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Reactionless Paint Recipes

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 00:01, 9 January 2024 by Flowbar (talk | contribs)

Although a lot of paint ingredients react with each other in an individual way when you mix them together, some don't, and for those combinations of ingredients every player will get exactly the same result, namely the average of the red, green and blue values of all ingredients put in. Thus, there are many, many recipes that give exactly the same color for every player, they are called "reactionless recipes". Due to changes in ingredients and how they react around T7-T8 somewhere, an old list with "the cheapest reactionless recipe per color" that was copied from the wiki of the previous tale didn't work anymore. Below is this list, where some colors have been verified to work and others verified to not work, although most of them are in an unknown state.

Verified to work for T11

  • Beet: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Clay
  • Boysenberry: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Clay
  • Brown: 2 Carrot, 8 RedSand
  • BurgundyRed: 5 RedSand, 5 SilverPowder
  • BurntUmber: 3 Clay, 7 RedSand
  • Carrot: 10 Carrot
  • Chocolate: 8 Carrot, 2 RedSand
  • DarkJungleGreen: 1 Cabbage, 2 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • DarkKhaki: 10 Carrot, 6 Copper (T9 - Rosy Brown)
  • DarkOliveGreen: 2 CabbageJuice, 7 Clay, 1 SilverPowder

Give another color than specified (don't use these!)

  • BarnRed: 3 Clay, 9 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder -> RubyRed!
  • CadetBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 6 Copper -> Individual results, reaction!
  • CobaltBlue: 3 CabbageJuice, 4 Copper, 1 Lead, 2 SilverPowder -> Individual results, reaction!
  • DarkScarlet: 7 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder -> RubyRed

Untested for T10

Note that which ingredients react with each other changed at some point, and also Earth Light Mushrooms were replaced with Falcon's Bait Mushrooms. Copper and Iron ore were replaced with their metals.

  • DarkSienna: 3 Clay, 3 RedSand, 4 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateBlue: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 SilverPowder
  • DarkSlateGrey: 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay, 4 SilverPowder
  • DimGrey: 1 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 2 CabbageJuice, 4 Clay
  • FireBrick: 3 Carrot, 7 RedSand
  • Grey: 4 Carrot, 4 Copper, 2 RedSand (T9 - Light Slate Grey)
  • IndianRed: 7 Carrot, 1 Copper, 1 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder, 1 Sulfur, 1 EarthLight, 5 CabbageJuice
  • Licorice: 1 RedSand, 9 SilverPowder
  • LightSeaGreen: 8 Copper, 2 SilverPowder
  • LightSlateGrey: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper
  • MediumAquaMarine: 1 Carrot, 9 Copper
  • MediumSeaGreen: 9 Copper, 1 RedSand, 2 SilverPowder, 1 ToadSkin, 1 Sulfur, 2 Clay
  • MediumTurquoise: 10 Copper
  • OliveDrab: 9 Clay, 1 EarthLight
  • Peacock: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Copper
  • PersianIndigo: 5 CabbageJuice, 5 SilverPowder
  • Peru: 9 Carrot, 1 Copper
  • RawSienna: 6 Carrot, 4 RedSand
  • RedDevil: 9 RedSand, 1 SilverPowder
  • RichBlack: 2 Copper, 8 SilverPowder
  • RubyRed: 10 RedSand
  • SaddleBrown: 10 Clay
  • SeaGreen: 6 Copper, 1 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder
  • SealBrown: 3 Clay, 7 SilverPowder
  • Sienna: 1 CabbageJuice, 9 Clay
  • SlateGrey: 8 CabbageJuice, 2 Copper
  • SteelBlue: 4 CabbageJuice, 5 Copper, 1 Lead
  • Teal: 6 Copper, 4 SilverPowder
  • TyrianPurple: 1 Copper, 6 RedSand, 3 SilverPowder (this gives me Dk Scarlet, so not reactionless)