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A stable is a home for a horse you can use to drive a chariot for faster travel. An avatar may only own ONE Stable at a time, but it may be torn down and rebuilt. The Stable is built in a Small Construction Site. The option is under Travel.

Small Construction Site
Cost to Build
Anvil Bed 1
Boards 500
Bricks 3,000
Cut Stone 10
Nails 100
Palm Frond 20
Rawhide Strips 20
Rope 30
Salt 5
Straw 1,000
Tar 40

Build a Stable

Refer to the list to the right

Construct a Chariot

  • To use your horse you must build a Chariot.
  • Chariots are assembled at the Stable after the player has learned Animal Husbandry 1.
  • You will have an option to "Paint the Body" of your chariot. There are no free colors. You must have paint in your inventory. This will consume 5 paint of the color chosen
  • You will have an option to "Paint the Trim" of your chariot. There are no free colors. You must have paint in your inventory. This will consume 5 paint of the color chosen


Acquiring your horse

  • To get your horse you must visit the Great Hall of your House. On the main menu there will be an option to get your free horse.
    • You will be asked the stable (you should only have one) that you wish to use. The horse will magically appear there from the Horse Fairy™
  • If you have paint in your inventory, you will have an option to "Stain the Bridle" for your horse
  • You will have an option to "Name Your Horse". If the horse already has a name, you will have an option to "Rename Your Horse"

Shoeing your horse

  • You can shoe your horse when it is in a stable. This replaces their current set of shoes.
  • Only one horse shoe is required.
  • Horse shoes as low as 1000 quality will work. Better quality horse shoes seem to make the horse move faster and take longer to wear out.


Upgrade with Food Trough

A Stable with a Food Trough can turn Straw in Horse Food at a rate of 1 Straw per Food.

  • Egyptian Horses are hardy beasts, and do not require food to survive.
  • Adding Horse Food in conjunction with water will energize your horse for increased speed
  • A horse should consume 144 Horse Food per day


Upgrade with Water Trough

  • Egyptian Horses do not require water to survive
  • Adding Horse Food in conjunction with water will energize your horse for increased speed
  • The water trough can hold a maximum of 500 water
  • The water trough can be fed by a well in manner similar to a Ranch


Driving the chariot

When riding the chariot, you can click any of the four speed buttons or the corresponding 1, 2, 3, 4 keys to set movement speed, or the Stop button (or 0) to stop moving. Click the ground to aim the horse in the direction you want to go. Horse will keep moving until you stop it or it hits water or anything beyond a gentle slope.

If the horse doesn't move, and isn't stuck on terrain, try killing and restarting your client -- this fixed the bug for Aidenna (T11).