From A Wiki in the Desert
Ideal Relics for Ingara: (Must get at least 7 relics)
Ribbon of Harmony (Orange, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred) Portrait Collection (Yellow, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Old, Functional) (7) Air of Reason (Blue, Tiny, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Royal) (56) Security Prop (Brown, Small, Sturdy, Lightweight, Ancient, Functional) (147) Jewelry Collage (Blue, Tiny, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Sacred) (21) Spreader of Delight (Brown, Midsized, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Decorative) Strange Sundial (White, Large, Indestructable, Heavy, Ancient, Sacred) Holy Book (Yellow, Large, Delicate, Welterweight, Antique, Valueable) (252) Celestial Magnifier (Violet, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred) (7) Meditation Box (Yellow, Midsized, Indestructable, Lightweight, Timeless, Royal) (72) Sun Totem (Black, Tiny, Sturdy, Heavy, Timeless, Sacred) Odd Bone (Yellow, Midsized, Indestructable, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred) (112) Metalic Chalice (White, Small, Sturdy, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable) (84) Aether Flag (Red, Midsized, Sturdy, Welterweight, Old, Royal)
Relics To Trade:
Attention Grabber (Yellow, Midsized, Delicate, Featherweight, Old, Royal) Dirt Pick (White, Giant, Indestructable, Welterweight, Antique, Valueable) Font of Wisdom (Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Featherweight, Timeless, Functional) Fortune Teller (Brown, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred) Holy Book (Black, Giant, Delicate, Heavy, Antique, Functional) Holy Book (Orange, Tiny, Indestructable, Featherweight, Antique, Sacred) Holy Book (White, Tiny, Delicate, Lightweight, Timeless, Functional) Meditation Box (Red, Large, Sturdy, Lightweight, Antique, Sacred) Odd Bone (Orange, Giant, Sturdy, Heavy, Antique, Functional) Security Prop (Blue, Tiny, Sturdy, Weltereight, Antique, Functional) Wrist Exerciser (Red, Midsized, Delicate, Lightweight, Ancient, Royal) *Portrait Collection (Green, Midsized, Indestructable, Featherweight, Ancient, Valueable) *Celestial Magnifier (Violet, Giant, Delicate, Welterweight, Timeless, Sacred)
- = currently in use but getting me only 7 points so open to trading
x | x | x | Fly Tying 3 | Fly Tying 4 | Fly Tying 5 | Fly Tying 6 | Salvage Techniques |
x | x | x | Fly Tying 3
Fly Tying 4
Fly Tying 5
Fly Tying 6
Salvage Techniques
- 10 washers + 10 bolts + 1 aluminum medium gear + 2 electrum small gear
- 25 Shabti Dolls
- 300 bricks + 50 oil + 50 beeswax
- 60 linen
- 7 fine glass rods
- 7 large opal + 7 silk cloth + 100 leather
- 2 iron large gear + 80 leather
- 20 glass rods
- 300 bricks + 150 boards
- 100 candle + 5 rope
- 300 linen + 300 canvas
- 200 cut stone + 200 beeswax + 200 charcoal
- 200 canvas + 200 glass rods + 100 rope + 300 papy paper
- 12 Boards ✓
- 200 Clay Bricks ✓
- 30 Wood ✓
- 12 copper -> 2 Copper Sheeting ✓
- 40 Concrete ✓
- 1500 Bricks ✓
- 500 Boards
- 10 Sheet Glass ✓
- 100 Concrete ✓
- 75 Cut Stone ✓
- 156 Paint - Green
- 156 Paint - Yellow
- 200 Plaster ✓
- 400 Nails ✓
- 50 Papyrus Paper ✓
- 50 Ink ✓
- 4 Quill ✓
- 100 Clay
- 100 Dirt
- 4 Iron Bars
- 100 Red Sand
- 100 Sand
- 4 Sheet Glass
- 1 Thermometer
- 75 Treated Boards - Nontoxic, Termite Resistant
- 100 White Sand
Sarcophagus (90 min in MCB)
- 200 gold foil
- 220 iron
- 300 cut stone
- 520 beeswax
- 10,000 Bricks
- 1500 Nails
- 3000 Boards
- 100 Cuttable Stone
- 100 Paint - Greenish
- 100 Paint - Blueish
- 100 Paint - Redish
- 100 Paint - Yellowish
- 100 Paint - Whiteish
- 1 Sarcophagus
- 500 Concrete
- 650 Gold Foil
- 200 Silver
- 1 Medium Diamond
- 1 Medium Emerald
- 1 Medium Quartz
- 1 Medium Ruby
- 1 Medium Sapphire
- 4 Papyrus Basket
Multi-Herb Fumeology Points From:
- Verdant Squill + Bluebottle Clover
Citrus | Flat | Large | Long | Small | Greenish | Reddish | Sweet | Tangy |
Amanatsu | Yes | |||||||
Buddha's Hand | ||||||||
Calamondin | ||||||||
Citron | ||||||||
Coralfruit | ||||||||
Corian | ||||||||
Etrog | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Grapefruit | ||||||||
Iyokan | ||||||||
Kabosu | ||||||||
Kinnow | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | ||||
Kumquat | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Lemon | ||||||||
Lenat | ||||||||
Lime | ||||||||
Mandarin | Yes | Yes | ||||||
Orange | ||||||||
Oroblanco | ||||||||
Pummelo | ||||||||
Rangpur | ||||||||
Shangjuan | ||||||||
Sudachi | ||||||||
Summerbell | ||||||||
Tangelo | ||||||||
Tangerine | ||||||||
Yuzu | ||||||||
Color | Recipe | Missing Reactions? | Verified |
AliceBlue | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Copper 2 Sulfur 1 Falcons Bait 2 | N | N |
Amethyst | Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 1 | N | N |
AntiqueWhite | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 1 Copper 2 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Aqua | ? | N | |
Aquamarine | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 1 Red Sand 1 Copper 5 | N | N |
Azure | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Copper 7 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
BakerMillerPink | Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 4 Clay 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
Banana | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
BarnRed | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Red Sand 7 | N | N |
Beet | Cabbage Juice 10 | N | N |
Beige | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Carrot 3 Copper 5 | N | N |
Bisque | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Carrot 4 Copper 3 | N | N |
Black | Iron 1 Lime 1 Cabbage Juice 9 | N | N |
BlanchedAlmond | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 2 Copper 3 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
BlazeOrange | Saltpeter 1 Carrot 7 Clay 1 Lead 1 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
Blue | ? | N | |
BlueViolet | Clay 1 Copper 3 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 | N | N |
Boysenberry | Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 3 | N | N |
BrightPink | Sulfur 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 Falcons Bait 1 Saltpeter 1 | N | N |
Brown | Red Sand 8 Carrot 2 | N | N |
BurgundyRed | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Red Sand 8 | N | N |
BurlyWood | Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 6 Clay 2 Copper 1 | N | N |
BurntSienna | Copper 1 Clay 4 Red Sand 5 | N | N |
BurntUmber | Red Sand 7 Cabbage Juice 3 | N | N |
CadetBlue | Iron 2 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
CadmiumOrange | Saltpeter 1 Carrot 8 Clay 1 Lead 1 | N | N |
CadmiumYellow | Lead 1 Carrot 7 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
Carrot | Carrot 10 | N | N |
Chartreuse | Copper 1 Clay 4 Potash 1 Carrot 4 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
Chocolate | Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 8 | N | N |
CobaltBlue | Clay 1 Copper 3 Cabbage Juice 6 | N | N |
CobaltGreen | Lead 3 Cabbage Juice 3 Red Sand 2 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
Coral | Carrot 7 Cabbage Juice 1 Lead 1 Copper 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
CornflowerBlue | Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
Cornsilk | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Falcons Bait 3 | N | N |
Crimson | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 4 Carrot 2 Iron 1 | N | N |
DarkBlue | Toad Skin 1 Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 | N | N |
DarkCyan | Copper 6 Cabbage Juice 2 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
DarkGoldenRod | Lead 1 Carrot 6 Clay 3 | N | N |
DarkGreen | Iron 3 Carrot 1 Clay 5 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
DarkGrey | Cabbage Juice 6 Clay 3 Copper 1 | N | N |
DarkJungleGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 Iron 4 Carrot 1 | N | N |
DarkKhaki | Cabbage Juice 3 Copper 1 Clay 6 | N | N |
DarkMagenta | Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 | N | N |
DarkOliveGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Clay 3 | N | N |
DarkOrange | Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 Lead 1 Carrot 8 | N | N |
DarkOrchid | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 1 Lead 1 Saltpeter 1 | N | N |
DarkRed | Sulfur 1 Red Sand 10 | N | N |
DarkSalmon | Carrot 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Copper 1 | N | N |
DarkScarlet | Iron 1 Carrot 1 Red Sand 8 | N | N |
DarkSeaGreen | Clay 6 Cabbage Juice 1 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
DarkSienna | Iron 2 Carrot 1 Clay 2 Red Sand 5 | N | N |
DarkSlateBlue | Iron 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Carrot 1 | N | N |
DarkSlateGrey | Clay 3 Cabbage Juice 4 Red Sand 1 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
DarkTurquoise | Iron 1 Clay 1 Copper 8 Sulfur 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
DarkViolet | Clay 1 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 | N | N |
DeepPink | Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 6 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 | N | N |
DeepSkyBlue | Clay 1 Copper 14 Sulfur 1 Lead 1 | N | N |
DimGrey | Clay 9 Copper 1 | N | N |
DodgerBlue | Clay 1 Copper 11 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 1 | N | N |
DukeBlue | Copper 2 Sulfur 1 Dead Tongue 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Silver Powder 2 | N | N |
EggshellWhite | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 1 Carrot 3 Copper 3 | N | N |
EmeraldGreen | Lead 1 Toad Skin 3 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 1 Copper 8 | N | N |
Feldspar | Cabbage Juice 4 Copper 1 Clay 5 | N | N |
FireBrick | Red Sand 7 Carrot 3 | N | N |
FloralWhite | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 3 Copper 6 Falcons Bait 2 | N | N |
ForestGreen | Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 2 Iron 2 Carrot 1 | N | N |
Fuchsia | ? | N | |
Gainsboro | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Clay 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
GhostWhite | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Copper 6 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Gold | Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Copper 1 Clay 14 | N | N |
GoldenRod | Lead 1 Carrot 9 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
Green | Toad Skin 2 Iron 2 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Copper 5 | N | N |
GreenYellow | Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Copper 6 Clay 5 | N | N |
Grey | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Carrot 1 | N | N |
HoneyDew | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Copper 4 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
HotPink | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 6 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 | N | N |
ImperialBlue | Copper 8 Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
IndianRed | Cabbage Juice 6 Carrot 4 | N | N |
Indigo | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
Ivory | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 2 Copper 3 Falcons Bait 3 | N | N |
Khaki | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 7 Copper 1 | N | N |
Lavender | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Clay 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
LavenderBlush | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 1 Copper 4 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
LawnGreen | Copper 1 Clay 7 Potash 1 Carrot 1 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
LemonChiffon | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Copper 4 Falcons Bait 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
Licorice | Toad Skin 1 Clay 7 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
LightBlue | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 1 Copper 4 | N | N |
LightCoral | Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 4 Red Sand 4 Copper 1 | N | N |
LightCyan | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Falcons Bait 1 Clay 1 Copper 2 | N | N |
LightGoldenRodYellow | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Carrot 4 Copper 5 | N | N |
LightGreen | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Red Sand 1 Copper 3 Clay 3 | N | N |
LightGrey | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Clay 3 Copper 2 | N | N |
LightPink | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 3 Red Sand 2 Copper 1 | N | N |
LightSalmon | Carrot 8 Cabbage Juice 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
LightSeaGreen | Lead 1 Clay 2 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 5 | N | N |
LightSkyBlue | Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 1 Copper 5 | N | N |
LightSlateBlue | Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Sulfur 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
LightSlateGrey | Iron 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Carrot 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
LightSteelBlue | Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 1 Copper 2 | N | N |
LightYellow | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 1 Copper 2 Falcons Bait 3 | N | N |
Lime | ? | N | |
LimeGreen | Iron 1 Saltpeter 1 Lead 1 Carrot 4 Copper 4 | N | N |
Linen | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 3 Copper 5 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Maroon | Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 8 Iron 1 Lead 1 | N | N |
MediumAquaMarine | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 5 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 2 | N | N |
MediumBlue | ? | N | |
MediumOrchid | Cabbage Juice 7 Carrot 1 Lead 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
MediumPurple | Cabbage Juice 9 Copper 1 | N | N |
MediumSeaGreen | Lead 1 Carrot 2 Red Sand 1 Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 2 | N | N |
MediumSlateBlue | Clay 2 Cabbage Juice 4 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Lead 3 | N | N |
MediumSpringGreen | Lead 1 Red Sand 1 Dead Tongue 1 Saltpeter 1 Copper 7 | N | N |
MediumTurquoise | Iron 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 1 Copper 7 | N | N |
MediumVioletRed | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 Iron 1 | N | N |
Melon | Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 4 Copper 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
MidnightBlue | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Iron 2 Carrot 1 Lead 4 | N | N |
MintCream | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 2 Copper 7 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
MistyRose | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Copper 1 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Moccasin | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 5 Clay 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
NavajoWhite | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Clay 3 Carrot 3 Copper 1 | N | N |
Navy | Toad Skin 1 Copper 7 Saltpeter 1 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
OldLace | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 3 Copper 4 Falcons Bait 2 | N | N |
Olive | Copper 1 Clay 9 | N | N |
OliveDrab | Lead 1 Carrot 1 Clay 8 | N | N |
Orange | Saltpeter 1 Carrot 8 Copper 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
OrangeRed | Saltpeter 1 Carrot 8 Clay 1 Iron 1 | N | N |
Orchid | Red Sand 3 Cabbage Juice 5 Clay 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
OxfordBlue | Lime 1 Red Sand 2 Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 4 | N | N |
PaleGoldenRod | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 5 Clay 1 Copper 2 | N | N |
PaleGreen | Lead 3 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 3 Red Sand 1 Copper 2 | N | N |
PaleTurquoise | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Red Sand 1 Copper 5 | N | N |
PaleVioletRed | Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Copper 1 | N | N |
PapayaWhip | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 3 Copper 4 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
PeachPuff | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 3 Carrot 3 Copper 1 | N | N |
Peacock | Clay 2 Copper 8 | N | N |
PersianIndigo | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Lead 1 | N | N |
PersianPink | Clay 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 3 Red Sand 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
Peru | Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 1 Copper 1 Clay 2 | N | N |
Pink | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 6 Clay 1 Carrot 2 Copper 1 | N | N |
Plum | Cabbage Juice 7 Clay 2 Copper 1 | N | N |
PowderBlue | Lead 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 2 Clay 1 Copper 4 | N | N |
PrussianBlue | Lime 1 Copper 5 Cabbage Juice 5 | N | N |
Purple | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Iron 1 | N | N |
RawSienna | Clay 5 Carrot 5 | N | N |
Red | Copper 1 Carrot 6 Red Sand 3 Saltpeter 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
RedDevil | Saltpeter 1 Red Sand 9 Iron 1 | N | N |
RichBlack | Iron 4 Carrot 1 Clay 2 Sulfur 1 Lead 3 | N | N |
RosyBrown | Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 8 Copper 1 | N | N |
RoyalBlue | Clay 1 Copper 4 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 5 | N | N |
RubyRed | Red Sand 10 | N | N |
SaddleBrown | Clay 10 | N | N |
Salmon | Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 6 Copper 1 | N | N |
SandyBrown | Cabbage Juice 2 Carrot 6 Copper 1 Clay 1 | N | N |
Sangria | Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Red Sand 9 | N | N |
SapGreen | Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 8 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
SeaGreen | Iron 1 Carrot 1 Clay 5 Copper 3 | N | N |
SealBrown | Iron 2 Carrot 1 Clay 5 Sulfur 1 Red Sand 2 | N | N |
SeaShell | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 3 Copper 7 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Sienna | Clay 9 Cabbage Juice 1 | N | N |
Silver | Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 3 Clay 2 Copper 1 | N | N |
SkyBlue | Clay 2 Cabbage Juice 3 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 3 | N | N |
SlateBlue | Copper 2 Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 8 | N | N |
SlateGrey | Lead 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 Cabbage Juice 7 | N | N |
SmokeyBlack | Toad Skin 1 Red Sand 7 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
Snow | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 2 Clay 1 Copper 5 Falcons Bait 2 | N | N |
SpringGreen | Potash 1 Red Sand 2 Iron 1 Carrot 1 Copper 6 | N | N |
SteelBlue | Clay 1 Copper 4 Cabbage Juice 5 | N | N |
SteelPink | Cabbage Juice 4 Carrot 5 Lead 1 | N | N |
Tan | Carrot 5 Cabbage Juice 4 Copper 1 | N | N |
Teal | Copper 5 Cabbage Juice 3 Iron 1 Carrot 1 | N | N |
Thistle | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 8 Clay 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
Tomato | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 3 Carrot 6 Clay 1 | N | N |
Turquoise | Saltpeter 1 Copper 10 | N | N |
TyrianPurple | Red Sand 6 Cabbage Juice 3 Lead 1 | N | N |
Violet | Red Sand 1 Cabbage Juice 9 Sulfur 1 Clay 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
VioletRed | Sulfur 1 Cabbage Juice 7 Red Sand 2 Copper 1 Saltpeter 1 | N | N |
Wheat | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 4 Clay 4 Carrot 1 Copper 1 | N | N |
White | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 1 Copper 6 Falcons Bait 2 | N | N |
WhiteSmoke | Saltpeter 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Clay 2 Copper 6 Falcons Bait 1 | N | N |
Yellow | Lead 1 Potash 1 Carrot 8 Red Sand 1 | N | N |
YellowGreen | Iron 1 Cabbage Juice 1 Carrot 1 Copper 1 Clay 6 | N | N |
Zaffre | Falcons Bait 1 Copper 1 Sulfur 1 Dead Tongue 1 Cabbage Juice 7 | N | N |