 6 Golden Hemlock Resin, Powdered Sapphire         Between 100 and 200 feet above sea level, On Grass     
    Fourth Mortar Option:  Fresh Bhillawa, 7 Hawthorn Resin, Powdered Ruby         On Dirt, Between 400 and 500 feet above sea level     
    Fifth Mortar Option:  Fresh Lungclot, 6 Folded Birch Resin, Powdered Ruby         Near the base of a Cliff, Near a Large Stone     
    Sixth Mortar Option:  Fresh Pulmonaria Opal, 1 White Pine Sapling Resin, Powdered Opal         No more than 100 feet above sea level, On Rock     
    Seventh Mortar Option:  Fresh Cranesbill, 7 Khaya Sapling Resin, Powdered Diamond         On a Hilltop, On Clay