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Senou Image Guild Facilities Guild Projects Trading Citrus Data Treatment Recipes Paint Recipes Local Resources

Senou Guild

Senou Guild Hall is located in Asyut 920, 1834

Guild Map

Leaflet | (c) Desert Nomad Games 2019

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Guild Facilities

Compound Coordinates Buildings Available Items Stored
Post Office 935, 1836 Trading Chests, Personal Chests & Project Warehouses
Pottery Barn 927, 1833 True Kiln x16, Improved Brick Rack x12, Pottery Wheel x36, Marble Tub x20, Vault Kiln x1, Pottery Deck x1 Wet & Dry Bricks, Wood, Clay, Flint, Tadpoles, Dirt, Dung, Saltpeter, Sulfur, Jugs, Silt Straw
Flax Processing 923, 1844 Flax Hammock x24, Paper Press x10, Papyrus Tank x15, Small Distaff x16, Hackling Rake x3, Hand Loom x1 Fishing Junk, Insects, Fishing Lures, Papyrus Seeds, Flax Seeds, "All Flax & Papyrus Related Materials"
Carpentry Shop 912, 1850 Carpentry Shop x20, Barrel Vise x4, Charcoal Oven x6, Rabbit Hutch x3, Chicken Coop x2 Wood, Tar, Carp Blades
Senou Kitchen 922, 1862 Kitchen x7, Grain Oven x4, Malting Tray x4, Kettle x25, Hookah x1, Large Aging Rack x10, Creamery x1, Butter Churn x1, Terrarium x2 Herbs, Mushrooms, Fish, Veggies, Veggie Seeds, Grain, Wheat, Honey, Royal Jelly, Animal Meat & Bones, Fertilizer, Ash, Coconuts
Metalworks - Casting 911, 1870 Student's Casting Box x42
Metalworks - Forging 898, 1862 Student's Forge x25, Master's Forge x5, Barrel Grinder x1, Anvil x2, Reactory x2, Glory Hole x1 Gems, Beeswax, Charcoal, Metal Products, Metals, Ore, Coal, Tools, Resin
Science Magic 905, 1884 Chemistry Laboratory x1, Pigment Laboratory x1
Stoneworks 886, 1874 Fleet Furnace x12, Clinker Vat x1, Mason's Bench x12, Rock Saw x25 Cuttable Stones, Medium Stones, Clinker, Concrete, Gravel, Red Sand, Cement
Glass House 872, 1935 Master's Casting Box x3, Glazier's Bench x12, Firepit x8 White Sand, Dried Flax, Dried Papy, Iron Poker, Limestone, Tinder, Charcoal, Lime, Potash, Soda, Fine Glass Pipe, Fine Glass Rods, Glass Jars, Glass Pipe, Glass Rods, Sheet Glass
Building Coordinates
Large Greenhouse x3 867, 1874
Deep Well x1 891, 1892

Animal Area

Animal Coordinates Amount
Bovine 872, 1866 Ranch x2
Sheep 864, 1869 Sheep Pen x2
Camels 912, 1850 Dromedary Pen x10


  • Iron Mine - 611, 2113 (Asyut)
  • Tin Mine - 596, 2123 (Asyut)
  • Silver Mine - 689, 2093 (Asyut)
  • Gold Mine - 2444, 1327 (Red Sea)

Mining Camps

  • Auricupride - 1287, 995 (Thebes)