A Wiki in the Desert
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North West Kush

From A Wiki in the Desert
Location 850, -3620

Friends & Family near UNatPh in NW West Kush.


  • copper
  • iron

Smelting Facilities 871 -3575

  • Iron Mine
  • Copper Mine
  • Gyration Cell
  • Hades Furnace
  • Charcoal Oven
  • 4x Student's Forge
  • Master's Casting Box
  • Warehouse

Metalworx 840 -3530

  • 16 Student's Forge
** ~11 with Extrusion Plate for Wire (not all of the the N or W ones)
** ~12 with  Pinch Rollers for Sheetings (not all of the N and W ones)
  • 1 Master's Forge
  • 2 Reactories
  • 4 Student's Casting Box
  • 4 Master's Casting Box
  • 11 Charcoal Hearth
  • Gearbox Assembly Table
  • Warehouse with some metal, wood, charcoal, resin, beeswax, gears etc


Glass & Stone Factory 850 -3540

  • 7 Soda Benches - (some need to be filled with 19+ debens)
  • 7 Normal Benches (some need to be filled with 19+ debens)
  • 1 Jewel Bench
  • Warehouse with charcoal and some ingredients for the kettles and benches, also intermediate storage for firepit materials
  • 6x5 Rock Saw
  • 4x4 Mason's Bench
  • 5x4 Kettle
  • Clinker Vat

Engineering and Laboratories 829 -3524

Basic Stuff, compound near 840 -3510

  • Sturdy and Flimsy brick moulds
  • Grain Oven with wheat and barley
  • Grain Oven for cooking (empty)
  • 2 Fleet Furnaces


  • 796 -3406, Medium, queen added
  • Small, Near shortcut to Lan, queen inserted
  • 795 -3630, Small, west of pond
  • 545 -3448, Medium, queen added

Water Mines

850 -3518


857 -3539


9 Firepits and WH 893 -3638

Small Warehouse owned by North West Kush at egypt 893 -3639

  303 Ash
 1397 Charcoal
  332 Dried Papyrus
   50 Grilled Cabbage
   40 Grilled Onions
   53 Grilled Peppers
    1 Iron Poker
  182 Leeks
12031 Limestone
  840 Onions
    9 Sharpened Stick
   81 Tinder
  401 Wood

Limestone Auger

West Kush 1399 -4043

Also a warehouse just a little north of it

Current Projects

Project warehouses by the sheep pens, West Kush 843 -3534

  • Raeli Oven, 662 -3179, Dredging Mechanism:
  10 Bearings for Driveshaft
 21 Tin Small Gears for Drivetrain
  7 Gold Medium Gears for Drivetrain
   3 Aluminum Bars for Base Housing
 10 Lead Strap for Bracing
57/488 Ash Palm Resin (Main Shaft Encasement)
186/188 Pratyeka Tree Resin (Secondary Gear Encasement)
  1 Gearbox A439-A558 D349-D440 H471-H575

New Raeli Oven:

3000 Clay Bricks
 500 Concrete
 100 Copper Wire
  25 Steel Sheeting
  20 Clay Steeped Wool Cloth
  • Brick Machine
  • Thistle Gardens
  • Silkworm Farms
  • Deep Well
  200 Rope
  400 Boards
  300 Nails
  13/20 Screw Gear
  500 Oil
 2000 Leather
Built in a Medium Construction Site:
  100 Board
    2 Canvas
    8 Rope
  • Silt Collector
 200 Hard, Rigid, Fireproof Treated Boards for the framework 
       10 Insulative, Corrosion Resistant, Sun Steel Sheeting for the Boiler
 200 Bolt
 200 Washer
  20 Copper Pipe
   5 Platinum Medium Gear
  2 Water Metal Medium Gear <--- Needs Gear Casting 2!
   1 Zinc Large Gear

Beer Spots


Stone Quarries