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Mouldboard Plough

From A Wiki in the Desert
Revision as of 14:55, 30 January 2024 by Aton (talk | contribs)
Mouldboard Plough
Mouldboard Plough
Weight 1
Bulk 1

Made in a Crafting Bench that has been upgraded with a Vise Bench.



A Mouldboard Plough is required for Ploughing. Broken Ploughs can be repaired in a Carpentry Shop that has been upgraded with a vice, by adding 2 new Mouldboards.

Per Malard on 2021-08-07 in response to a dev call: "Mouldboard Ploughs have 3 guaranteed uses and then a 1 in 20 chance of breaking after that. With the rancher perk, the break chance becomes 1 in 50."

Since there is no rancher perk that affects ploughs, Malard probably meant the farmer perk.


To craft a Mouldboard Plough the Ploughing 0 (Skill) needs to be learned from a School of Worship.

Using the plough to create a field also requires Farming 1 XP

Produced By

Broken Plough, Crafting Bench