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Grand Machine

From A Wiki in the Desert

Test of the Grand Machine/Automaton

In this test players attempt to create a grand machine that is closest to their individual requirements. Once created, players will be able to upgrade individual components to improve their score. Each component is weighted and the closer their Grand Machine is to their requirements, the higher their score. The highest scorer each week passes the test.


User specific components of the Grand Machine shall be (score is only calculated off of these):

Multiple Blacksmithed products of exact Q (for example 6789 - probably worth having a lower and upper limit of possible values) - also implementing the Artistic Ability from Art Test passes to be optional

Potentially glassblown products of exact Q (as above)

3+ x Gear boxes of exact ratio, not a range, of 1 output. These ratios should be possible (I'm unsure of the limitations of the gearbox assembly table

Treated Sheet Metal

Treated Wood

Common components shall be (score is not calculated off of these):





Steam Engine




Gear Oil
