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Reactionless Paint Recipes

From A Wiki in the Desert

This is based on an old list of recipes, where a lot of them don't work anymore.

Verified for T11

  • Beet: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Clay
  • Boysenberry: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Clay
  • Brown: 2 Carrot, 8 RedSand
  • BurgundyRed: 5 RedSand, 5 SilverPowder
  • BurntUmber: 3 Clay, 7 RedSand
  • Carrot: 10 Carrot
  • Chocolate: 8 Carrot, 2 RedSand
  • DarkJungleGreen: 1 Cabbage, 2 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • DarkKhaki: 10 Carrot, 6 Copper (T9 - Rosy Brown)
  • DarkOliveGreen: 2 CabbageJuice, 7 Clay, 1 SilverPowder

Give another color than specified (don't use these!)

  • BarnRed: 3 Clay, 9 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder -> RubyRed!
  • CadetBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Copper -> Individual results, reaction!
  • CobaltBlue: 3 CabbageJuice, 4 Copper, 1 Lead, 2 SilverPowder -> Individual results, reaction!
  • DarkScarlet: 7 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder -> RubyRed

Untested for T10

Note that which ingredients react with each other changed at some point, and also Earth Light Mushrooms were replaced with Falcon's Bait Mushrooms. Copper and Iron ore were replaced with their metals.

  • DarkSienna: 3 Clay, 3 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateBlue: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateGrey: 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay, 4 SilverPowder
  • DimGrey: 1 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay
  • FireBrick: 3 Carrot, 7 RedSand
  • Grey: 4 Carrot, 4 Copper, 2 RedSand (T9 - Light Slate Grey)
  • IndianRed: 7 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 1 EarthLight, 5 CabbageJuice
  • Licorice: 1 RedSand, 9 SilverPowder
  • LightSeaGreen: 8 Copper, 2 SilverPowder
  • LightSlateGrey: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper
  • MediumAquaMarine: 1 Carrot, 9 Copper
  • MediumSeaGreen: 9 Copper, 1 RedSand, 2 SilverPowder, 1 ToadSkin, 1 Sulfur, 2 Clay
  • MediumTurquoise: 10 Copper
  • OliveDrab: 9 Clay, 1 EarthLight
  • Peacock: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Copper
  • PersianIndigo: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 SilverPowder
  • Peru: 9 Carrot, 1 Copper
  • RawSienna: 6 Carrot, 4 RedSand
  • RedDevil: 9 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder
  • RichBlack: 2 Copper, 8 SilverPowder
  • RubyRed: 10 RedSand
  • SaddleBrown: 10 Clay
  • SeaGreen: 6 Copper, 1 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder
  • SealBrown: 3 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • Sienna: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Clay
  • SlateGrey: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Copper
  • SteelBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper, 1 Lead
  • Teal: 6 Copper, 4 SilverPowder
  • TyrianPurple: 1 Copper, 6 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder (this gives me Dk Scarlet, so not reactionless)