A Wiki in the Desert
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Firepits Warehouse

Small Warehouse owned by Go with the Flow at egypt 894 -3639

    4 Flint
  428 Leeks
11702 Limestone
  194 Sharpened Stick
  113 Tinder
 2449 Wood

Crystal Hieroglyphs

Box owned by Go with the Flow at egypt 843 -3511

    1 Crystal Anubis

WTT Crystals - HAVE Anubis, NEED Amen Ra, Bes, Isis, Montu, Osiris or Thoth.


Prospected for Serpentine and Tangerine from the camp, -3530/-3500, out into the desert, back on -3500/-3470.


Also check recipes for Floreta, they might be cheaper: https://atitd.wiki/tale11/User:Floreta

I know that paint can be very intimidating, and also some colors are not even possible for all players, so I can help out making paint for a small fee, especially for European players (there are nice american time zone players helping out too):

  • Bring all materials needed - remember that all recipes are for 10 db of paint (the pigment lab actually uses 0.1 db at least ten times to make one db of paint)
  • If it's an unchecked recipe, please tell me in advance so I try to make one deben, maybe I didn't get all reactions exactly right
  • 10 [Copper] to make one color, up to 50 db of paint
  • 5 [Copper] for any extra color you want
  • 1 [Copper] per 10 db of paint if you want more than 50 db
  • If you want to pay with something else that's not trivial to get, like Lime or Mushrooms, that is ok too
Color Recipe Missing Reactions? Verified
AliceBlue Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Potash 1 Lime 1 Silver Powder 1 Y doesn't work - Silver Powder, gives White
Amethyst Copper 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Y Y
AntiqueWhite Carrot 4 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Iron 1 Y Y
Aqua Saltpeter 1 Falcons Bait 1 Copper 9 Potash 1 Y Y
Aquamarine Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Saltpeter 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Azure Potash 1 Copper 2 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Y N
BakerMillerPink Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Y N
Banana Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 2 Lime 1 Y N
BarnRed Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 9 Y N
Beet Cabbage Juice 9 Red Sand 1 Y N
Beige Saltpeter 1 Carrot 3 Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Y N
Bisque Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 6 Potash 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
Black Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 8 Cabbage Juice 1 Y Y
BlanchedAlmond Carrot 5 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Iron 1 Y N
BlazeOrange Sulfur 1 Carrot 9 Clay 1 Copper 1 Y N
Blue Floreta can make this ? N
BlueViolet Potash 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Toad Skin 1 Sulfur 1 Y N
Boysenberry Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 4 Y N
BrightPink Cabbage Juice 2 Lime 1 Red Sand 5 Carrot 2 Clay 1 Y N
Brown Carrot 2 Red Sand 8 Y N
BurgundyRed Cabbage Juice 2 Red Sand 5 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Y N
BurlyWood Cabbage Juice 4 Red Sand 4 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
BurntSienna Clay 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 7 Y N
BurntUmber Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 3 Y N
CadetBlue Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 4 Cabbage Juice 5 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
CadmiumOrange Sulfur 1 Red Sand 2 Carrot 7 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Y N
CadmiumYellow Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Iron 1 Carrot 7 Y N
Carrot Carrot 10 N N
Chartreuse Saltpeter 1 Carrot 8 Clay 1 Iron 1 Lime 1 Y N
Chocolate Carrot 8 Red Sand 2 Y N
CobaltBlue Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 2 Y N
CobaltGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
Coral Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Y N
CornflowerBlue Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Lime 1 Y N
Cornsilk Carrot 2 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Clay 4 Y N
Crimson Cabbage Juice 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 9 Y N
DarkBlue Lime 1 Falcons Bait 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Potash 1 Toad Skin 1 Y N
DarkCyan Copper 3 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Y N
DarkGoldenRod Carrot 2 Red Sand 7 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
DarkGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Clay 2 Lime 1 Y N
DarkGrey Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Y N
DarkJungleGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Y N
DarkKhaki Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Y N
DarkMagenta Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Carrot 1 Y N
DarkOliveGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 3 Clay 1 Y Y
DarkOrange Sulfur 1 Red Sand 5 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
DarkOrchid Saltpeter 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Y N
DarkRed Lime 1 Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 6 Y N
DarkSalmon Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 6 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
DarkScarlet Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 7 Carrot 2 Clay 1 Y N
DarkSeaGreen Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Y N
DarkSienna Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 9 Clay 1 Y N
DarkSlateBlue Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 1 Y N
DarkSlateGrey Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 5 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 1 Y N
DarkTurquoise Potash 1 Red Sand 1 Copper 8 Toad Skin 1 Sulfur 1 Y N
DarkViolet Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 10 Y N
DeepPink Cabbage Juice 3 Lime 1 Red Sand 2 Carrot 4 Clay 1 Y N
DeepSkyBlue Falcons Bait 1 Saltpeter 1 Potash 1 Copper 9 Y N
DimGrey Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 3 Clay 1 Y N
DodgerBlue Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Falcons Bait 1 Potash 1 Copper 8 Y N
DukeBlue Falcons Bait 1 Lead 6 Potash 1 Carrot 1 Toad Skin 2 Y N
EggshellWhite Saltpeter 1 Carrot 4 Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 5 Lime 1 Y N
EmeraldGreen Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 Clay 6 Lime 1 Y N
Feldspar Copper 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 5 Y N
FireBrick Carrot 3 Red Sand 7 Y N
FloralWhite Carrot 3 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
ForestGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Carrot 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
Fuchsia Potash 1 Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Lime 1 Red Sand 2 Y N
Gainsboro Sulfur 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Lime 1 Y N
GhostWhite Carrot 2 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Gold Saltpeter 1 Carrot 10 Lime 1 Y N
GoldenRod Clay 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Y N
Green Saltpeter 1 Carrot 6 Clay 2 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Y N
GreenYellow Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 6 Carrot 3 Iron 1 Lime 1 Y N
Grey Copper 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 1 Y N
HoneyDew Carrot 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Potash 1 Lime 1 Copper 1 Y N
HotPink Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Lime 1 Red Sand 3 Carrot 4 Y N
ImperialBlue Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Potash 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Y N
IndianRed Carrot 6 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Y N
Indigo Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 1 Y N
Ivory Carrot 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Khaki Cabbage Juice 3 Red Sand 1 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Lavender Carrot 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Potash 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
LavenderBlush Carrot 2 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
LawnGreen Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 6 Clay 1 Lead 1 Y N
LemonChiffon Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 6 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Licorice Clay 1 Red Sand 8 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Y N
LightBlue Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Y N
LightCoral Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 4 Lime 1 Red Sand 3 Y Y
LightCyan Carrot 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Potash 1 Lime 1 Copper 2 Y N
LightGoldenRodYellow Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 6 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
LightGreen Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 4 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
LightGrey Saltpeter 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Lime 1 Y N
LightPink Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 3 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
LightSalmon Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Lime 1 Carrot 7 Y N
LightSeaGreen Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Lime 1 Y N
LightSkyBlue Saltpeter 1 Copper 7 Cabbage Juice 2 Silver Powder 1 Lime 1 Y N
LightSlateBlue Potash 1 Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Toad Skin 1 Y N
LightSlateGrey Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
LightSteelBlue Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Saltpeter 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
LightYellow Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 4 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Lime Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Clay 8 Lime 1 Iron 1 Y N
LimeGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 5 Carrot 4 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
Linen Carrot 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Potash 1 Lime 1 Iron 1 Y N
Maroon Lime 1 Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 3 Y N
MediumAquaMarine Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Carrot 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
MediumBlue Floreta can make this ? N
MediumOrchid Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y N
MediumPurple Potash 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
MediumSeaGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 5 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
MediumSlateBlue Potash 1 Copper 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Toad Skin 1 Saltpeter 1 Y N
MediumSpringGreen Copper 6 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Iron 1 Y N
MediumTurquoise Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 10 Carrot 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
MediumVioletRed Cabbage Juice 2 Lime 1 Red Sand 8 Y N
Melon Cabbage Juice 1 Red Sand 7 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
MidnightBlue Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Y N
MintCream Potash 1 Copper 5 Cabbage Juice 3 Lime 1 Clay 2 Y N
MistyRose Carrot 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Potash 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Y N
Moccasin Saltpeter 1 Carrot 5 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Y N
NavajoWhite Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 3 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Navy Clay 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 1 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 10 Y N
OldLace Carrot 4 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Olive Saltpeter 1 Carrot 7 Clay 3 Y N
OliveDrab Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Red Sand 8 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
Orange Sulfur 1 Red Sand 1 Carrot 8 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
OrangeRed Sulfur 1 Red Sand 6 Carrot 3 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Y N
Orchid Copper 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y N
OxfordBlue Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Y N
PaleGoldenRod Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Carrot 2 Lime 1 Y Y
PaleGreen Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 3 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y N
PaleTurquoise Saltpeter 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Y Y
PaleVioletRed Cabbage Juice 5 Red Sand 4 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y N
PapayaWhip Copper 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Clay 3 Y N
PeachPuff Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 5 Y N
Peacock Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y N
PersianIndigo Cabbage Juice 8 Red Sand 1 Copper 1 Y N
PersianPink Copper 1 Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 5 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y N
Peru Copper 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 6 Y N
Pink Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 1 Potash 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Y Y
Plum Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 2 Y Y
PowderBlue Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Saltpeter 1 Lime 1 Iron 1 Y Y
PrussianBlue Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Y Y
Purple Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Lime 1 Red Sand 7 Carrot 1 Y Y
RawSienna Carrot 6 Red Sand 4 Y Y
Red Lime 1 Carrot 2 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 7 Clay 1 Y Y
RedDevil Lime 1 Red Sand 10 N Y
RichBlack Cabbage Juice 7 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 2 Y Y
RosyBrown Copper 1 Red Sand 2 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 2 Y Y
RoyalBlue Iron 1 Toad Skin 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 15 Y Y
RubyRed Red Sand 10 N Y
SaddleBrown Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 4 Carrot 5 Clay 1 Y Y
Salmon Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 4 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Y Y
SandyBrown Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 8 Y Y
Sangria Sulfur 1 Red Sand 10 N Y
SapGreen Clay 1 Red Sand 5 Carrot 3 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Y Y
SeaGreen Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y Y
SealBrown Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 9 Clay 1 Sulfur 1 Y Y
SeaShell Carrot 2 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Clay 2 Y Y
Sienna Carrot 5 Red Sand 4 Cabbage Juice 1 Y Y
Silver Carrot 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y Y
SkyBlue Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Potash 1 Clay 2 Lime 1 Y Y
SlateBlue Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Sulfur 1 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y Y
SlateGrey Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Y Y
SmokeyBlack Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 Y Y
Snow Carrot 2 Cabbage Juice 7 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y Y
SpringGreen Copper 6 Carrot 1 Saltpeter 1 Lime 1 Clay 3 Y Y
SteelBlue Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Carrot 1 Y Y
SteelPink Cabbage Juice 5 Red Sand 2 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 2 Y Y
Tan Cabbage Juice 5 Red Sand 3 Carrot 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y Y
Teal Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 Iron 1 Sulfur 1 Y Y
Thistle Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Saltpeter 1 Lime 1 Carrot 2 Y Y
Tomato Red Sand 4 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Carrot 5 Y Y
Turquoise Saltpeter 1 Copper 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 Lime 1 Y Y
TyrianPurple Clay 1 Red Sand 8 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Y Y
Violet Carrot 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Red Sand 3 Y Y
VioletRed Cabbage Juice 6 Lime 1 Red Sand 4 Y Y
Wheat Saltpeter 1 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Lime 1 Y Y
White Carrot 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Potash 1 Lime 1 Clay 1 Y Y
WhiteSmoke Carrot 1 Potash 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Lime 1 Copper 1 Y Y
Yellow Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 4 Iron 1 Carrot 5 Lime 1 Y Y
YellowGreen Carrot 4 Red Sand 5 Lime 1 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Y Y
Zaffre Potash 1 Toad Skin 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Y Y

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