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Pilgrim Route
Stop # Shrine Tithe Needed Points Total
1 A (993, 6790) 1 Straw 100
2 B (596, -37) 20 Potash, 200
3 C (1227, -321) 50 Copper, 300
4 D (2763, -302) 200 Wood, 400
5 E (3415, -250) 30 Gravel, 500
6 F (4050, -310) 50 Silt, 600
7 G (4670, -600) 20 Lime, 700
8 H (4920, -1210) 20 Potash, 800
9 I (4290, -1130) 20 Ash, 900
10 F (4050, -310) 50 Silt, 950
11 J (3678, -1116) 15 Papyrus (fertile), 1050
12 K (3052, -1048) 2 Copper Straps, 1150
13 D (2763, -302) 200 Wood, 1200
14 L (1286, -925) 50 Lime, 1300
15 M (654, -640) 40 Flax, 1400
16 N (50, -996) 100 Wood, 1500
17 O (86, -1607) 25 Beeswax, 1600
18 P (691, -1248) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1700
19 Q (1294, -1525) 50 Ash, 1800
20 P (691, -1248) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1850
21 R (691, -1851) 30 Papyrus (Fertile), 1950
22 A (993, 6790) 1 Straw 2000

Materials Requried
Total/Person Item Group Total Stashed
2 straw 14
40 potash 280
50 copper 350
500 wood 3500
30 gravel 210
100 silt 700
70 lime 490 23
70 ash 490 Thnx Lewbis
105 Papyrus (fertile) 735 485
2 copper straps 14
40 flax 280
25 beeswax 175