A Wiki in the Desert
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Pagan provisions

From A Wiki in the Desert
Location 910, -1720

Welcome to MeshMart Pagan Provisions! <Marketing Slogan Goes Here>

Located at 915, -1725 just northeast of the Koptos chariot in Upper Egypt.

Chit: Kavad will be Temporary "Currency" until we can Mint some Scrip
We reserve the right to change prices, accepted payments, and inventory at any time


Taking a breather. Will open the shop in a couple weeks.


Payment Item Quantity Chits Notes
Herb(s) Tier A1: Chukkah 1 4 Accepting up to 0
Herb(s) Tier B1:
2 1 Accepting up to 20 each
Herb(s) Tier C1:
Golden Thyme, Hyssop
4 1 Accepting up to 40 each
Rose Mite
Stone Fly
Salt Mite
Honey Fly
Foot Worm
Pickel Slug
Leaf Snapper
2 1
Papyrus (Fertile) 30 1
Metal: Iron, Copper2 35 1
Gravel 20 1
Lightbox 1 50 In-Person only
Other Event Only Prizes TBD TBD Please contact us

1 Limited quantities accepted, please check first.
2 Volatile! (Price likely to change as technology advances)

Blacksmithed Goods

Not available at this time. Not accepting orders.


Not available at this time. Not accepting orders.


We try to have all useful types of marbles available.

Decorative Stone Chits
Mud Granite 3
White Travertine
Oyster Shell Marble
Rose Alabaster
Yellow Alabaster
Cherry Travertine
Tangerine Marble
Serpentine Marble
Green Sun Marble
Grey Star Marble
Island Blue Marble
Puzzle Granite
Leopard's Paw Marble
Hornet's Wing Granite
Blue Moon Marble
White Alabaster
Blue Pearl Marble
Fire Rock
Ghost Granite
Mountain Marble
Strangers Basalt
Blood Granite

Fishing Lures

We can transform your insects to lures. Currently, we can do Hardened lures. You must provide the insect and all the required materials. Message Sol-Invictus to arrange