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Guilds:West Kush Public Works

From A Wiki in the Desert

Maintain a public CP at 847, -4246 (southwest corner of Valley of Queens Chariot Stop Plaza)

Currently has the following available:

  • Deep Well
  • Master's Forge
  • 4x Student's Forge with Extrusion Plates and Pinch Rollers
  • Master's Casting Box
  • 4x Student's Casting Box
  • 6x Rock Saw
  • 1x Jewel Glass Glazier's Bench
  • 4x Compression Furnace
  • 10x Small Distaff (2x w/ Pinch Rollers)
  • Reactory
  • 12x Pottery Wheel
  • 2x CC hearth
  • 6x Kitchen
  • 4x Kettle
  • Anvil w/tools
  • Crafting Bench w/ Sharpener and Vise
  • Public Warehouse
  • 2x Normal Glass Glazier's Bench
  • Chemistry Laboratory
  • Pigment Laboratory
  • Glory Hole
  • Four Compression Furnaces
  • Two Blast Furnaces

Public Mines Near public CP

  • Copper - (835, -4250) Directly behind public CP
  • Silver - (848, -4260) Directly behind public CP
  • Tin - (868, -4307) SE of public CP

East Kush mining camp

  • Iron - (1650, -4155) w/ 4x compression furnace
  • Copper - (1637, -4030) w/ 4x compression furnace
  • Silver - (1602, -3990)
  • Zinc - (1900, -3950)
  • Compound with four Compression Furnaces

Planned projects

  • 2x Soda Glass Glazier's Bench
  • Deep Well:
    • 400 Boards
    • 2000 Leather
    • 300 Nails
    • 500 Oil
    • 200 Rope
    • 20 Screw Gear

Wood Treatment Recipes

Ranch Water Trough upgrade (Black, Termite-resistant, Nontoxic Boards)

  • 150s Charcoal
  • 30s Sulphur
  • 10s Saltpeter
  • 16s Lead

Improved Hackling Rake: Hard, Rotproof boards (3 Charcoal, 1 Bonemal, 1 Oil, 3 Petroleum, 1 Lead)

  • Charcoal, 20s
  • Bonemeal, 10s
  • Oil, 10s
  • Petroleum, 30s
  • Lead, 6s

Pliable, Nontoxic boards (Santa's Sleigh, 3 Saltpeter, 1 Bonemeal, 1 Petroleum, 1 Beeswax, 1 Oil)

  • Saltpeter 20s
  • Bonemeal 10s
  • Petroleum 10s
  • Beeswax 10s
  • Oil 10s
  • Saltpeter 10s

Fireproof, Nontoxoc (Shop shelves)

  • Water 30s
  • Bonemeal 30s
  • Lime 10s

Current Projects

Barrel Grinder

Bearings	120
Boards	3,200
Leather	600
Oil	4,000
Small Quartz	1,000
Steel Cable	20

Project Warehouse

Small Warehouse owned by West Kush Public Works at egypt 849 -4239

 1207 Beeswax
  241 Boards
  599 Bricks
   30 Cement
  782 Charcoal
  876 Clay Bricks
  892 Clinker
  305 Copper
    8 Copper Sheeting
   60 Cuttable Stone
 4146 Firebricks
   60 Flystone
   10 Glass Pipe
   18 Gravel
   50 Leather
  800 Oil
  206 Papyrus (Fertile)
 4580 Petroleum
    5 Pulley
   36 Rope
   50 Sheet Glass
   54 Treated Boards:Hard Rotproof Nontoxic 
  180 Treated Boards:Rigid Hard Termite-resistant Nontoxic Black